The Immaturity of Gamers, Part III

This is getting old.  It really, really is.  It’s getting to the point that I’m starting to feel ashamed for this hobby, because the people who are involved with it, these terminally-online men, are making it look TERRIBLE.  It has come such a long way from the days when people thought that gaming was just a distraction and would never compete with heavy-hitters like film.  Now, gaming is kicking Hollywood’s ass!  It should be seen as an art form, on the same level as film, but it isn’t.  And part of the reason why it isn’t is shit like the images that I’m going to show you, grabbed from Twitter’s sad corpse that is basically a mecca of morons who can’t keep their perv side in check.

Exhibit A –

The “woke chin”?  REALLY?!  Has this man or any of his dim-witted followers EVER seen an actual woman before?  For real, have they seen a single woman in real life outside of porn, anime, or vidya?  There is no greater indictment of the inability of men to connect with women in a non-sexual way than to say that Joanna Dark’s chin is too “woke”.  This is insane.  I’m sorry that none of these men have ever seen a real woman before.  It must be very difficult.

Never before have I understood the utility of the phrase “touch grass,” but holy fuck!  Get outside and talk to people!  Meet actual human beings and realize that the world is not porn!  Volunteer with a non-profit or help with some community event.  There are ways to get to know actual women that don’t involve being on your computer.  Not that any of the guys who feel this way would do that.  I guarantee that real women wouldn’t live up to the fantasy of a woman that they have in their head.  They would prefer their fantasy woman because that woman won’t have any expectations of them and they don’t have to change in any way to make the relationship work.

People who think this way have a VERY specific idea for what a woman should be like.  Anything that deviates from it is incorrect.  Especially in their video games.  I can already hear the refrain from these sad incels – “video games are about fantasy!  Why shouldn’t we want women that look like supermodels!?”  You can want whatever you want, I guess.  But gaming companies are under ZERO obligation to cater to you.  In case you might have noticed, you all aren’t young people anymore.  There is a new generation that is coming in, and they have different sensibilities then you.  I’m sorry that you all aren’t aware enough to understand that.  It must be very difficult for you.

Which brings us to Exhibit B –

Wooooow.  Can men just control their horniness for five goddamn seconds?!  Is that REALLY asking too much?  First off, flat?!  You see those C cup boobies, sad horny man?!  I do.  I see them clear as day.  And of course, the “man jaw.”  I expect this shit from Grummz.  He is one of the saddest gaming incels I’ve ever seen.  This guy has been parading around his outdated horny attitude for years.  I remember a time when I used to agree with some of his takes, but then I realized that he is just another sad conservative who bitches about video games not being exactly what he wants.

I swear, I’m just so DONE with these people.  You want Lara Croft to have G cup boobs?  You want her to have the Stellar Blade chick’s ass with the associated jiggle physics?  Well, there are DOZENS of places online where you can get porn of exactly that.  If you can’t handle a woman who isn’t spank bank material in a game, then maybe this isn’t the game for you.  Hell, maybe gaming isn’t for you!  Maybe you and your two-pump chump dick (looking at you, Grummz) should find another hobby.  Watching porn seems right up your alley.  God knows, you complain when every woman in every game isn’t enough of a porn star for you.

To say nothing of the fact that they could just as easily make the kind of game they want to play.  That’s right, they could make a game where all the female characters are sex objects whose personality directly correlates with their cup size.  With all the tools available to them, they could make whatever kind of game they want to make.  Make their sex toy version of Lara Croft who is just a pair of breasts that talk.  That’s so OBVIOUSLY what they want.  Make her look like the chick from Stellar Blade and even have a secret nude mod, or just give out the modding tools right from the jump so all the guys on PC can make her nude.  That’s all that you people care about, so go for it.

I remember giving out this advice when it was the social justice types who were bitching about women in games, and now I’m giving it to their antithesis now – if you want games with a certain kind of character, then put your money where your mouth is and make it.  There is NOTHING stopping you from learning and putting that to use.  The Indie market is hotter than it has ever been now.  So go for it.

In the meantime, would you PLEASE shut the fuck up about how “woke” or “man jaw” a female character is?!  Is that asking too goddamn much?

Until next time, a quote,

“I says to him ‘next time you have a thought, just let it go.'” – Ron White

Peace out,


Sweet Baby Inc. is GamerGate 2.0?

Man, 2014 seems like a lifetime ago.  Life for me was very different at that time.  It was my last year at college, and a rough one at that.  Things were hard for me, and I was nearing the end of what I call the “nice guy phase” of my life.  It was a few years past that that I grew up and realized that I wasn’t as nice as I thought, and became a better person because of it.

I remember when the Internet Aristocrat’s video about Quinnspiracy dropped, and how it was a fascinating series about the interconnected web of games journalists sleeping with people they wrote about, sleeping with people in their industry, and the connections they used and abused.  In hindsight, GamerGate wasn’t nearly the dragon-slaying that we thought it was.  It was just exposing the corrupt the journalism industry was.  But it was a hell of a time to be online.

Ever since then, gaming journalism was real salty about it, and tried to keep it going.  But after about six or seven years, even they couldn’t keep the old boogeyman going, so it quietly passed away.  It was one of those online things that only happens once in a generation.  An online movement that got big enough for the normies to take notice.  Things like that don’t happen much.  However, it seems that the anti-woke crowd kind of missed it, so they decided to get their dander up about something that is utterly meaningless.

See, there’s this consulting firm called Sweet Baby Inc, and boy howdy, do the anti-woke crowd hate their guts.  Why?  Because they are working to foster more diversity in video games, which the anti-woke crowd has been boo-hooing about for about as long as it has been since GamerGate.  And this group has been consulted with, just consulted with (at no point did they actually get involved in the actual development process), on several high-profile games.  The first is Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, a phenomenal game that has “woke” elements that work splendidly, and was a huge hit.  Then there is Alan Wake II, which was not only a commercial hit, but also was nominated for game of the year by a bunch of different outlets.  Then there is God of War: Ragnarok, a game that not only was a blockbuster of sales, but all the coverage of it was universally positive (outside of pretentious douchebags like David Jaffe who think it didn’t innovate enough), and also a solid contender for Game of the Year in the year it came out, losing pretty narrowly to Elden Ring.  That was a VERY good year for gaming.

But then there was them being consulted for Suicide Squad, which wasn’t killed because of being “woke”.  It was was killed because it’s a shitty live service game, in a vast sea of shitty live service games.  To say nothing of how they treated Kevin Conroy’s last appearance as Batman.  But don’t tell the people desperate to make Sweet Baby Inc the focal point of GamerGate 2.0.

But Lucien, they were consulted for the Saint’s Row reboot!  What about that?!

Everyone and their dog loves to talk about how that game is the quintessential “get woke, go broke” game, but that’s just not true.  If that game had been better written and had gameplay that wasn’t a bug-ridden mess, it wouldn’t have been the disaster that it was.  That game was a tire fire from the word go, and wokeness isn’t the sole cause for that.  The gameplay and glitches alone would have killed it.  The shitty writing and poorly made “woke” character were just the icing on the cake.  Plenty of games have shown that if you make a game with well-written characters, a good story, and good gameplay, it won’t matter if it’s “woke”.  It will still be successful.

Case and point – Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse.  That film is a masterclass in a “woke” film done right.  It was a good movie first, woke second.  Gaming is learning the same lesson.  It had some cringe-y “woke” stuff, but now it is learning how to integrate it in creative ways.  And that’s good!  What the anti-woke crowd who is wanting to recapture the energy that the original GamerGate had.  Except it isn’t working.  Already the fire behind this is gone, being kindled by the sad people who desperately want to believe it is a thing.

Here’s something these people just don’t understand – the world is made up of all kinds of people.  And there’s NOTHING WRONG with them wanting representation in gaming.  Sure, it needs to make sense, but like I said, we are seeing how it can be positively integrated.  I’m so sorry that games are made that have women, and black people, and the LGBT.  But they are a part of this world too.  If that bothers you so much, then you have two choices.  Either you can play something else (there are over 14,000 games that come out in a given year between Steam and the various consoles), or you can make your own games.  You can put your money where your mouth is and make the games you want to see.  If they are good, they will sell well.  If they are crap, they will sell poorly.

The short answer of the question above is – no.  GamerGate 2.0 isn’t happening.  What happened in 2014 was a once-in-a-generation sort of online movement that doesn’t get seen all that much.  Lightning in a bottle.  It was a crazy fun ride, at the time, but that was then.  Now, it’s all just past tense.  And some consulting firm who has no actual power in this industry isn’t going to ruin that.  I’m sorry for people who believe it is.  You all need to get a life.  Touch grass.

Until next time, a quote,

“This is a once-in-a-generation HOLY SHIT idea!  And the water beneath the Golden Gate Bridge is freezing cold!  Look at my face, and tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about.” – Sean Parker, The Social Network

Peace out,


F*ck Bill Maher, Part Deux

It kills me how many people who I used to respect are turning into complete conservative boomers in their old age.  Richard Dawkins has turned his entire online presence into bitching about trans people.  Bet him and JK Rowling are fans.  Speaking of her, she is now saying that the Nazis didn’t kill any people for being trans.  I swear, we’re a few unhinged rants of hers away from her saying that Hitler did nothing wrong for killing trans people.  I bet she actually believes that, given her visceral hatred for the trans community.  Seem likes every time I hear about someone that I really respected or looked up to who is still kicking today and has gotten older, the more I don’t like them.

Which brings us to Bill Maher.  Man, I used to think this guy was an amazing comedian.  I had two of his specials on DVD, and would watch them often.  His documentary Religulous was on my top 10 list that I have been making, but stopped at, because I was having some internal disagreement.  Especially now.  But as the years have gone on, he has become more and more of a curmudgeon.  A rich bourgeoisie prick who is one of the people he used to make fun of.  He’s like the living stereotype that people have about Democrats that they are Hollywood liberals that are out of touch with the average America.  Bill Maher is the living embodiment of that!  I’m just waiting for his video on PragerU of “Why I Left the Left,” that so many of these hucksters turned conservative prude have done.  Him, John Fetterman, and Tulsi Gabbard.  All three should make one.  I’m sure they will, at some point.

On his HBO series, he recently did a New Rules segment where he basically shit on people who have what he believes to be fake PTSD.  What does he think actual PTSD is?  Well, it’s soldiers, of course!  Only soldiers have itl  That’s right, only soldiers who have fought in Iraq have this issue.  Wow!  Thanks, Bill Maher!  I’m so glad that you have set me straight on this!  It’s only an affliction for soldiers.

That guy who was the teacher who survived the shooting in Uvalde, with all of his students dead, and he only survived by playing dead, and now is wracked with survivor’s guilt?  Yeah, he doesn’t have it.  The guy who proposed to his girlfriend, and the cliff they were standing next to suddenly gave way, causing her to fall into the abyss and die?  Yeah, he doesn’t have it.  Proud of that girl who got her arm bitten off by a shark and who has been able to take up surfing again.  That’s conquering some PTSD, tell you what.

Or there is a dear friend of mine.  She is engaged to a woman who, along with her sister, was the victims of repeated sexual assault by a family member.  She CANNOT go to sleep at night unless she makes certain the bedroom door is locked.  If something happens and they have to get up at night, she can’t get back to sleep unless they make sure it is locked again.  She has woken up to fits of night terrors. where she has to be calmed down.  But hey, she didn’t fight in Iraq, so Bill Maher doesn’t think she has PTSD.  She should just pull herself up by her bootstraps, amirite, you conservative prick?!

And of course, Bill Maher refuses to go anywhere near where young people are to do comedy shows anymore, because he knows that he would be booed off-stage.  Rightly, from where I’m sitting.  This is the kind of stuff he is joking about now.  Belittling the victims of actual crimes, and shitting on their needs, all because they don’t fit the narrow criteria of what he believes is actually PTSD.  Fuck this clown.

I had COVID, which caused me some hardcore heart issues.  Now, I am constantly worrying about my health.  Have gone to some crazy extremes to try and get healthier, but every time my heart races, or I have a weird feeling somewhere in my body, it makes me afraid.  I was told by a friend who works in nutrition that this is pretty common.  That a major health scare is enough to get people motivated to take action for their health.  But hey, guess I’m just one of these whiners that Bill Maher so laments, because I didn’t fight in Iraq.

It just blows my mind how a guy who used to be one of the more progressive voices in comedy is now one of the most conservative people I have ever seen, all because he refused to believe that he might be wrong about some things.  It was great to hear Neil deGrasse Tyson absolutely DESTROY Maher about why his comedy isn’t as popular anymore.  My respect for Neil has never been higher.

Then there are Maher’s takes on what is happening in Gaza right now.  Naturally, he sucks Netanyahu’s evil cock like every other major media figure.  I call him Hitleryahu, becuase with what he is doing to the Palestinians in Gaza, I see no meaningful difference between Hitler and Netanyahu.  Maher has shit on everyone who is calling this what it is so hard.  Of course he is.

The real reason that conservatives absolutely LOVE Bill Maher right now is because Maher is kind of salty about the fact that everyone sees him as a stodgy fuck who is behind the times.  He is so virulently “anti-woke” these days, and has given so many conservatives a ball-washing in interviews with him because they agree with him about being “woke” and how bad that is.

Never mind that the dude is too pussy to go anywhere that he might have to actually defend himself.  Maher got all triggered when Tyson took him to school and told him flat-out that he wasn’t able to read the room anymore, and he got all offended and said that everyone else is the problem.  Even though he is a comedian and at the front-line of the battle for free speech, right?  Of course not.  The dude is a gutless coward who is mad that people don’t like him anymore.  Far as I’m concerned, he deserves it.

I have made a lot of points about separating the art from the artist, but honestly, I just can’t do that anymore.  Not with the person that Bill Maher has become.  It’s like re-reading Anne Rice’s books, knowing that towards the end of her life, she became a born-again Christian and denounced everything she ever wrote as disgusting sin.  Or re-reading Ender’s Game and knowing that Orson Scott Card was a VIRULENT homophobe, which is funny, considering some of the scenes in that book of the boys fighting while nearly naked.  Wondering if Card maybe had some issues there.  So that’s where I’m at with Bill Maher.  Probably for the best.  The dude does nothing but have L takes, and he can’t take the L and move on.

Still waiting on that PragerU video.

Until next time, a quote,

“Why does nothing make you happy?  You’re the grumpiest-” – Neil deGrasse Tyson

Peace out,


It’s Time for Gamers to Grow Up

Unless you live under a rock or are not interested in gaming in any way, the biggest game releasing right now is Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth.  If leave time wasn’t such a precious commodity for me, I’d take some to play it on Friday, but life’s hard right now and I need to save it up for if life comes at me fast.  It has a bad habit of that, so I do what I can.  However, it seems that there is a very vocal community who is not happy with this game.  It’s a community that should surprise no one who has had any prolonged exposure to the gaming medium and its partakers.  The community of men who can’t handle a woman being in a video game if they can’t jerk it to her.

These people are just the worst, and they give our community such a bad look with the normies and the gals who are gamers that feel consistently excluded from it.  My bestie is a girl gamer, and she doesn’t attend any of the gaming events that she has had the opportunity to.  Why?  For the same reason she doesn’t attend Cons.  There is this vocal group who will harass her.  They will demand she prove her credit as a nerd.  They will ask her out on a date, unless she goes with another man.  If she goes with her fiancee, then the two of them will get all kinds of comments about being lesbian.  It’s disgusting.  Then there are the guys who, if she went alone, would think that she only got into it because of a boyfriend or guy friend.  Only women have to prove their cred like this.  No man has to deal with this.

So here we are, with Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth just a day away, and we have the men who can’t handle woman who don’t have massive boobs bitching about Tifa.  Why?  Well, because Square Enix didn’t make the 15 year old version of her in the flashback sequence sexy enough.  A 15 year old girl, and they’re mad they can’t jerk it to her.  Then they are mad that the adult version of her doesn’t have big enough boobs.  Never mind that she is still well-endowed.  They’re made they aren’t big enough.  They’re also mad that Lara Croft’s boobs aren’t big enough too, but that goes all the way back to the reboot of the franchise in 2013.

They were mad about Aloy in Horizon: Forbidden West not being feminine enough.  They were mad that MJ in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 wasn’t sexy enough.  “But she’s a supermodel in the comics!” Well, she isn’t a supermodel in this universe.  She’s a reporter.  And it isn’t like she’s ugly, either.  She’s hella pretty, in that girl next door kinda way.  Clearly the men who were bitching about this have never seen a woman outside of porn or vidya.  It’s starting to show.

And don’t even get me STARTED on the endless bitching about “woke” in video games.  Games that have cosmetic things like Pride symbols or a rainbow flag.  These people lose their fucking minds about that.  Boy howdy, you’d think that there was someone in their screen giving them a stern talking-to about the LGBT or something, instead of it being something they could totally ignore if they don’t like it.  YouTubers like angry bald British loser Heelvsbabyface make such an insane mountain out of that molehill that he lost his fucking mind about a pronoun selector in Starfield that existed specifically for role-playing.  He then got salty when everyone clowned on him for how cringe that was and said he was “cancelled”.  A term that has lost all meaning.

My response to all of these people – it’s time to grow up.  It really is.  It’s time to stop being petulant, immature, pathetic children.  It’s about time to accept the reality that there are more people than just you and yours in the world.  The LGBT are real.  I’m so sorry.  That must hurt your precious feelings so much.  Groj knows, you are so big on your feelings when it comes to this.  I thought facts didn’t care about them?  That’s what that rat fink Ben Shapiro says, ad infinitum.  But they’re real.  This must be so hard for you, but they exist and you have to deal with it.  They are a community that companies that like to make money (which is what video games exist for) will pander to.  For all conservative dipshits go on about “economics”, they seemed to miss that one.

There are also other races that exist too.  Miles Morales is a person, and he is a Spider-Man.  There are more than one.  We got to see just how many there are in Across the Spider-Verse.  There are women in the role too, like Silk, who we got a brief hint of at the end of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.  Hoping that franchise ends up having a big spider-family.  I know that it’s difficult to accept, but other races are a thing and these companies that exist to MAKE MONEY will try and pander to them as well.  Your precious feelings can’t handle it, I know, but there it is.

I have no idea what sort of isolated world that you grew up in, but these people are real, and you have to deal with that.  If you can’t handle it, then I’m going to give you a piece of advice I gave to the insane social justice types, back in the day – make your own games.  Nothing is stopping you.  The tools to make games are more accessible now than ever before.  So if you want your white ethnostate video games to be made, then get to work making them.  If this is so important to you, then put your money where your mouth is.  That’s what the social justice crowd ended up doing.  That and they stopped making content that was so cringe and bad that we couldn’t help clowning on them.  They learned from their mistakes.  Now it’s time for you to as well.

Until next time, a quote,

“I owe it to the world to make sure this evil never sees the light of day.” Dr. Gregory House, MD

Peace out,


Way To Miss the Point About the X-Men

I keep such a cursory eye on what Disney is doing with their Marvel content these days.  After Endgame, was good and tired of the genre.  However, I have gotten to see all the lame-ass conservative nerd commentators bilking the Disney missteps with this franchise for all it is worth, but to me it was all just a sideshow.  I don’t have Disney+, nor will I.  Ever.  However, I saw the trailer for the updated version of the 90’s X-Men cartoon, and it looks pretty sick.  Will I get Disney+ for it?  No.  I have piracy for that sort of thing.  Still, something that looks really cool, has a slick animation style, combat that is dope, and getting to see Gambit upgrading Wolverine’s claws is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a while.

However, it didn’t take long for the conservative nerd crowd to get their dander up about a cartoon.  Why?  Well, it seems that one of the X-Men, Morph, is nonbinary.  The character who is a shape-shifter that can become anybody, is nonbinary.  Makes sense to me.  Why wouldn’t they be nonbinary?  A character who literally doesn’t adhere to the gender binary to any capacity, who is whatever they want to be, what sense would it make to have them be male or female?  That is totally logical, to me.

But the conservative nerd crowd didn’t take it well.  Oh boy, lots and lots of meme-worthy thumbnails that I just cringe at.  But among the TERRIBLE hot takes that have come out about this, there is one in-particular that stuck in my craw.

None of them ever read the comics?  I think you’re mistaken, sir.  It is you that I don’t think have ever read the comics that this new series is based off of.  Since their inception, the X-Men have been an analogue to marginalized groups.  Mutants, as a concept, were meant to be a stand-in for groups who are marginalized.  In the 90s, the big group that was marginalized was the gay and lesbian community.  Stan Lee made very clear that the X-Men represented all marginalized groups who face persecution by the public at large.

So I’m sorry to burst your dim-witted smooth-brain conservative bubble, but this take is extra stupid.  It blows my mind that someone had the butthurt to post this, and at no point stopped to think about how stupid this would sound.  but then I remember that conservatives are desperately trying to get recognized as an oppressed class.  Like how conservatives now think they’re the new punk rock.  Something that the punk community has roundly rejected, since that community came from people who fought against the very bigotry that conservatives peddle.

It is just so saw how conservative nerds are just the worst people.  They are bitching the Rogue doesn’t have enough ass, too.  Yeah, because if you can’t jerk it to a character, that means that the character is worthless, am I right?  A common refrain from that bunch.  Garden-variety misogynists who get kinda salty when you call them what they are.

I for one am glad that these people are mad about this.  If they want to look at the slick animation and the retro feel of that trailer and get all butthurt about Morph being nonbinary or Rogue not having a big ass, then I’m glad they will hate it.  But you know that they will still watch it.  To a one, that ENTIRE bunch will watch it.  How can Critical Drinker and his little brain-dead cabal make their money if they don’t take apart each and every episode and talk about how bad they are?

Part of me is glad that we are seeing more and more examples of quality “woke” entertainment.  Things like the Spiderverse films, or Marvel’s Spider-Man and it’s sequels.  We’re seeing more and more companies learn that you can have VERY woke content in your movies, you just have to have it be woven into a story that is good.  If the story sucks, then it doesn’t matter how woke it is.  It’s going to be trash and not sell.  The entertainment industry is learning its lesson, and we’re seeing a much better caliber of entertainment starting to poke out from all the minutiae that is in the industry.  Disney is one of the few who keeps repeating past mistakes, but that’s because this company has no ability to adapt.  Or at least, can’t adapt quickly.

Will this show suck?  I have no idea.  Will never see it.  But these smooth-brain takes from the detractors are just sad.  And prove that THEY are the ones who never read the source material.

Until next time, a quote,

“Senator, it is a fact that mutants who have come forward and revealed themselves publicly have been met with fear, hostility, even violence.” – Jean Grey, X-Men

Peace out,


The “Get Woke, Go Broke” Crowd are Morons

There’s a certain crowd of people who I can’t help but think need to just go away.  A crowd of people who are so wrong and it’s so easy to demonstrate that I can’t help but think that their continued existence is akin to the flat-earthers.  These are people who just won’t admit that they’re wrong, and will continue to persist in their stupidity as hard as they possibly can, even in the face of all the overwhelming evidence that they are brain-dead idiots.  I am, of course, talking about the conservative group who uses the phrase “get woke, go broke.”  A refrain that I am thankfully starting to hear less and less of as Hollywood and the gaming industry have learned a very simple lesson.

I was watching Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse with my fiancee on Thanksgiving, and it was a great film.  No joke, I loved it.  I loved it to death.  Sure, Gwen Stacey being a two-faced snake who lies to Miles and then is upset that she is treated the way she deserves by him for her lies is annoying, but part of me is really hoping that he gets his chance to throw her ugly actions in her face in the next film.  I’m kind of over the whole JRPG “it’s okay because you’re our friend!” trope.

Another thing that I noticed about that movie is – man, this is woke.  It’s one of the wokest films that I’ve ever seen.  But you don’t notice that all that much as you watch the movie.  Why?  Simple – because it’s a good movie.  It’s a movie that seamlessly incorporates its more woke elements with a FANTASTIC narrative and great acting from characters that you like.  It’s awesome stuff.

This isn’t the only piece of media I’ve consumed this year that I had that thought about.  The other one was Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, a game that was AMAZING and told an amazing story while having a TON of woke elements in it that are seamlessly tied into the narrative.  Did both of these things do horribly with audiences because of their “wokeness”?  No.  Not at all.  Both things did incredibly well.  Across the Spiderverse made money hand over fist at the box office, and Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 sold like gangbusters.  Both things are critically lauded and the general public loved them too.

So where was the brokeness that should have followed the wokeness?  Nowhere to be seen, that’s where.  Another standing refutation of this is the Barbie movie, which made HUGE money while being one of the wokest movies that’s ever been made.  Just like the other examples, it wove in the woke elements with a narrative that kept people engaged and characters that people liked.  Funny how that works, isn’t it?  Funny how it works when people like something doesn’t have the woke elements front and center and instead has them as a part of the greater narrative.

Hollywood and the gaming industry is figuring this out, and it’s leading to some truly creative ideas.  And as people like me have always contended, if something is a product of quality, it doesn’t matter if it has woke elements.  People will love it because it’s a good story, a good film, or a good game.  The keyword is GOOD.

This is why the anti-woke crowd is so dumb and needs to go away.  See, these people latch on to the things that haven’t learned this lesson and wave the banner proudly for all to see.  Disney has been the beacon on the hill for them in this regard.  Their financial failures this year have been catastrophic.  It’s been a year of nothing but sequels and reboots for them, and almost all of them have been trashed by critics and audiences.  Their latest film, Wish, has been savaged by even the media who is normally kissing their ass.  Why?  Because it’s a severely mediocre product.  Everyone I watch or know who saw the film had the same thoughts about it – the film is boring.  The plot is by the numbers, and the villain of the film is ironically almost a caricature of modern Disney, taking in the wishes of people who want to see quality products and only granting the ones that it thinks will give them the most money and power.

Disney is in trouble, and needs help.  But the thing is – they will learn what other companies have figured out.  They will realize that you can be as woke as you like in fiction, so long as the product is good and the social justice elements are woven into the narrative instead of shoved into your face as hard as they possibly can.  This new lesson has made Sony and Warner Bros a shitload of money.  Since Hollywood is a simple creature and can’t be original to save their lives, other companies will learn from this as well and try and emulate it.  There is a real chance that we are headed into a dark age of financial destitution for a while, as movies have become too big for their own good, to be followed by a golden age of creativity when they realize that you can still do amazing things for less money and get people’s attention.

After the Internet clowned on him for being a cringe-lord in his mental breakdown because of the pronoun selector in Starfield, Heelsvsbabyface did this big butthurt response where he said that everyone was trying to “cancel” him.  He’s such a believer in this canard, that his support for the idea that woke destroys creativity was the Volition, the studio behind the Saint’s Row franchise went out of business following their attempted reboot of the franchise. What he doesn’t add is that it wasn’t the wokeness that made that game die, it was the fact that it was a shit game.  It was trash, and sold like trash.  The only thing he has to bolster his argument is a game that was woke, but was also shit.  Plenty of stuff that is woke but is shit doesn’t do well.  What’s your point?  That was the best he had.

The “get woke, go broke” crowd is dumb, and it’s now easier than ever to prove it.  The entertainment industry just didn’t seem to get the hint.  But now they have, and they’ve seen returns.  They’ve realized that social justice can be done, but it has to be an element of a larger whole, rather than the centerpiece of a table.  A section of a tapestry, not the center thing with big neon lights pointing to it.  You make a quality product, the audience will be there.  Hell, given the amount of terrible crap that is being made anymore, a quality product would probably get audiences in seats more than ever.

Until next time, a quote,

“Woke movies can do big business at the box office, and woke superhero movies can do big business at the box office.  So ‘go woke, go broke’ is a cute little adage, but it doesn’t really jive with reality.  But here’s the caveat to that – if wokeness becomes the entire selling point of your movie, nobody’s gonna wanna see that.  If you make an inferior in every way version of, I don’t know, The Little Mermaid, and think that just casting a black actress as Ariel is going to be enough to draw people in, then you’re not only mistaken, but you’re insane.” – TJ Kirk

Peace out,


The Anti-Woke Crowd Must be Miserable

I was watching YouTube tonight.  I was feeling like enjoying some South Park: The Fractured But Whole, and I was watching some of Penguinz0’s videos about Karens.  It’s always great to see his monosyllabic tone making sport of the Karens.  I’m so glad that public shaming of these entitled people is a thing.  For real, it makes me happy AF.  While I was watching that, I came across a short where a YouTuber I follow was responding to Sargon of Akkad and his little band of sad men shitting on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.  What is their beef?  What do you think – it’s too “woke.”

As I listened to them bitching, my favorite bit was them saying “what escapism?  What are you escaping to?”  Oh, I don’t know, being a superhero with powers in a video game?!  Do you think that because a game is “woke”, that means that it’s exactly like the real world?  Seriously?  These fucking losers were just the worst to listen to.  But it got me to thinking about something, and I figured I would come here and talk about it.

I’ve noticed something about the anti-woke crowd – they must be the most miserable people.  Why do I think that?  Because all they do is shit on things.  There’s nothing that makes these people happy.  Is The Critical Drinker happy?  Well, by his own admission he’s a raging alcoholic, so obviously not.  Nobody who abuses booze to the levels that he claims he does (I’m well aware it’s probably schtick, but until I learn otherwise, why not roll with it?) is someone who is enjoying their life.

Anyone remember that insane rant from Heelvsbabyface about the pronoun selection in Starfield?  Something that had no bearing on gameplay, that you could just not engage with.  Something that you do exclusively for role-playing purposes.  You know, in a role-playing game.  Weird, right?  That people would want to get into their character and how they are addressed?  That they would want to make the character their own.  I can’t imagine how that would be something people who enjoy RPGs would like.

As I listened to that absolutely absurd rant by the fucking man-child, I realized that this is not the rant of a person that is happy.  Happy people do not make this much fuss.  Happy people do not yell and scream and cry about something that menial.  Something that you can totally ignore and it’s fine.  The game gives you that option.  But this dude absolutely lost his shit, to the point that it looked like he was going to do anger crying like a teenager who got dumped.  This is not a happy guy.  This is not someone who is enjoying their life.

Back in the day, when the SJW crowd was the Internet lolcow, I remember pointing out that these people can’t be happy.  They constantly are watching things, looking for reasons to be unhappy.  I hold to what I said back then.  I bet those people are still unhappy now.  That being said, their current contemporaries on the opposite side of the coin must be equally unhappy.  The are shitting on a game that as objectively good as Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 because it is woke.  Well…so?  It’s a quality product.

Here’s something that the anti-woke crowd just won’t get – it doesn’t matter how woke a product is, if the product is of good quality.  The only time these people are actually able to make light of something is when it is a product with a ton of woke ideas that happens to be a piece of shit.  Things like the bulk of Disney’s direct-to-streaming Star Wars series, or the fifth Indiana Jones movie.  Things like that are, rightly, shit on.  But not because they are “too woke,” but because they are trash.  They have woke ideas in them, but at the end of the day, if they were woke as fuck, but quality, nobody would care.  The latest Spiderverse film is a testament to that.  “Woke” as fuck, but solid reviews and solid box office numbers.  Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, tons of woke ideas, but it is selling like gangbusters and has reviewed exceptionally well.  It is my second favorite game of this year, after Hogwarts Legacy (the game that everyone seemed to forget about once it came out and the controversy was gone).  The wokeness of something has never been the deciding factor on how well it does with audiences.  It’s if the product itself is good or bad.

But for those people, they don’t see the product beyond how “woke” it is, and man is that depressing.  All the quality things that are in this world, that they can’t enjoy because they are so busy being angry.  Reminds me of that scene in Rick and Morty where Morty is going on this rant at Summer, and when Rick asks what his problem is, you find out there is something totally granola and stupid behind it all.  That’s the anti-woke crowd.  They have some personal beef, and so they have made it their entire life.  Just like the SJWs that they used to ridicule.  It would be funny, if they had the self-awareness to find the funny side of it.  But they don’t.  Instead, they have the butthurt and salty side of it.  The side that is mad because things changed and they didn’t want it to.

At the end of the day, that’s the big and small of it.  Things changed, and they don’t like it.  Sure, the beginning of that change was cringe.  That’s typically how it goes.  But Hollywood has learned from its mistakes.  Studio heads are greedy, but they aren’t stupid.  They realized that all the “woke” points in the world wouldn’t save them if the product sucked, so they decided to go at it another way.  Quality product first, woke points second.  It’s led to some amazing creations, like Cyberpunk 2077, the Spiderverse movies, and Puss in Boots: The Last Wish.  Hell, even the Super Mario Bros movie had a lot of woke elements, but was lauded as a quality product.  The studios have taken what works, and learned to not make the films/games have their woke elements front and center, but instead to incorporate them into a larger product.

Change is inevitable, and the anti-woke crowd can’t handle it.  They can’t accept that the world moves and grows, and they can either enjoy what comes from it that is of quality, or they can just check out and choose to live in the past.  This goes beyond movies and games.  Time is like this too.  Conservative America is desperately trying to turn the clocks back.  They are so desperate to make the world the way it used to be, but it’s going to fail.  They are on the wrong side of history, and are just making this an uglier point in history because of them stamping their bigoted feet and yelling about things not being the way they want anymore.

I feel sorry for the anti-woke crowd.  It sounds miserable.

Until next time, a quote,

“You act like prey, but you’re a predator!” – Rick Sanchez, Rick and Morty

Peace out,


People’s Need to Complain

People get on me for being dour and depressed, but you know what, I don’t really feel all that concerned about it.  Especially when I see online videos that are rather wholesome and positive, and then you look at the comments and there are a ton of people feeling the need to bitch about it.  People’s obsessive need to bitch about everything is bizarre, to me.  People claim that I hate everything, but man or man, I am a ray of shining positivity compared to some people online.  It’s like there is this congealed mass of ugly negativity that people just need to get out into the universe.  Why?  No idea.

There was this video that I saw, where this dude who does grilled food made a bologna product that actually looked good.  It was burnt ends, but with bologna.  Not gonna lie, that looked really good!  I normally think bologna is terrible, but maybe it’s like with the Hawaiians and Spam and if you just cook it right, it’s actually pretty okay.  I speak from experience, having been to Hawaii.  Gorgeous state.  It was Maui, which makes my heart go out to the poor people who are victims of the fire there, and hate Oprah for being a cheap piece of shit human being who got private mercenaries to guard her property from people who might need help.  Charming person.

But yeah, was watching the video and decided to see what the public thought about this.  Oh boy, so many people bitching and moaning that it’s still bologna and it’s gross and how he’s not cooking it right and how it doesn’t taste as good as you think.  Dude, did you try it?  Have you eaten this recipe?  Or are you just bitching to bitch?  That’s what I think it is.  People just want to bitch so they can bitch.  They’re unhappy, which the bulk of people are.  Especially people in the First World.  They have no lives and no aspirations and nothing going on, so they have to find a way to shit on other people doing neat things to make themselves feel better.

Then there are these videos where people will be playing with their pet or something, and maybe it looks kinda rough, but it’s clear that the pet is into it and not upset or angry or scared, but there’s always those people who come in like the fun police and decide that they need to shit on this pet owner and act like they are horribly abusive to their animal, even though you can clearly see that the animal is enjoying this activity.

There was this cute video of a gal who owned a cow.  It was a really big and really chill cow.  She said that what’s great about owning a cow is that they are basically dogs, with how sweet and affectionate they are, but there is one difference – you can be aggressive affectionate with a cow and it doesn’t hurt them.  So like when you want to squeeze your doggo or kitty, but you know that would hurt them, you can do that with a cow.  Nice video.  Boy was the comments section overflowing with the fun police, who had to make such a fuss about how the cow is being abused.  Never mind that the cow enjoyed this lady’s company and clearly was okay with being loved on.  It wasn’t like she was hitting it or anything.  Just hugging and squeezing it.  And yeah, make sure your pet is into the heavy loves before you go at it too hard, but if the cow had an issue with it, I get the feeling it would have made it known.

Don’t even get me started on videos of people cooking steak or beef roast or anything where there are degrees that it can be cooked to.  The well-done and medium rare battleground is so ridiculous.  Vicious, ugly arguments that are tedious to read.  For me, I like my steak and burgers medium.  I think that’s a good level of juicy and tender, while still being cooked to my liking.  “That’s raw!”  “That’s burnt!”

Then you have the people who have to shit on everything in entertainment.  The battle about “woke” is EXHAUSTING.  Thankfully, we now have a bit of right-wing anti-woke cringe so laughable that we can use it against anyone who is annoying.  Looking at you, Heelsvsbabyface.  “FUCKING PRONOUNS!”  That is some juicy cringe.  Some beautiful, wonderful cringe.  Right on the level of the SJW chick screaming “NOOOOO!” when Trump was elected.  We now have the perfect counter-balance.  If someone I considered a friend did something that cringe and had no shame about it, I would distance myself from them.

But the battle about that is so on-going and stupid.  Here’s the thing, though – despite what conservatives say, the whole “get woke, go broke” thing is bullshit.  If a product is “woke” as fuck, but still a quality product, that’s all that matters.  I direct your attention to the latest Spiderverse film.  It sold like gangbusters and was a massive hit.  A metric ton of “woke” content, and it was still a great product.  Speaking of Spider-Man, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has sold like gangbusters and the reviews are glowing.  I’m waiting for new game plus to drop before I play again, so I can have my favorite outfits for my next playthrough.  A shame the suit selection is so limited, but such is life.

The world is an ugly enough place without people who feel the need to make it worse.  Without people who feel the need to take the wholesome things and shit on them because it makes them feel better.  I may be a negative guy, but boy howdy, next to some of the specimens that I’ve had to see on the online discourse, I am the peak of happiness.  I can still enjoy quality things.  Still see the beauty in things that are made, even if I am picky about what I watch/play/partake in.  Part of me feels bad for the perpetually upset.  That must be exhausting.  If your life is so bad that you can’t even enjoy a video of someone making burnt ends bologna, then what are you doing?

Until next time, a quote,

“Some are broken.  Some are long, some are short.  They’re like people.  Everyone’s different.  And that’s what makes everyone wonderful, the fact that they’re different.” – Bob Ross

Peace out,


Richard Dawkins Thinks “Woke” is a Religion

One of the things that I’m getting more and more hurt by, as I’m getting older, is seeing people who I looked up to when I was younger become lesser people.  The biggest example of this is Bill Maher.  I used to love Religulous.  I used to love his stand up.  Now, I can’t even bother with either of them, because the man has turned into everything he once stood against.  He used to be against government authority.  Now he is all for it.  He used to be against the plutocracy that we have been living in, now he is all for it.  He used to be an iconoclast, and now he is all for religiously motivated bigotry.  All under the banner of being “anti-woke.”

“Woke.”  The term that haunts so many conservative people and they make such a fuss about, but one that you can’t even get a solid definition on.  Ask ten conservatives what “woke” is, and they’ll give you at LEAST five different answers.  Likely closer to ten.  Yet, this term, this nebulous term that they can’t even give a concrete definition of (I bet Richard Dawkins can’t give you a concrete definition of it either), they are painting as being on the level of a religion.  That’s right, “woke”, a term without ANY defined limitations or rules or parameters of what makes something fall into it or not, is a religion.

So claims the likes of intellectually-vacant Jordan Peterson.  A man whose talks are more word salad than actual “philosophy,” and who is a huckster who is grifting the conservative audience for all their worth.  Much like Ben Shapiro.  And guess who agrees with him?  Richard Dawkins!  That’s right, one of the foremost atheists living today, is in agreement with a moron who can barely speak in coherent sentences and who argues that atheists are bad people.  It baffles me to think about.  It baffles me to believe this.

What’s more, Dawkins believes that the religion of woke is on the same level as the nation Orwell wrote about in 1984.  The autocratic authoritarian nation that he was warning us about.  A nation where people saw God in the power of the state.  Dawkins is saying that’s what “woke” is analogue to.

It makes me so sad, to see this happening.  To see people I looked up to becoming these sad, empty shells of what they once were.  People who once were articulate and who could be skeptical now take things without a single HINT of skepticism.  That’s where Richard Dawkins is now.  It breaks my fucking heart.

So when Peterson asked him the question – is “woke” a religion, his answer was yes.  An ideology that they can’t even define has the hallmarks of religion.  What are those hallmarks?  Well, firstly, there is “Heretic Hunting.”  He took some statements people clearly made online about their hatred of TERFs, and warped that into a statement about how “woke” culture as a whole wants to assault and kill the people who disagree.

I don’t know if it was a year or two ago, but there was Uhaul truck that was stopped, on its way to a Pride event.  The truck was filled with heavily armed men associated with a militia.  Their stated goal was to go to the Pride event and kill as many people as humanly possible.  The truck being stopped is the only thing that saved the lives of God-knows how many people.  There are trans people here in the US who are being killed, same with gay and lesbian people.  To say nothing of the outside world where, in some nations, it’s law of the land to kill the LGBT.  All of this is religiously motivated bigotry.  And here we have Richard fucking Dawkins saying that “woke” is trying to hunt down the dissenters.  How many TERFs have been killed?  None that I’ve ever heard of.  Heart a plethora of stories of being being murdered, raped, and beaten, because of being trans or gay or lesbian or black or Asian (especially during the pandemic), and now Arabic is growing again, because of what’s happening in Israel.  The fact that Dawkins can say this with a straight face…fucking pisses me off.

My best friend is a lesbian girl who lost her family when she was outed as gay in high school.  She lost everything.  Her parents decided they don’t love her anymore, because of her homosexuality.  She’s now engaged to a wonderful woman who is serving in the military.  Serving her country, as a bi woman.  My friend, I remember, had her swim team uniform defaced with threats of rape.  Our red state community turned a blind eye.  But Richard Dawkins is saying that the TERFs are the ones who are at risk.  The fucking intellectual dishonesty on display is absolutely insane.  How he sleeps at night, I’ll never know.

Dawkins say that the “minimum” of what will happen to you is that you’ll be tarred and feathered on Twitter.  No, that’s pretty much where the buck stops.  You will be shown for what you are on social media.  Not the end of the world.  You can close it down and go away for a few years and people will move on.  But this is the horrible situation that Dawkins is saying is the “minimum.”  To say nothing of the conservatives who will come out of the woodwork in support of your bigoted ass.

What is the maximum?  You’ll lose your job.  Oh my, the horror.  You act like a bigot online and you get called out for it an you have consequences.  Poor dears.  You know, if I punch some random person in the face, I have consequences.  They might punch me back, when they would have the right to do.  They might call the police and press charges.  They have that right too.  My actions had consequences, and I have to deal with them.  If a person is saying hateful things in a public forum that anyone can read, does it not follow that they should have consequences for what they put out into the world?  Makes sense to me.  Ain’t like Dawkins ever lost a job to saying something “anti-woke”?  No.  Feel free to prove me wrong.

Of course, he then says that if a woman says she’s black, she’s vilified, but if a woman says she’s a man, then saying otherwise is wrong.  He DELIBERATELY misconstrues sex and gender, because of course he does.  Of course he does.  He buys into this conservative mindset, probably because he’s old, that when people are transgender, they are saying they are trans-sex.  I guess nobody has ever explained to big-brain dumb-shit Richard Dawkins that there is a difference between sex and gender.  Yes, sex is dimorphic with humans, but gender is a construct.  Something that exists in your head.  You may feel that you fit the sex that you are, biologically, or you might not.  You may be born with the body of a woman, but feel more like a man, and vice-versa.  This isn’t that fucking hard, and now we have Richard Dawkins choosing to be smug in his ignorance of it.  Because of course he is.

Never mind that this idea that the trans community are only allowed to get support by popular culture is bullshit!  Find a famous trans person and you’ll see people who are virulently against it!  By people who are popular themselves!  There is no clear indication of which side is going to win out on this, or if it will be a social stalemate for generations.

Dawkins says that cops are fine with a trans woman being identified as a woman and raping other women.  He doesn’t give a name to this, which is frustrating, because I don’t know what example he’s talking about.  I’m assuming he’s talking about a case of a trans woman in prison that I remember Matt Taibbi talking about.  This one case of a very bad person doing very bad things.  Not the norm, but an outlier.  Never mind that if they had thrown the trans woman in a male prison, she likely would have been raped and murdered.  We’ve seen how the criminal population treats those who identify as trans.  But I guess Dawkins doesn’t care about that.  One more dead person is no never-mind to him.  God knows, he doesn’t seem to give a shit about the LGBT people who are being murdered by religious bigots now, so why would he care?

Boiled down to its simplest parts, he is bitching about cancel culture.  Never mind that this isn’t unique to the “woke” community.  Conservatives are just as big about it and just as virulent against apostates to their ideology of choice.  They’re just mad that they are getting push-back from the community they hate for ENTIRELY RELIGIOUS REASONS!

Next up, we get to “hereditary guilt.”  He’s essentially saying that the “woke” community believes in Original Sin.  That people are guilty by virtue of their existence.  That all white people have it because of slavery and colonial oppression.  I would never be so stupid as to say that being born white means that you are automatically better off than someone who isn’t, but I will say this – the odds are a lot better for you, depending on what part of the country I live in that you come from.  We don’t even have to go as far back as slavery.

Let’s look at the war on drugs here in the US.  The single biggest failure of law enforcement.  It is CLEARLY racially motivated.  White and black people do drugs at commensurate rates, yet guess who is VASTLY over-represented in prison populations?  Never mind the fact that the CIA introduced crack cocaine into black communities during the civil rights era.  The war on drugs has led to the abject destruction of countless communities, both Latino and black, in major cities.  That’s systemic racism that is happening now!  Right now!

Should we hold it against all white people that they were born with the skin color they have?  Of course not.  But to acknowledge them systemic forces that are racist as fuck and destroying the communities of color is something we absolutely should do.  Dawkins can’t even argue this honestly!  Of course he can’t.  That would show that he’s full of shit.  It would show that he can’t do basic cause and effect.  That’s the person we’re dealing with in this stupid debate.

And of course, it comes back to the trans community.  It always does.  Man, the thing which bums me is out is that Dawkins won’t live to when we have the cybernetics to really go nuts with people who have body dysmorphia and really want to change things up.  How would Dawkins react when not only can people change the basics of their physical body, but can even go so far as to change the very deepest parts with cybernetics.  Like when two twins get neural oscillation synchs that allows them to have a brain that works as one.  One mind in two bodies.  What would he say about that?  What would he say when someone who is transgender not only can change their genitals, but the genitals they get are fully functioning cybernetics?  When they can have just as fulfilling romance and sex lives as cis people, while being able to go all the way with it?

Dawkins is so deliberately obtuse about the difference between sex and gender.  He is saying that the transgender community is transsexual, and that’s not what most of them are saying.  He is conflating the two terms, in the most intellectually dishonest way, all so he can make a point that he wants to make.  All agreeing with another intellectually dishonest huckster, Jordan Peterson.  You know that someone has explained the difference to him before.  Someone has done this, and yet he is feigning ignorance, because he is annoyed about the “woke” culture.  This man chooses to ignore things that have been explained, stubbornly refusing to engage, because he doesn’t like it.  He doesn’t even try to refute the concept that gender is separate from sex.  Instead, he doesn’t even acknowledge it.  A man of science.  A shame that all that education and potential is being wasted.

Well, that’s it, then.  Richard Dawkins, someone I had looked up to as an intellectual, has deliberately embraced dogmatic disdain for the transgender community, and in doing so has sided with people who hate ALL of the LGBT.  Who think they all live in sin and deserve to be erased from this world.  Who argue that drag queens are “groomers” and who say that the LGBT are pedophiles.  These are the people he is siding with, all because he saw some ugly things said on Twitter, which is where intellectual discourse has always gone to die.  Anyone who takes what is said on Twitter seriously and think there is a serious conversation happening there is a moron.

Richard Dawkins is now a moron, and it breaks my fucking heart.

Until next time, a quote,

“I know.  Everyone wants the people they like to be right.  That’s why popular people are fucking dumb.” – Rick Sanchez, Rick and Morty

Peace out,


I’ve Figured Out What “Woke” Is

There is this new film by the brain-depletion trust at PragerU called “UnWoke”, which is about how awful woke is.  And as I was watching the trailer for this, I realized something.  I’ve figured out what “woke” is.  It all came to me, and suddenly how dumb and backwards it all is made perfect sense.  See, “woke” is nothing more than a term to describe what any conservative who uses it doesn’t like.  That’s it.  Don’t like blacks?  Then any media with them is “woke.”  They hate the gays with a bitter passion, so you better believe that everything with the rainbow is “woke.”

Little digression – I can tell that conservatives are mad that their hate of the LGBT community is seen as bigotry by the rest of the country.  They hate it.  How do I know this?  Because they are CONTINUALLY having to couch their bigotry in new terms.  They can’t just come out and say what their problem is.  No, that’s too close to bigotry, and they will be called out for it.  So they have created this whole newspeak in the form of “woke.”  It’s a term that has no definition.  Because if they define it, then there will come the people who will point out the bigotry of it all.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t think that conservatives actually CARE that they are being bigoted with this terminology.  It’s just that they don’t want to be called out for it.  So long as they have this word for it, “woke”, then they can just shrug it off as being this or that and not have to actually address the fact that they are just mad about people they don’t like being in the world.

Another thing that conservatives LOVE to trot out in regards to “woke” is that it is a plot by the left wing of America to “divide our country.”  What a joke.  Yeah, the store that sells a rainbow product that conservatives are in NO WAY obligated to buy are the ones who are dividing people.  Kids being read to by a drag queen is what’s dividing our country.  Not the children who have to do endless active shooter drills and are scared to death, to say nothing of the MOUNTAIN of little bodies that the NRA stands upon without any regard.  The lack of self-awareness with conservatives is always staggering, to me.  Unaware, or realistically just don’t care, how disgusting it all is.

Now conservatives have coined the term “wokeism.”  So not only are things “woke”, but it is an ism now.  A term that has no cogent definition is now an ism.  This is something I love about conservatives.  Everything has to be an ism with those people.  A couple days ago, I did a post answering three questions from a Christian, and he asked if I am believe in “evidentialism.”  You know, the need for evidence to believe in things.  That’s not an ism!  That’s a basic appreciation and following of the scientific method!  But in conservative world, that isn’t enough.  In order to vilify something, to make it seem more destructive than it actually is, they have to make an ism out of it.  That way, they can “educate” their empty-headed audience about how it’s wrong.

So now, this term that is just short-hand for anything that conservatives hate, is an ism, and they have to do something about it.  How do conservatives not feel silly with this?  For real, how do they not see how utterly stupid this all is.  In a time where inflation is rampantly out of control, with the price of food about to rise again, and where housing is insane, or where people can’t get medical care, and the thing they care about is “wokeism.”  You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Make no mistake, I know that PragerU doesn’t buy into any of this shit. None of it.  They are, like every other major conservative network, grifters.  They are corpo rats who will look for something, ANYTHING to divide the people of this country so that they don’t come together to fight for their rights.  Who will fight to make their lives better.  These people don’t give one dusty shit about any of the rainbows or the blacks in movies or ANYTHING that they bitch about.  To them, it’s all one big grift to make money and keep their corpo masters happy.  Conservative talking heads have no values of their own.  Well, save making money.  Making money is their only value.  Everything else is secondary.

The PragerU trailer ends with them saying “maybe then we can end wokeism forever.”  Since “woke” is just a catch-all term for everything conservatives hate, then ending it forever is simple.  They want the gays and lesbians back in the closet.  They want trans people gone.  I’ve heard some conservatives talking about wanting them dead, which wouldn’t shock me.  These people have no morals or empathy, so nothing they think surprises me.  They want the blacks and other minorities to keep to their little group and to leave their precious whiteness alone.  They want a media that hates on the LGBT and treats minorities as tokens.  They want their magical good old days where being a hateful bigot openly was totally cool with everyone else.  That’s what they mean when they say bringing an end to “wokeism.”  It’s all just politically correct lingo for bringing back a hateful world where they felt comfortable.

There are real problems in this country.  Problems that are getting worse and worse.  We have Corpo Rat Party D and Corpo Rat Party R doing all they can to make things worse for the American people, and there’s no ability to stop this at the voting booth because all their differences are skin-deep.  We have corpos like BlackRock Investments who now are in control of 1/4 of the $40 trillion that is in circulation at any given time.  That’s the same amount that the United States and China are in control of.  A corporation is in control of as much wealth as the richest country on Earth.  That’s a nightmare.  I’m starting to think that the Johnny Silverhand approach to dealing with this corp would be preferable, but that’s just me.

While things are getting worse and worse for the common people, we have grifters like the contributors at PragerU getting their empty-headed audience to be mad about “woke.”  It’s all a smokescreen, and it pisses me off.  I don’t care about the rainbow.  I care about the corporate iron first that has taken control of this planet, and how they need to be destroyed, by ANY means necessary.

Until next time, a quote,

“Corps have always tried to shackle people in one way or another.  Saburo’s ambition is greater – he’s out to control humanity.” – Johnny Silverhand, Cyberpunk 2077

Peace out,
