Rush Limbaugh vs. The Dark Knight Rises???

Okay, I’ve finally seen it all.  This is it.  This is the crème de la crème of stupidity.  For real, it doesn’t get any dumber than this.  The moment that I heard about this, I thought that this had to be a joke.  I mean, come on, nobody is this stupid, right?  It can’t possibly be done.  This has to be some kind of parody.  I mean, we all knew that Rush Limbaugh has no sense of humor, but maybe he found one for this!  Maybe it’s possible for Rush Limbaugh to actually have a bit of amusement at something.  But nope, this is for real.

What you are about to read, is by far the dumbest thing that you have ever heard in your entire life.  Here’s a link to it, so you can listen for yourself.  I, I can’t wait, so let’s just get going.  This is awesome.  Fantastically, amazingly, stupidly the most awesome thing that you will ever hear.

Have you heard, this new movie, the Batman movie — what is it, the Dark Knight Lights Up or something?

Well, you already demonstrated that you can’t follow pop culture, yet you are about to comment on it.  This is going to be rich.

Whatever the name of it is. That’s right, Dark Knight Rises, Lights Up, same thing.

I can tell that this is going to be some biting insight, can’t you?

Do you know the name of the villain in this movie? Bane. The villain in the Dark Knight Rises is named Bane. B-A-N-E.

Well, Rush, we’ve established that you can spell.  That’s a step in the right direction.  So, what about this villain?  I’m sure that you have figured out something very important that the rest of us need to hear.

What is the name of the venture capital firm that Romney ran, and around which there’s now this make-believe controversy? Bain.

Uh, there is a real controversy about Bain Capital, because Romney bought that company, liquidated all of the assets, fired all of the employees, and cashed in on destroying this business.  So tell me, Rush, how is the name of a company that is a perfect example of why Romney shouldn’t be allowed to run this country, is connected to this latest film by Chris Nolan.  I’m sure that this is going to be very insightful.

The movie has been in the works for a long time, the release date’s been known, summer 2012 for a long time. Do you think that it is accidental, that the name of the really vicious, fire-breathing, four-eyed, whatever-it-is villain in this movie is named Bane?

What the hell?  Okay, Rush, explain this to me.  So, A character, from Batman, who has existed since 1993, when a Democrat named Bill Clinton was in office, and a storyline from the comics that existed long before this film, and they finished production of this film long before Mitt Romney finally won the nomination, is being used as part of an attack against him?

And by the way – did you do any research at all?!  Of course not.  That would require you getting off your ass long enough to actually look at a computer for something other than porn.  Bane isn’t a fire-breathing, four-eyed, whatever-it-is villain.  He is a very badass character, who never really had a huge amount of personality to him.  He was cool in The Animated Series, but he wasn’t like the Joker or many of the others, who had a lot of humanity to him.  He was just a garden-variety badass ass-kicker.  So you don’t get this insult right.  But let’s continue.

Anyway, so this evil villain in the new Batman movie is named Bane. And there’s now discussion out there as to whether or not this was purposeful, and whether or not it will influence voters.

And people wonder why the rest of the Western World looks on America like we are a bunch of retards.  It’s shit like this!  This is the dumbest thing that I have ever heard.  Yes, a villain in a Batman film, who isn’t the least bit political, but more social, and not to mention an ass-kicker, is somehow going to influence voters.

Hey Rush, I don’t know if you got the memo, but the bulk of the American public is really stupid!  The bulk of the people who will watch this film have never seen the inside of a voting booth before, and after they see it, they probably never will again.  Or if they do, they won’t have ever heard of Bain Capital, and if they are voting for Mitt Romney, or if they vote Republican, will never have cared.  This is because America is filled with fucking morons who can’t find their own asses with two hands and a road map.  So if there is a legitimate debate going on about this (which I don’t take seriously because, as I have shown in previous posts, Limbaugh isn’t above lying outright to get a reaction), then the people having that debate couldn’t possibly be stupider.

It’s going to have a lot of people. This movie, the audience is going to be huge, lot of people are going to see the movie. And it’s a lot of brain-dead people, entertainment, the pop culture crowd. And they’re going to hear “Bane” in the movie, and they are going to associate Bain.

Unbelievable!  You just identified the fact that a lot of Americans are stupid, yet you honestly think that these people are going to care about politics, and even know what Bain Capital really is?!  Are you fucking kidding me?!?!  That is the DUMBEST thing that I have ever heard!  For real, it doesn’t get any stupider!  Wait, this is Rush Limbaugh, and we’re not done.

And the thought is that when they start paying attention to the campaign later in the year, and Obama and the Democrats keep talking about Bain, not Bain Capital, but Bain, Romney and Bain, that these people will think back to the Batman movie –“Oh yeah, I know who that is.”

If you have a feeling that something isn’t right, hold on to that.  That is your brain telling you to run away, because it is going to explode.

There are some people who think it will work. There are some people think it will work. Others think — “You’re really underestimating the American people who think that will work.”

Okay, either Rush Limbaugh either had an alcoholic’s Moment of Clarity (or in his case, a drug addict’s), or you just identified why you are the stupidest person that has ever greeted public airwaves.  I’m going to let the public decide.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason why the rest of the world looks at America like we are retarded.  Because of this imbecile.  Take it for what it’s worth.

Until next time, a quote,

“Why so serious?”  -The Joker, The Dark Knight

Peace out,


Obama’s Support of Gay Marriage Unites America’s Bigots

I really don’t get why the people who are against gay marriage in this country don’t want to be called bigots.  By definition, that is exactly what they are.

Bigoted –  Obstinately convinced of the superiority or correctness of one’s own opinions and prejudiced against those who hold different opinions.

And that is exactly what these people are.  Don’t yell at me for calling a spade a spade.  But this whole issue comes to the forefront with two issues.  The first was the amendment to the state constitution of North Carolina.  They amended their constitution to make gay marriage illegal.  It was already not legal, but they wanted it etched into law that it was.  The principle groups behind this were Christians (of course), along with other religious bigots who want their bigotry etched into law.  There was this awesome quote by Stephen Colbert about this whole sad pathetic event –

So congratulations, North Carolina.  Last night, you struck a decisive blow for loneliness.  And tonight, as you go to sleep beside your heterosexual life mate, you can rest assured that all across your great state, a gay man or lesbian woman is crying themselves to sleep in solitude and making your relationship that much stronger with each tear.

I bet there are a lot of voters (people without a conscience) in North Carolina who would take comfort in that.  They are, after all, no better than rabid dogs.  Ah hell, even a rabid dog shows more love and kindness than they do.

The next event has been the President of this country, who has proven himself toothless and corrupt in every single way, and finally come out in support of something good – gay marriage.  As you can imagine, the moment that he did, the vitriol started flowing from the bigots.  Here is a lovely quote from Cardinal Timothy Dolan (it just has to be Catholic.  No bigotry in America is complete without catholicism):

We cannot be silent in the face of words or actions that would undermine the institution of marriage, the very cornerstone of our society.

The people of this country, especially our children, deserve better. Unfortunately, President Obama’s words today are not surprising since they follow upon various actions already taken by his Administration that erode or ignore the unique meaning of marriage.

I pray for the President every day, and will continue to pray that he and his Administration act justly to uphold and protect marriage as the union of one man and one woman. May we all work to promote and protect marriage and by so doing serve the true good of all persons.

How many levels of stupid is this, Dolan?  Well, to start with, marriage is not the very cornerstone of our society.  Marriage is actually worth very little.  Ask people like Rush Limbaugh, who has been married four times, each time to hotter and hotter women (trophy wives, anyone?).  Of course, his four wives could not be reached for comment.  Or how about Larry King?  Hasn’t he been married eight times?  Yeah, marriage means nothing in society.  A strong population or a strong education system is worth more than marriage will ever be.

Next up, marriage is not unique.  And if you Christians are stupid enough to think that you thought up marriage, you are blind.  Marriage was around LONG before Christianity even existed (unless you are a literalist Christian, in which case you believe Gawd created the universe 10,000 years ago).  You aren’t even original in that regard.  Oh, and let’s not forget all the biblical figures that had harems, like King David.  He had an entire legion of women to fuck, so don’t go off to me about how God just loves marriage.

Next up, marriage is in more danger from Justin Bieber than it is from gays wanting to partake in it.  People like him, who are propogating that love is all awesome all the time, and if it isn’t awesome, it isn’t love, are the ones doing real harm to this country.  People now have this belief that once love doesn’t just feel super-dee-duper awesome, they should leave it behind.  It is stupid, destructive and is what is partially leading to more divorces, along with changing perceived gender roles, and a number of other things.  It is something that has no solid answer, but according to these Christards, it is because of gays and lesbians being able to marry that would destroy marriage.

Marriage is not sacred, because there is no Christian God.  I can’t disprove a Deist god whose properties are up in the air, but the fact is that the Christian God is easy to disprove.  And one of the easy ways I can do it is by pointing out that this guy always seems to follow the prejudices and bigotry of the people who worship him.  Kind of convenient, no?

Here’s the real truth – gay marriage isn’t going to hurt anything.  If anything, it will be making life better, for everybody involved.  There will be the marriage businesses, who will see an increase in business.  There will be the venues where the marriages between gays and lesbians will be taking place that will see an increase in business.  There is the wedding registry groups who will see more business.  And above all of that stuff, there will be happy couples being married.

There was a rather apt quote that has been floating around Facebook about this whole debate, and I am going to leave you Christians on this, because honestly, if you think that you have faith, and that faith is backing you, yet you have the belief that people crying because they don’t get the same opportunities with the person that they love is a good thing.  If you are one of those bigots, genuinely, this quote is for you –

“If you have to make a law that hurts a number of people, just to prove your morals or faith, then you have no true morals or faith to prove.”  -Anonymous

Peace out,


The State of the Union, is Crap

Well, it was another day when our President had to come out and to make a big speech about the state of America.  Much like myself and probably most people were expecting, it was another really long bit of pandering.  The ironic thing this time was that it wasn’t really pandering to anybody in-particular.  It was kind of pandering to, well, nobody.

The speech began with Obama talking about how the troops were coming home, and how they were defending our freedom.  Question, Obama, and to all of the conservatives who are stupid enough to think that this is something that matters – what exactly is our freedom in danger from?  That has always been something that I have never gotten.  They say that our country is in immediate danger, when the fact is that it isn’t.  Now Obama is championing the troops effort to “secure our freedom.”  Really, think about how dumb this statement is.  It took Al-Qaeda over ten years to plan and execute their plan to destroy the World Trade Center (it was terrorists, not the government, you Truthers are imbeciles).  We have decimated their ranks since the beginning of the “War on Terror.”  (I think we are going to have a War on Silliness next) Our freedom is in no danger of being destroyed.  The terrorists don’t have an army, of any kind, so they aren’t going to be conquering America.

Next, the President talked about how our economy needs work (he makes a point later about how America is back, but I’ll get to pointing out how stupid that is in a second).  Of course, he said things about how the economy was hurt by corporations and a lack of oversight (which he hasn’t addressed.  Wall-Street Reform was a joke).  He didn’t even bother to address the banks who got us into this mess, or suggest that the people who did this with criminal activities be held accountable.  I get that.  He has to feed them the schtick that they want to hear.  All State of the Union addresses are like that.  Nobody ever wants to deflate America or the private market’s ego.  Nobody ever wants to, I don’t know, suggest that we fight back.

While talking about the economy, he makes a point that he saved the auto industry.  Obama has been milking that point to death ever since he did it.  Like he thinks we have all forgotten about all the failures, and how the economy is swiftly heading in the wrong direction.  But yes, he did say that he saved the auto industry, and for some reason, that’s going to put America back on top.  Then, in a rather odd move, he said that the same financial success that reclaiming the auto industry had on Detroit, it would have in other places.

It could happen in Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Raleigh.

I guess it can only happen in swing states.  That’s cool.

Next up, he talked again about how he would get business to come back to America, and fix the tax code to stop them from abusing the system for their own benefit.  We’ve heard that schtick before.  And of course, business will come back to America.  Yes, because exploiting foreign labor will be less profitable, right?  I know that the President isn’t that foolish, so we’ll just chalk that up to him being political.

And of course, whenever one talks about America, there is the “winning the future” gag, where America is ahead of the game, and making innovation all over the world.  Like how we have a mass-transit system, right?  Oh, right, we don’t.  Europe, Japan and Russia have those.  Well, we don’t have that, but we have universal health care!  Oh wait, that’s also something that a lot of European and 1st-world Asian countries have, along with Canada.  So, we’re not ahead of the curve there.  But we’re leading the way in space technology, right?  Nope, NASA has pretty much been cut from funding, so the space race, which was proven to be good for the economy, is dead.  So where is America in the race for the “future?”  Well, to be honest, not anywhere.  We are stuck in a deadland because nobody wants this country to invest in anything useful, like infrastructure, or taxing the rich.

Oh sure, he did promise that the wealthy would be paying more in taxes, but I think we have all seen how Obama is completely unwilling to stand his ground on any of that.  He didn’t stand his ground on the Bush Tax Cuts, or the Debt Ceiling.  He gave the Republicans all that they wanted and more.  The fact is that this was all just pandering, and nobody should be paying attention to it.  The truth of what is happening in this country speaks for itself.

Until next time, a quote,

” Twitter Crashes From Sheer Volume Of Clear, Insightful Comments On State Of The Union”  -Tweet from The Onion

Peace out,


SOPA is Dead, and it Doesn’t Matter

Well, here’s a bit of depressing news for you – SOPA is dead.  I’m not sad that it’s dead, but I am sad for what came immediately afterwards.  Immediately following the death of SOPA, there was an action taken by the federal government.  They closed down the site MegaUpload.  It was one of the largest sites on the internet.  So here’s the fact – the powers that SOPA and PIPA were going to give the government, they already had!  They already had the power to close down any site that they want with impunity.  So what did we all fight for?!

Think about this – the one time that the people of the internet banded together.  The one time that everybody came together and fought for something, and it accomplishes nothing.  Never-mind that we didn’t come together like this for Bradley Manning.  Never mind that nobody really came and took Obama to task for not closing Gitmo or ending the wars overseas.  He promised, outright, that he was going to do that, but he has failed to deliver.  This is becoming a pattern with our current Coward (or Villain) in Chief.  When Wall Street and the banks were doing illegal practices and destroyed our economy, we didn’t demand their prosecution like this.  When the TSA started implementing the new policy to grope and to basically strip-scan people, almost nobody said anything.  Or how about the new rules with the NDAA which allows them to keep American citizens detained indefinitely?  Where was all the battle against that?

All of these things are done, and what did all of us do?  I have written post after post about these things, but I didn’t really get off my ass and do anything.  Videos have been made saying the same things that I have said.  Lots of people complained and said stuff, but who actually did anything?

I’ll tell you who – the people who are out in the various cities with the Occupy movement.  They have been protesting and protesting and what has been the reaction – the police have been beating the fucking shit out of them.  They are brutalizing, assaulting, and if you think about what was done with that soldier, attempting to murder these people.  They are getting the long end of the stick, and they are the ones actually fighting for a better tomorrow.

While we’re on the subject – where has been the outrage over that?!  Where are the people demanding these cops badges?  Where are the people demanding justice for the rampant brutality that is being done to people who are just trying to exercise their First Amendment rights?  Their supposed First Amendment rights.

To anybody who is even paying attention with their head up their ass, it is becoming pretty clear that this government not only doesn’t fear its people, but views them as dissident factions that need to be put down.  They need to be reminded of where they stand, and who they are messing with.  The police are clearly above the law.  Everybody who does anything wrong in this country is above the law!  The bankers, the cops, the soldiers, all of them!  Not one of these people has to fear the hammer of justice in this country, and that pisses me off and depresses the shit out of me.

The fact is that if myself, or people like The Amazing Atheist were hauled off to jail right now, nobody would do anything.  There wouldn’t be any riots.  If entire groups of people were taken away, nobody would rebel.  The government would tell them that it was “for national security.”  I am quite convinced that in ten years, people like me are going to be put in jails, and kept their for life.  I am going to be taken away because I will be speaking out against the government.

And while I am, the liberals will be just left of helpful, sitting on their useless asses and not fighting for what’s right.  They will make excuses like “well Obama was blocked by the GOP.”  I have a friend who will make excuse after excuse for that man.  She will defend him to the last, saying that how he has done things is good.  No, it isn’t.  Obama is evil, straight-up evil.  These offenses are apparent, and he is saying nothing.  The man we elected is not only not defending our liberties, but he is also helping to take them away, by doing things like adding the provisions to NDAA that would keep Americans in jail for the rest of our lives without trial or charge.

The fact is that Obama is not only a turncoat, he is part of everything that is wrong with this country.  What is wrong with this country is that the people are weak.  They are kept weak.  They are kept weak and fat by a system that advocates conformity while slowly stripping people of the rights that they have.  We are in the middle of a culture war, and the people are losing.  Every single day, we are getting more and more down the drain.  Every day, we are becoming increasingly enslaved by this system.  And nobody is doing anything.  Whenever people do do something, they are put down.  The police are putting the people down.

Let’s recap – the government failed to pass SOPA and PIPA, but are censoring anyway.  They also didn’t pass NDAA, but imprisoned Bradley Manning without trial or charge.  This government makes acts that it can pass to justify the evil shit that they are already doing.  And the limp-dick public will sit back and do nothing.  The people are too stupid or too weak to stand up and fight for their rights.  The conservatives are too stupid, and the liberals are too weak.  Those ARE the facts.  Obama is evil.  The government is against us.  Peaceful protests are being put down with brutal force.

I would argue that something more needs to be done, but like The Amazing Atheist, I am going to leave you with a quote.  It is from a hardcore radical who is one of the worst in this nation’s history.

Until next time, a quote,

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”  -John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Peace out,


2012 Election: Where is the SANE candidate?

It’s another election year, and the political pundits are already talking about it.  It’s looking to be a really big year for this country.  While nobody is talking about the Democrats especially much, there is plenty of talk about Republicans.  However, lost amongst all this conversation is one thing – where is the sane candidate?

This is a question that neither side is able to answer.  Let’s take a good look at the candidates and see if we can answer this question.

First up, let’s take a look at Barack Obama, the current President.  Now, he runs unopposed in the primaries.  It’s not without precedent for a President to be taken out of office by a member of his own party.  But he isn’t being challenged.  Why?  Well that’s easy – the Democrats are nothing but bleeding cowards who won’t stand up for the right thing.  And non-existent God-knows there is a lot that Obama should have been stood up against.

The fact is that Obama is an evil person.  The theory used to be that he was just another toothless coward who occupied the White House, but no, the fact is that Obama is evil.  We weren’t sure of this until he decided to endorse the National Defense Authorization Act, and in fact asked for the revisions to the Act so that American citizens could be arrested without cause or trial, detained for life, and in fact tortured, as long as they are “suspected terrorists.”

Here’s a nifty fact – the FBI labels peaceful activists groups as domestic terrorists.  Do the math, and figure out how long it’ll be before the Occupy protestors aren’t sent to jail, but Gitmo.  That may sound like an alarmist position, but really, it is tame when one thinks about how much has been lost.  The Bill of Rights has died this year.  Who will miss it now that it’s gone?

So that’s the President we have now, an evil person.  But what about the other side of the fence?  The GOP has some remarkable candidates front and center this year.  Not in a good way, mind you.  But let’s take a long look at them.

First up, there is Rick Satorum.  This is a guy who is evil beyond all recognized nature.  He is extraordinarily anti-gay.  He has talked in detail about how gay sex isn’t like straight sex.  Apparently, only straight people are good.  And he has also talked about his Catholic beliefs that hold that any sex that isn’t missionary and for the purpose of child-creation is bad.  So there’s that.

Then there are his policies regarding women’s reproductive rights.  He is clearly anti-choice.  He doesn’t want women to have any choice at all.  Rape or incest?  Nah, that’s all part of God’s plan.  How about in the case of saving the mother’s life?  Here’s another kicker – not even then!  He believes that a woman should have to die instead of give up a fetus.

Santorum also believes that there shouldn’t be health care options for the poor.  Universal health care?  Not a chance.  According to him, nobody has ever died because they didn’t have health care.  The egotism of that statement is just amazing.  Not only is he evil, but he’s also stupid.

Next up, there’s Newt Gingrich.  This guy is scum of the highest calibur.  Not only does he follow a similiar moral belief pattern as Santorum (ie. insane religious right), but he also is scum on a personal level.  This is the guy who ditched his wife while she was dying in order to go and be with somebody else.  Not only is this guy dirt, but how he has remained in the public eye as significantly as he does is a genuine mystery.

Not really all that much more to say about Gingrich other than he’s an evil person who has no qualms whatsoever.

Then there is Ron Paul.  This guy isn’t evil so much as he is crazy.  His economic isolationist ideas are stupid beyond reason and would drive this country into the ground.  He also wants to destroy the tax code, thereby making our economy unsustainable.  He also thinks that there should be no regulations on business.  So businesses like dairy farmers don’t have to pasteurize their milk.  We can all die of e coli because they didn’t want to have to do any work.  It’s a laziness policy that Ron Paul endorses.  He endorses that people should be allowed to be as lazy as possible if they are in power and have no obligations.  Pathetic.

He also is a bleeding hypocrite when it comes to his social policies.  He wants to make it so that abortion rights are left up to the individual states.  Okay, fine (stupid, but fine), but he then wants to pass the Sanctity of Life Act which would effectively make abortion illegal across the board.  No reproductive rights at all.  How’s that small government thing go again, Mr. Paul?

It’s a pity that Bachmann and Cain left the race, but both of them did.  They were evil on the level of Santorum.  So who does that leave?  There’s always Mitt Romney.  He is looking to be the most likely to get elected because he isn’t a complete monster like the other candidates.  He’s on the same level of evil as Obama is, but at least he’s open about it.  That’s a hell of a lot better than our turncoat President.

So, that is the list of the people who we have running.  I ask again – where is the sane candidate?  Not one of these people is even worth talking about for running this country.  These people are a joke, and it is really getting on my nerves that the American people and their interests as so down-played by these clowns and the media that follows them.

If anybody asks Ron Paul a tough question, all of his cultish followers jump on them.  Of course, with the media ignoring him, and softballing everybody else, who is actually getting a tough question?  If you watched any of the Republican debates (there were only a hundred), then you saw that all of the questions being asked were just softball easy to answer questions that solidify that they are conservative.

This election is a joke.  The Occupy movement may have come too late to make things serious.  The worst part now is that we need serious.  The Bill of Rights is dead.  The internet will be dead soon if SOPA and PIPA pass.  The economy is tanking again, and the tanking is picking up speed.  The cost of things like health care, college, and many others are out of control, and nobody is paying attention.

We need things to get serious.  And we need a candidate who isn’t all smoke and mirrors like Obama.  We need somebody who is worth their salt, and can stand tall under pressure.  And ideas?

Until next time, a quote,

“But you know what – I’m not content yet.  My standards have yet to be lowered enough to think like that.  I don’t think that I have to choose between evil and crazy.”  -TJ Kincaid, Crazy vs. Evil

Peace out,


It’s 2012! Time for an Election YEAR!

Well everybody, it’s that time of year.  That magical time when we can all be lied to by people in nice suits and people will believe it.  I thought that we should examine the upcoming elections, and see what the score cards are.  With the Iowa primaries already underway, we’ll finally get to see who is going to be leading the running.  Although, I’m with TJ when I think that it’s really stupid to think about who is going to win based on Iowa.  They are a nobody state.  Their only claim to fame is that they are the first primary election state.  Well whoop-tee-freakin-doo.

But it is an interesting race to follow.  One point of interest about the Republican candidates in Iowa is that their race has been all over the place!  There hasn’t been a clear front-runner in Iowa.  While I don’t endorse him, I will say that the media’s lack of attention to Ron Paul is coming back to bite them a little bit.  It is looking more and more like he might actually win this primary.  But for real, all the candidates have been all over the map.  Rick Perry was in the lead for a while.  Herman Cain was in the lead for a while.  Gingrich was in the lead for a while.  This is a really flip-flopping state, except for Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney is most likely going to be the GOP candidate that they put out front and center.  The Republican establishment hates Ron Paul.  As much as I disagree with about 70% of what he is for, I’ll give the man credit for being very powerful, yet having virtually no support.  He is running a grass-roots campaign on a national level, and I gotta respect that.  But yeah, Romney is the one likely to take hold of the reins.

The reason is simple to me – he’s the only candidate who isn’t bat-shit crazy.  Gingrich is evil.  Cain (back when he was running) is evil.  Perry is evil.  Romney is the only candidate who can actually appeal to what I do believe is a majority of middle-ground Republican voters.  There have been a lot of posts on a lot of sites asking where the serious Republican candidate is.

Now, my friend, and fellow free-thinking liberal John Aronno had some thoughts about this election.  He believes that this is all just a waste, and the GOP knows it.  The establishment will absolutely stand against Ron Paul.  If Romney were to pick Paul as his running mate, it is very likely that they would back off from him too.  So, the question becomes – who can Romney possibly pick?  What can Romney possibly do?

John’s belief is as follows, and I think it’s worth noting –

Barb: good point. Romney will actually be a lot more popular with I’s than R’s. Lucien, you’re right as well. Which leads me back to my thought that the GOP doesn’t care about the executive branch at the moment. Win the Senate, keep the House, make Obama (and the Democratic Party) look like eunuchs for four years and then run a real candidate – and maybe even pick the White House up on a wild card.

That was from a Facebook post.  It’s an interesting theory.  Now, in all fairness, I don’t agree that it’s the GOP making Obama look like a eunuch.  I have written in previous posts about how I don’t believe the first or third liberal narrative about Obama is correct.  I believe the second is the right one – that he is a malevolent force.  In any case, it still interests me because it makes sense.

With the House and the Senate in GOP control, and a President who seems to only care about consolidating his own power in the White House, there is little to no social progress that will actually happen.  If the GOP focuses their efforts on the House and the Senate elections, they can handle things without much difficulty.

To my own opinion – what do I think will happen?  Well, that depends.  If, on some miraculous turn of events, Ron Paul does win the nomination, then things are going to get interesting, because the fact is that Paul has stood by his convictions.  He’s not like Obama – all smoke and mirrors.  He actually stands up for what he believes in.  He has a clear set of objectives, and a lot of people go with him because it actually is clicking with the pulse of America.

If Romney wins, then things get boring.  Romney may have a Hail Mary chance of getting into the White House, but that’s it.  None of the other candidates have a chance in hell.  That’s a fact.  But following all of this, for a politically aware guy as myself, is going to be fascinating.

So stay tuned, folks!  It’s going to be one hell of a ride.  Since it’s likely that Romney is going to win, the liberal base is going to either stick with Obama from blind loyalty, or turn their back on him.  He’s given them little to grab onto, and given his current record of not standing his ground, it’s unlikely that they are going to have faith in him.

Like I said in the post about the three narratives.  I reject the first (that Obama is trying, but keeps getting blocked at every turn) because Obama had plenty of chances to stand his ground, but didn’t.  Many liberals still believe that first narrative.  But I have a sinking feeling that most are like me – not that stupid.  So he is not going to get the dedication of the base that got him elected last time, unless he can pull some major BS out of his ass.

In any case, I am staying tuned, and so should you.  It’s gonna be one hell of a year.

Until next time, a quote,

“I mean, if it comes down to Ron Paul or Barack Obama, how can I, in good conscience, vote for Barack Obama?  A man who doesn’t believe anything that he fucking says?”  -TJ Kincaid, WTF IOWA?!

Peace out,


The End of the Obama Debate

I previously had written a post where I had asked the question of if Obama was malevolent, or merely incompetant.  I posed the idea that there are three liberal narratives that currently go around about Obama.  The first is that he wants to do things, but the Republicans block him at every turn.  I immediately discarded this option, because there was too much evidence against it.  The second is that he never wanted to do any of what he said, and that he wanted to continue the Bush Doctrine.  The third is that he did want to make good on his promises to the American people, but was simply too cowardly to stand his ground.  Recent events have proven that neither the first nor the third narrative are correct.  The second is the correct one.  Obama is a malevolent force working against the American people.

The first major indication that Obama was playing dumb and really working to continue the Bush Doctrine was the acceptance speech that he gave when he recieved his Nobel Peace Prize.  He basically said that it doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks, America can do whatever the hell it wants, without consequences.  That was the first major hint.

The next was when he failed to live up to his mandate of closing Guantanamo, instead, he pretty much franchised it.  That was the next big hint that something was very off about his character.  Next up came the Bush Tax Cuts.  Obama could very easily have stood his ground, and said that he would veto anything that they put on his desk.  He could have told them that there would be no fly with this.  Instead, he gave the Republicans more than even Bush II had given them.  Bush hadn’t been so generous, so that gives kind of a statement of where Obama stands.

The next big clue was the Debt Ceiling debate.  This was another instance where Obama could have stood his ground, because everybody who is politically aware knew that the Republicans were bluffing.  There was no way that they were going to not raise the debt ceiling.  With the AARP breathing down their necks and the old people saying “You damn well better get me my Social Security!”, we all knew that it was a bluff.  Again, he gave them everything that they want and more.  He barely even hid it.

But this most recent issue is the one that really ends this debate with me.  One can no longer say that he is merely incompetant.  He is malevolent.  He is a force that is working against the American people, not for.  The National Defense Authorization Act has been signed into law.  Obama said, flat-out, that he was going to veto it.  It contains sections which state that American citizens can be hauled off to Gitmo and detained there, indefinitely, without trial or charge.  Effectively ending the Firth and Thirteenth  Amendments to the Constitution.  Not only that, but it also has sections that state that the military can torture American citizens which are in their illegal holding cells.

The real kicker which tips the scales on the question of if Obama is malevolent or incompetant was the fact that the provision that American citizens could be held indefinitely – that was his handiwork.  He asked for that provision.  He asked that our government be allowed to send American citizens to prison for the rest of their living, breathing days.  He wanted to make the provisions that turn this country into a military police state.  And he signed it into law.  This is not debated anymore, it is happening.  America has abandoned freedom and safety and basically told its citizenry – you are not safe.  The military could come for you at any time.

With the 2012 elections just around the corner, the big question becomes – what should we do?  The liberals like me really have nobody to turn to.  All of the Republican candidates are jokes.  Newt Gingrich is an idiot.  Michele Bachmann is insane.  Rick Perry is a bigot.  Rick Santorum is a dumbass and a bigot.  Mitt Romney is the Republican version of Obama (except he’s open about his malevolence, whereas Obama is trying to mask his as “change”)  And then there is the one that the internet seems to just be in love with – Ron Paul.

Ah, Ron Paul.  The character who has such a dedicated fanbase, but so few of his fans are actually aware.  Or if they are aware, they make really stupid defenses, like they have figured something out.  This man is not a viable alternative.  He’s crazy, straight-up.  He’s outright insane.

The first big point of his is that he wants to bring back the Gold Standard, which not only crippled Britains economy when Winston Churchill did it in the 1920’s, but also makes no real sense.  The money system is based on what we preceive as the money’s value.  Ron Paul believes that money should derive it’s value from gold.  Well, the question becomes – how does gold derive its value?  From the same way that paper money does – our perception of its value.  It is ridiculous, worthless, and pointless.  We might as have the Kool-Aid Standard.

Then there is his pro-life views, which so many of the Paulites have come out in defense of.  He believe that life begins at conception, and has said on his website that he is going to overturn Roe v. Wade, and make it up to the states if abortion is legal or not.  Or is he?  He then wants to pass the  Sanctity of Life Act, which would make into law that life begins at conception, so if a state wanted to make it legal, he would impose that they could not.  He would take away their liberty to do so.  Yeah, the big buzz-word of his cultish following, and he wants to overturn it.  Consistency, no?

He also wants to remove social safety nets, like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.  He believes that they are unConstitutional.  Yes, because the Constitution is a perfect document, and the Founding Fathers had secret psychic powers that made it so that their perfect document could apply to everything for always.  That’s bullshit.  Straight-up bullshit.  Never mind that the Constitution doesn’t back him up on this.  It allows the government to levy taxes to provide for the people.  It’s in there, folks.  You can argue for the programs, but arguing for the Constitutionality is just ridiculous.

Ron Paul also opposes FDA regulations, which is not only stupid, it’s insane.  He wants there to be no oversight over the food we eat and the milk we drink.  If a person wants to have raw milk, get your own cow.  The people need to be protected.  The people need to be kept safe, because the simple fact of the matter is that the people are stupid, and don’t know any better.  This is not opposing people’s liberties.  If you want to have untreated meat, get your own cow.  If you want raw milk, see previous answer.

Here’s another interesting tidbit- Ron Paul believes that the government should be able to regulate your sexuality.  No joke, he believes that while he opposes sodomy laws, if a state wants to make them, that’s their call.

There is no right to privacy, nor sodomy found anywhere in the Constitution.  There are, however, states’ rights.  Rights plainly affirmed in the Ninth and Twelth Amendments.  Under those rights, the state of Texas has the right to decide for itself how to regulate social matters like sex.

That’s from his website.  Not only is this idiot insane, he is just as evil as Obama.  Only he is able to clothe it in “Liberty.”  It’s the lovely watch-word that the Libertarians have.  It’s a useless term.

Now, you put these things to them, and many will argue, “well, in the face of federal prisons, we’ll take no abortion.”  Yes, because people are willing to put their personal belief aside for another bit of insanity.  Embracing what they believe as “the lesser evil.”

The problem is that we shouldn’t have to choose!  There should be a rational, sane, and coherant representative who actually has enough balls to be able to fight for what they believe in.  There shouldn’t be some kind of a choice between evil or insane.  It shouldn’t be that the words “lesser evil” are acceptable.  The biggest problem in America now is that we are forcing ourselves to settle for less, because we believe that it is the only way.  Perhaps the biggest failure in this country is the worthless people who are not demanding more from their politicians.  But that is probably also asking just too much.

Until next time, a quote,

“I don’t think that I have to choose between evil and crazy.  I don’t think that I should have to choose between evil and crazy.”  -TJ Kincaid, Crazy vs. Evil

Peace out,


Fascism: Coming soon to a country near you!

It is always fun to watch how the leaders of this country can be completely gridlocked on things that help Americans, but when it comes to things that hurt us, they are able to come together and be totally on-board with anything that is said.  Recent actions of Congress have shown as much.

The Stop Online Piracy Act was the first big point that was made about this.  It would allow the government to censor any site they wanted, under the guise of “preventing piracy.”  That means that sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and really any other major social network would be completely at risk, and the sites would start massivel self-policing that would kill us.  But we all know that the risk of abuse is so huge that nobody would be surprised when the government just put a damper on any site that they don’t like.  For as long as I have been aware, I have seen that they hate the First Amendment, so this isn’t a surprise to me at all.

But now, there is a new Bill which just passed the Senate 93-7.  It would effectively give this government the power to extend the same courtesy that we have to those overseas when we take them from their homes and imprison them without trial, for the rest of their lives, and give it to Americans.  That’s right, this new bill, the National Defense Authorization Act for the Fiscal Year of 2012 has a stipulation that says –

1031, the statement of authority to detain, does apply to American citizens, and it designates the world as the battlefield, including the homeland.

That was read on the Senate floor by a Republican senator from South Carolina.   He is absolutely right.  An amendment to this bill would allow for the indefinte detention of American citizens.  This should terrify people, outright terrify them.  Americans should be sitting at home scared, because if this passes the House, then it will be sent to Obama’s desk.  He has said that he will veto it, but since he has shown himself to be a spineless coward, that seems very unlikely.

This is the first real example of how this government is trying to legalize fascism.  There cannot be any other viewpoint on this topic.  That’s what this is.  No trial, no jury, no charge, no nothing.  They can take you from your home and put you in a military detention facility for the rest of your life, all while not having to say anything to you, and being allowed to torture you, like we do other inmates.

Fear should be in the air.  For the first time in a long time, the government has made very clear that it wishes to have all of us under their thumb.  It has been becoming more and more clear with the Occupy movement, but now, it is just becoming the sad twisted version of a bad joke.  The joke that we all have control of our democracy, and that we are able to change things.  Here is proof, beyond any doubt, that not only doesn’t this government care about its citizenry, but it will do whatever it takes to make them behave.

Imagine the terror when you see your friends and neighbors getting hauled off by military police and you never seeing them again.  The idea gives me chills, and it should scare a lot of you.  I wish I was fear-mongering here, but that is the stakes that are at play, if our House is just as insane as the Senate, and Obama once-again fails to deliver on a promise.

This is how it works, America.  We are given a piece of legislation that is beyond horrible, and the people never get angry, never get upset, never bat an eyelash.  They just don’t care.  There is no huge amount of outrage.  Just blind submission.  Me, I’m scared.  Look through the bill, and you all will be too.  Hopefully, anyway.

Until next time, a quote,

“Obama has said that he’s gonna veto the Bill.  He’s gonna come in and save the day.  That’s an Obama-promise, so you know that it’s worth, you know, nothing.  And hey, if he does, good.  But if he doesn’t, that’s also good, because this bill commemorates the day that America stops being like the drunken dad that comes home and beats the wife and the kids, and the day that he instead just gets the shotgun and kills his whole family and himself.  Which is good because it relieves such narrative tension for the past ten, twenty years.”  -TJ Kincaid, FASCIST AMERICA: Coming Soon? 

Peace out,


The Liberal Narratives About Obama

My favorite YouTube vlogger pointed something out that I really want to mirror, because honestly, this is how I view things too.  He did a Q&A video, where people would send video responses to one video, to which he would reply.  It was only to video questions, but it was still interesting.  Anyway, in it, he was asked what he thought the major flaw in the Obama presidency was.  The Republican narrative is that he is a Kenyan Muslim, socialist, communist, anything that the dumbass Glenn Beck spews, so we don’t care about that.  His response was that there are three kinds of liberal narratives about Obama.  I want to give them, and give my own perspective on the issue.  Here are what he believes are the three narratives –

1. That Obama has been a President who wanted to get things done and continues to want to get stuff done, but “those damn obstructionist Republicans won’t let it happen!”
Like TJ, I discard that narrative.  Obama had a plethora of opportunities to make some really major change.  He did, but the liberal community doesn’t seem to agree in a lot of sects.  The fact is that he could have stood his ground on the Bush Tax Cuts expiring, because he said he would.  He could have stood his ground on the Debt Ceiling debate, calling out the Republicans bluff.  He immediately capitulated on single-payer in the health care reform debate.  He also backed off about the Public Option.  Without a public option, health care reform was a birthday present to the private insurance companies.

2. That Obama never believed any of what he promised, but once he got into the White House, he was there to further the Bush agenda.
Now, TJ said he hasn’t fully embraced this.  Myself, I am…unsure.  I think back on the speech he made when he got the Nobel Peace Prize.  This speech was interesting because he said basically that America can be as imperial as it wants, and there is NOTHING that the rest of the world can do about it.  Obama has continued the Bush doctrine on almost every front.  A lot of people credit him with leaving Iraq, but that wasn’t his plan.  That was Bush’s plan.  Bush planned to be out of Iraq by 2012.  I’m not defending him, I’m just pointing out a fact.  What’s more, Obama has been an articulate defender of the Bush Doctrine.  TJ is on the fence, but myself…I am more leaning to this option.  I have just seen little evidence that he wanted to be somebody else.  But I am not completely convinced.

3. Obama really does believe what he said when he wanted to get elected, but he is just too weak to see any of it through.  That he would prefer compromise to discourse.
Again, here is where TJ and I agree.  I also believe that it is one of the last two options.  The first is just completely non-sensical.  I have no data to back this one up.  This is just an idea.  TJ pointed out that if it was either the second or third option, than the major flaw with Obama is –

That he’s a complete phony or a complete pussy.

My thoughts about President Obama really is leaning toward the second option.  There are a couple of big reasons why.  The first is what is happening with the Occupy movement.  There was a quote that Obama said during the protests that were going on in Egypt.

I want to be very clear in calling upon the Egyptian authorities to refrain from any violence against peaceful protestors.  The people of Egypt have rights that are universal.  That includes the right to peaceful assembly, the right to free speech, and the ability to determine their own destiny.  These are human rights.  And the United States will stand up for them everywhere.

Okay, then my question is to Obama – where the hell were you during the Occupy movement?  He once said that if the people in this country weren’t satisfied, and chose to protest, he would put on a pair of walking shoes, and march with them.  Not only did he not do it, but he hasn’t said a word about the police brutality that plagues all the Occupy movements.  He has been completely silent.  He made a press conference where he said that he understood our problem, but that we shouldn’t villify the banking industry.

The next big reason is the fact that he hasn’t done anyting about our wars in the Middle East.  In fact, he went into office with two wars, we are now up to five.  About to be down to four, but we are still gaining wars, not losing them.  If Obama is serious about what he wants, then why would he not only choose to go with all of what Bush was going with, including extending the Patriot Act, and championing that extension, then I really am inclined to believe that this guy is either too weak to have his own balls, or he is in the pocket of somebody else.  The pocket of somebody else seems more likely.

I was a big supporter of Obama in 2008.  I wanted to believe that this guy was the real deal.  But very quickly, we all learned that he isn’t the real deal.  that is just just another politician, or a complete coward.  It is part of the tragedy of what has happened in this country in recent years.  Part of the reason that I am so in-support of the Occupy movement is that it is getting the discussion back to the things that matter – the unbelievable wealth inequality, the corporate and banking corruption, and the lack of jobs.  For the last 11 years, the narrative we have been hearing is how greed is good, god is good, and we all need to just go with it.

I am not standing with Obama in 2012.  A lot of people talk about all the clowns in the GOP who are potentially running against him.  I’m not worried about that.  None of those idiots will be elected.  They are all jokes.  One of the problems that the few moderate Republican candidates are having is that they know that all of these guys and gal are crazed.  So I’m not worried about him not getting reelected.  The problem here is that this man is either the greatest con artist in the history of this country, or too weak.  Both of which are totally unacceptable to me.

Until next time, a quote,

“I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but I feel like a local litter ordinance should take a back-seat to the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.  Maybe I’m crazy.  Should protestors be able to get away with more than the private citizen?  Yes!”  -TJ Kincaid, American Flaw

Peace out,


We are the oppressed in America. We are the 1%!

Well, we are the banks.  We are the people who are being oppressed in this country.  We are being oppressed by these people calling themselves, the other 99%.  These rotten vagrants are nothing but parasites.  They leech off of the services that we provide in this country every single day, and then question the manner in which we provide it.  Where are all these supposed Ron Paul fans?  They are supposed to have our backs!  But yes, we are the oppressed.  We are being ill-treated by these thugs, and why – because they think we are somehow responsible for the problems that the poor in this country have now.

I hate to break it to you, poor people, but sometimes, a little bit of loss for everybody else is just the cost of doing business!  Sometimes, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet, know what I mean?  I mean, where was all this bitching that you are doing now back when the market was great?  You all just complain when things are bad!  You parasites don’t like to admit that you like us when things are good, and then don’t when we are bad.  You are nothing but people needing to find a person to blame for your problems.  Well you know who you can blame – yourselves.

The reason that you all are not doing well is because you are lazy!  You don’t try hard enough!  After all, if you all simply got off the street and looked, you’d find a job.  There are jobs around, if you lazy cretins decided to have the dignity enough to go and work for it.  I mean, that’s what we do!  We come into our banks every day, and we bust our asses, playing with all of your money.  Where are our medals?!  Where are the people saying, “thank you Wall Street for doing the important job of keeping the economy running”?!  Where the fuck are you when we need you to be nice.  You think all these problems just happen?!  This isn’t our fault.

Sometimes, things go wrong.  And we’re people, after all.  So what if we just crashed and destroyed the economy, how are we responsible?  It is the government and you all’s faults for keeping us regulated!  If you took away all of those regulations, everything would get better.  Again, where are all these Ron Paul people when we need them?  Why aren’t they out there telling these worms that the free market can regulate itself!  That we should have the liberty to do as we please, and just you watch as things will get better!

But now all these protestors are forcing our hand!  We didn’t want it to come to this, but what choice did you leave us?  We are now forced to have to fight against you.  We have bought and paid for the police in this country.  And now we are forced to also back political candidates who will strike down you protesting masses.  The fact is that we must say this to you – you and your resistance is completely futile.  We will defeat you, because honestly, we own this government.  If you will not step down on your own, we will put a government body in power who will force you to step down.

We didn’t want it to come to this.  We didn’t want to have to put you in your place.  But what choice did you leave us?  When you all go on about how you are the ones oppressed, you are ignoring the fact that you are singling us banks out.  So now we have to takes steps to put you down.  We don’t want to, we shouldn’t have to, but you people and your refusal to blindly be our slaves has left us no alternative.  We’re sorry to have to do this.

Oh wait, who am I kidding.  You people are nothing but our slaves, and if you really think anything to the contrary, then you are just plain blind.  We are going to continue to oppress you, because the fact is that we can buy and sell politicians.  Your President is even bowing to us (no bullshit, check one of the videos linked above)!  You really think your protests can do anything?  Well, the fact is that you are just blind.  So, we will keep going, and unless you are willing to step up beyond just blind protest, then we will own you forever!

Until next time, a quote,

“But wishes are for children.”  -Dexter Morgan, Dexter

Peace out,

Maverick  (Occupy Wall Street, you need to step up!  Either make the fight bigger, or step off.  These people are NOT listening to you!)