The Ending to Mass Effect 3 Still Sucks

There is this thing that people do with a franchise that they partake of.  Even if the previous entries suck, they always seem to be very apologetic for the third entry in it.  We saw that with the Star Wars prequel trilogy.  Revenge of the Sith was not a good movie.  Was it better than the previous two entries?  Yeah.  A lot.  But does that make it a good movie?  No.  These people who like to believe that it does just baffle me.  Such people exist for the sequel trilogy as well.  Rise of Skywalker is a TERRIBLE movie.  The pacing is awful.  There is at LEAST two films worth of plot in that movie.  It was a desperate attempt to retcon as much as they could from the Rian Johnson film that preceded it.  Yet there are people who will defend it, just because they don’t want to shit on the third entry in the trilogy.  They want to think that there was something worth watching in it.

I am also seeing that there are more and more apologists for Mass Effect: Andromeda.  That one just vexes me.  The game where somebody said the line “my face is tired” has apologists.  How?  The terrible writing, the bland milquetoast characters who you couldn’t give less of a shit about, the boring gameplay that had no real sense of tension.  That’s something that people feel isn’t as bad as people made it out to be when it came out?  It’s laughable.  The game sucks.  Bioware isn’t the company they once were.  They are a shell of what they once were, and it’s clear that they are going to be going to the EA graveyard once they have a couple more failures.

But what really gets me is the people who are now defending the ending to Mass Effect 3.  Like, why?  I watched this Gameranx video about the worst plot twists in games, and you had Jake Baldino going out of his way to say that the ending to this game wasn’t that bad, but that they would be remiss for not including it on the list.  The comments had a TON of people saying that the ending was fine.  Then there are the people who say that the extended ending makes it better.  You have to be kidding me.

I’ve talked in detail about why the ending to ME3 is bad.  I personally think everything after when the Victory Fleet goes to Earth is garbage.  There’s nothing worth playing after that.  It’s all so boring.  The final mission is just horde mode, fighting waves of enemies, with no consequence to anything you do.  I think back to the Suicide Mission in ME2, where every choice you make affects who lives and dies.  How you are given agency that matters.  Then I think about the end of this game, where you just survive waves of bad guys, and then it’s done.  It’s such a waste of potential.  All the war assets you collect, none of it matters.  You don’t get to see krogan riding kakliosaurs.  You don’t get to see geth primes and geth soldiers using novel tactics against the Reapers.  You don’t get to see the Armali snipers.  How great would it have been if you could place your assets in a game of chess, where using the wrong assets affects who lives and dies?  It would have been the culmination of everything you have done.  Instead, it was horde mode.  I hated it.  I still hate it.

But the conversation surrounding the God Child is what baffles me the most.  Who are these people apologizing for that?  It’s garbage!  Narrative garbage!  Casey Hudson has come out and said he’s not sorry for the ending of the game.  Well, good for you, I guess.  You made a shit ending to the franchise that craps all over your decisions with three nonsensical endings that are stupid with a capital S.  If you wanna be proud of that, I guess that’s your choice.  As for me, I think it was a really shitty way to do the people who stuck with this trilogy and got invested in it.  Sure, you had EA breathing your back and you were between a rock and a hard place, but if people on YouTube are able to create an ending that doesn’t suck just by editing out the God Child and then having the Destroy ending be it, editing out the deaths of EDI and the geth, then how did you not have that capacity?

There’s this thing people do where they don’t wanna trash-talk something they like.  They don’t wanna criticize the thing that they have invested time and effort and built a connection with.  I get that.  It sucks when something that you like has flaws and you have to acknowledge that.  Especially when it’s something you really like.  I love Cyberpunk 2077, but I also acknowledge how much wasted potential there is with the setting.  It’s a shame that this setting isn’t being expanded more in this game.  CDPR says they’re going to expand on this in the sequel game, but I’m skeptical.  Especially given how much talent has bled out of that company.  It’s looking like it might be a situation like Bioware, with the best talent leaving and the company being a shell of what it used to be.

Maybe it’s because people have so much investment.  They want to believe that the payoff was worth it.  That how it all comes together is fine.  I want to sympathize with that, but I don’t.  I still love the Mass Effect trilogy.  It could have been a space opera of legendary status.  A franchise that was the high water mark of choice-based AAA narrative.  But it isn’t.  It crashed and burned so hard at the end.  What’s more, the Extended Cut doesn’t make it better.  I’m sorry, but it doesn’t.  It sucks.  Having you do more talking with the God Child doesn’t fix what’s wrong with the ending.  If anything, it makes it worse.  Because it’s Bioware doubling-down on this crappy, narrative garbage mess ending that makes no fucking sense.

So, Jake Baldino is entitled to his opinion, but he’s wrong.  The ending is terrible.  It’s hot garbage, and Bioware should have just retconned it, and if what I’m seeing about the upcoming game is accurate, it kinda looks like they are.  Not officially, but it seems like they’ve scrapped the Control and Synthesis ending and are going to hand-wave the God Child away with the Destroy ending.  It’s probably the smartest thing they could have done.  We’ll see what new crap they give us next.  If it wasn’t for the Citadel DLC, the franchise would leave a much more bitter taste in my mouth.

Until next time, a quote,

“We had a good run, didn’t we?” – Liara T’soni, Mass Effect 3

Peace out,


Top Things I Want to See in Cyberpunk 2077

When I see how much games journalism and the public at large shits on this game, it feels like I may be the last person in the room who still likes it. Not just likes it, but loves it. Well, all except for the endings. That’s where I do have some bitter taste in my mouth. The problem is that no particular ending is very cathartic. There is one that comes close, but never gets there. I get the theme at play here, I do. The idea that no matter what you do, in Night City, you lose while the powerful win. But I honestly would have liked it if there was a way to get to some level of catharsis. At the very least to not have V condemned no matter what choice you make. There seemed to be an easy way around that, if you talked through all the options with Hellman and really paid attention to what he said about the program that Johnny Silverhand was supposed to be a test subject in. But I digress.

There are a number of things that I think could and should be done to change this game that would make it a lot better. At least for me. Maybe these things could be patched, maybe they would have to be DLC, but there are some things that I wouldn’t mind seeing change in this game that would make things a lot better. In no particular order, here is a list.

Fix the Driving Mechanics (for cars)

This isn’t a new thing. Pretty much every game website has commented on this, saying that the driving controls in this game are fucked. And you know what, they’re not entirely right. For motorbikes, I like them. A lot. My favorite bike, the Yaiba Kusanagi (the Akira bike), made me realize that this feels like the way that this game should have been played. I love the drift mechanics with bikes when you hit the breaks. If you learn how to do it, you can zoom through the city like it’s no one’s business (and clock your poor console/PC’s processing power so hard). But where the game’s driving mechanics go to shit is with cars. Cars drift all over the damn place, and it is more than a little frustrating. Especially since there are so many cars that I like and keep in my arsenal of vehicles. The Quadra that is modified for nomads, the “Javelin” is a sick ride. Or the secret Rayfield Caliburn that you can find. If the handling of the vehicles wasn’t so fucked up, then it would make things so much better.

Make it so we can crash at our partner’s places

In my first run, I pursued a relationship with Judy, the Mox BD editor. She’s a cutie, and a cool character. The scene where V and her reach that point was amazing and had me feeling some pretty hardcore stuff. Their date scene was just great. So when she then gives you access to her pad and says you can stay over there, part of me was really wanting to be able to do that. No joke, I was just fine with the idea of crashing with my Cyberpunk 2077 waifu and wake up with her. That would have been cute. Instead, we can’t do that. At all. That sucks. Because V comments about what a great symbol of trust that is, and I agree. It would be nice to reward her for doing that by having me spend time with her at a home that she wants me to feel like it is my own as well.

I was also hoping to be able to crash with the Aldecaldos after I earned my place with them. They’re good people and I liked that I had a pad with them as well. Driving my bike across the desert never stopped being fun, so I would have loved to be able to do that more often. But…Speaking of relationship stuff.

Let me go on dates

I figure this would have to be DLC. You make a game with a world that is so rich and interesting, I can only imagine all the places that I could take a partner out to on a date. Judy set the bar a little high with her idea, but I wouldn’t mind having some ideas. You have her going out on a girls night out and getting drunk. Where was my invite?! The endings to this game wouldn’t have felt so bad if I was able to really get to connect to my partner beyond one interaction. Be able to go out with her on dates would have gone a long way. Pursuing Panam in my Corpo build, and I have the same thoughts. Let me take the ladies/gentlemen in my life to nice places.

It doesn’t even have to be super intricate stuff.  Let me be able to hang out with my prospective partner and do things.  Or my peeps in general.  It would be rad to have things in the game that I could just invite people to do, a la Persona 5: Royal.  There’s a paid expansion DLC that I seriously would drop money for – the date night expansion.  Having things in Night City to be able to take your person out to do.  That sounds awesome. 

More Missions with the more interesting characters

One of the things that bummed me out was how limited some of the interactions with the side characters was.  Like, great example – Lizzy Wizzy.  We get these two side missions that hint at her being well on the path to cyberpsychosis, but it’s just left up in the air!  Come on!  Or when Panam talks about a new heist idea that can help you in your mission.  Where was that?!  Or how you get this interesting mission with Blue Moon of the Us Cracks, but that’s it.  Not only is she cute, but that whole world was fascinating.  We don’t get to see that much of the entertainer side of this world.  Or just missions where you get to see aspects of a character we don’t get to know a lot about.  Takamura would have been a fun one.  Or at least some acknowledgment that he totally died for nothing, Akira Kurosawa style.  Speaking of aspects of the world we don’t get to see much of…

More exposure to the higher echelons of Night City society

I was kind of hoping that we would get to see the political aspects of Night City a lot more.  Like, if you get big enough, you’d have the Mayor or somebody like that hit you up.  There is the missions for the people running in the election, which does tie in to one of my favorite aspects of the game – Night Corp and the freaky shit they are up to, but I was really hoping that somehow I would do more meet and greet with the upper crust of the game at a certain point.  Or maybe get some exposure to Night Corp.  You get at the periphery of that shadowy organization, but part of me is hoping that part of paid DLC is getting to dive into the grit of this corporation and seeing the ugly side of them in much greater detail.  It was freaky AF.

Some exposure to standard BDs

One of my favorite things in the game is getting to play detective by analyzing Braindances.  I know a lot of people find that boring, but I’m not one of them.  Games that let me analyze clues and piece things together is always one of my favorite things.  Close as I’ll get to being an actual detective.  However, I noticed that we don’t get much exposure to BDs that are not for that purpose.  There were the missions of meditation with the monk, and those were interesting, but I was hoping to see some other stuff.  Maybe the BD advertised about a rogue cyberware arm.  That sounds freaky to see. It would be cool to get some exposure to the other sides of the market.

Let us see the Space Port

I am dead positive that this is going to be part of an expansion paid DLC.  I literally will not believe otherwise.  It’s too perfect for that not to be the case.  This place is such a big part of Night City and it plays a part at certain points in the story.  Even still, I am really eager to see it.  Let me explore around and get to know this new area.  Maybe have a mission or two in space?  There is an ending that teases about that very issue, but all the same, I want to see this place and get into some trouble there.

Keep Johnny in the DLC stuff

Look, I can’t imagine the price tag of an A-list actor for a game like this.  From what I understand, Keanu was willing to be flexible on it because of the fact that he loved this project so much.  Initially the role was meant to be smaller, but he negotiated to make it bigger, for a budget.  That’s pretty awesome, but still, it is a cost.  That being said, the casting of Keanu Reeves as Johnny SIlverhand was fucking inspired.  He’s fantastic in the role.  I honestly cannot think of who else it could be.  Dude has such presence and he makes every interaction special.  His talks with V are what makes this game for me.  So if there is to be some big expansion DLC to the game, please for the love of Groj, let him reprise his role.

Those are the big ones that immediately come to mind.  Let me know if you have any of your own.  Hopefully I am not the only person who still thinks this game is worth their time.  It was a rough start, but each patch has been making things better, and I still love this game.  Hopefully the best is yet to come.

Until next time, a quote,

“You’re the ghost of Christmas Past, asshole!” – V, Cyberpunk 2077

Peace out,


Cyberpunk 2077: The Good, the Amazing, and the Downright Frustrating

So, I was one of the many, many people who had preordered Cyberpunk 2077 and got it day 1 on the 10th. I let the 45 gig day 1 patch download all the way before starting it up on my PS4 Pro. But right from the very start, I could realize that this game is special. It is special in a way that I cannot begin to explain to all of you. I knew that so many parts of this game was not only going to live up to my expectations, but blow them out of the water. However, there were other things. Things that really got under my skin and made it very frustrating to play this game. Things that the Internet has been bitching about since the 10th, when the game did a wide release. Now, I figured I would chime in, because honestly, I don’t think I can do a proper review just yet.

The thing about this game is – I know for a fact that once all is said and done, when the last patches finally release, I am going to love this game maybe more than any game I have played before. But if I tried to do a review of it now, I know that I would have to ding it for things that are definitely faults, but which I don’t want to because I know that the work is still being done. I am dead certain that this game is going to rise from the ashes of it’s launch disaster of bad texture pop-in, the weird emptiness of Night City, and most frustrating of all – crashes. The crashing problem on this game, even with the v. 1.04 patch, is still the biggest thing that gets on my nerves. Because the visual problems have gotten loads better. There are still bugs, like how characters will hand you think that aren’t there, or you will be wearing an outfit but the game will think you are half naked or something. But those things can be overlooked, especially because it’s always little stuff and the most recent patch has made so much of that go away. But it’s the crashes that are frustrating me the most.

But other than that, this game is something unlike anything I’ve played in so long that the feelings I am having while playing it are ones that I haven’t felt since childhood. That sense of awe and wonder as you get wrapped up a narrative that has you hooked from beginning to end, wondering if you are going to be able to see what happens next before having to go to bed for the night. You want to stay up. The narrative is so utterly compelling. The plot moving is so great. Missions run the gamut of infiltration, solving crimes, interrogating people, resolving conflicts with peace instead of violence, or just losing your shit and blowing everyone away. Each mission is unique and feels special in its own way. You get lose in how engaging it all is.

What’s more, this game is intense! There are some hardcore themes at play here! Doing a mission where I am at a “doll” hotel and solving a mystery of what happened to one of the women working there leads to some imagery and dialog that just makes me feel so many mixed emotions. Or the first time Johnny Silverhand interacts with V. That shit was nuts! For real, I felt as trapped as my version of the character did with him. And let me say – Keanu Reeves could not have been more perfectly chosen for this role. He is phenomenal as this character. The way your narrative grows with him, depending on what you do, feels so touching. Especially since I try and take a more diplomatic path and talk my way through problems or infiltrating like a stealth ninja. So I tried to make peace with this very angry former rockerboy.

All of the voice acting is phenomenal, if I”m being perfectly honest. I read this stupid article in The Verge about how V isn’t as interesting as Geralt because they don’t have his depth. That is just bullshit. I guess they didn’t play this game the way I do. Your character can have a very broad range of interactions, all hinging on your choices. Plus, given the thing driving the plot forward (which I would not DARE spoil here), it makes sense where there is a foreboding sense of brood going on for him/her. Each major character has their own arc and their own stuff that they bring to the table. There are so many dynamics and narratives and allegiances that shift from character to character, all based on what you do.

I game for story. If the story is good, I can overlook a lot about a game that isn’t great. To put that in context, as I was waiting for this game to come out, I’ve been playing Fallout: New Vegas. You wanna talk about a game with a TON of bugs, you really do have to look no further than that. But it’s the narrative, the characters, and the world that keeps you playing. And it is going to keep me playing this game for many, many months to come. When all the patches are done, and this game is finally at the state that it needs to be, you can believe that my inevitable score would be 10 out of 10. But it isn’t there now. The news outlets looking past the problems with bugs and giving the game perfect scores are wrong and should be taken to task for this. But stick with it, and I know you all will be right there with me in seeing a masterpiece that the developers shouldn’t have gone gold for until sometime next year, when the game was FINALLY ready and done. I cannot imagine what the DLC will be.

Until next time, a quote,

“This is why you don’t bring back fallen warriors. Soon they’ll see that everything they fought for got turned to shit.” – Johnny Silverhand, Cyberpunk 2077

Peace out,


So People Getting Excited for Things is Bad Now? (A response to Nathan Grayson)

We are now four days out (still not believing it until the game drops) from the release of what is almost certainly going to be the biggest gaming experience of a generation – Cyberpunk 2077. Everything we have seen of this game, so many in-depth trailers about the city, the gangs, the lifepaths, the combat system, getting to see a bit into the RPG mechanics, and knowing how much is still left to find from people who have gotten their hands on the game and gotten to play it themselves, this game is looking to be quite exceptional. It will most assuredly have faults. No game is without them. All games have something that is more or less amazing than than other things. But games that are exceptional beyond the pale, where their successes outweigh the failures, those are the games that become timeless.

However, such sentiment is not shared by the whiny, bitchy “journalists” at sites like Kotaku, who have to make a big point about how the game is going to suck because people are hyped for it and how sick they are of the hype for it. These people remind me of the people who say things like, “I liked the band before they went mainstream. Now it’s all so corporate.” Granted, that has happened to a few bands, but there’s this pretentious way of saying it where you realize that the people saying this shit are the most pretentious douchebags who have ever lived. And what do you know, it’s Nathan Grayson! The dude whose claim to fame was saying nice things about a woman who he was laying pipe with in articles for his publication, without disclosing that he was laying pipe with her. Here’s a link to the article, now let’s get started.

In less than one week, everybody in cyberpunk future year 2020 will be playing Cyberpunk 2077. Or at least, that’s the impression I get, based on the fact that it’s all anybody is talking about. Such is the nature of the hype surrounding the robo-armed role-playing sensation: Hardly anybody has played it yet, but they’re certain that it’s going to be a life-changing experience.

Gross hyperbole much?  I can’t say no one thinks that, because if I’ve learned anything on the interwebs, it’s that there are some bonkers people who think all kinds of bonkers shit, but the vast majority of people don’t think this game is going to be a transcendent experience that makes us different people.  We just think this is going to be an exceptional experience the likes of which come very rarely in any console generation.  Few games reach that height, and the ones that do   Being a landmark title in gaming is one hell of an accomplishment.  Just ask Neil Druckmann.  He went from making a game that was one such thing, then making a sequel that he was dead certain would be another, but fell so horribly short due to his own hubris and belief that he had made something so thematically brilliant that no one would understand his genius. 

People are excited for this game because it is coming to us from a studio that proved itself with another landmark title of this generation.  A game that had a sublime story, sublime characters, a rich and engaging universe, and attention to detail that is quite literally second to none, being released from a studio who has a pedigree for refusing to release games until they measure up to their seal of quality.  The marketing for this game has shown how hard CDPR has worked into making this game’s world come alive, so people are excited to get to partake of it.  The hype for this game is rational, not insane hyperbole like you’re saying.

Remember EA’s Dante’s Inferno? How about that weird Ubisoft shooter, Haze? And of course, who could forget Homefront, aside from everyone? Not us!

Aye, three games that came from three lackluster studios who already have a reputation for creating for mediocre games.  EA especially, who was responsible for two out of three of those listed.  The problem with all three games isn’t the marketing that went into it exclusively, but more the fact that the marketing and what the final product they created was diametrically opposed.  All three of these games were hyped to be one thing, but turns out to be a mediocre version of what already existed.  Hence why they failed.  Word of mouth and dismal reviews killed them.  Meanwhile, Cyberpunk 2077 is getting glowing marks and also some criticism of things that could be better from people who have gotten to play demos and vertical slices of the game.  Plus, it’s coming from a studio with a pedigree of perfectionism.  That also gives people hope for it.

Lastly, we ride that energy right off a cliff, into the land where dimly remembered marketing disasters dwell. Who thought that promoting Homefront by releasing hundreds of red balloons over San Francisco, essentially showering an eco-conscious city in garbage, was a good idea? And how about that one Sony PSP ad that, back in 2006, people thought was pretty racist and is, in hindsight, incredibly “How did literally even a single person greenlight that” racist?

Wow.  What a stupid argument.  Yeah, Homefront had a stupid marketing campaign.  Except here’s the difference – the marketing of Cyberpunk 2077 has been almost exclusively footage of the game itself.  There have been very few pre-rendered cutscene trailers made exclusively for marketing purposes.  CDPR wisely wants people to get into the game itself.  This kind of marketing has been very popular in recent years, and for the better.  It’s part of why Ghost of Tsushima was such a smash success.  A couple fantastic gameplay breakdowns gave everyone a brilliant look at what the game entailed, and the hype train was through the roof.  Game companies are learning now that the best way to get people to believe in what your game will be is by showing the game itself, in as much detail as possible, so people won’t be rolling their eyes.  You conflating these things is stupid.  But then, you write for Kotaku.  I expect little else.

But as time went on, everything came out about CD Projekt Red saying, “We’re not going to crunch, but oh actually, we’ve been crunching this entire time,” and they kind of fumbled that message around “Are they crunching, or are they not crunching” and then “Actually, crunch is good because we’re paying everybody; sorry to your spouses and kids you’ll never see again.” It’s just, like, I don’t care anymore, guys.

Wow.  Just, wow.  Okay, so because CDPR was the victim of a situation which the entire world has been facing a massive global pandemic and they are doing the best they can to finish a game that nobody can argue is not ambitious in the extreme, you now don’t care about the game anymore.  Well clutch at your pearls some more, you fucking loser.  I’m glad you don’t care anymore.  No joke, good riddance.  Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

And then there’s the whole issue of attendant fanboys around it, where if you say one negative thing about it, they’ll come with pitchforks and try to burn your house down. It just turns me off the entire thing. I’m so sick of it. I’m really sick of it!

Citation needed, honey boo-boo.

Ash: Because this is gonna be our lives now, for at least the next month. I mean, even though we’re not the people who are working on it, we’ll be working on it. It’s still gonna be something that’s just gonna absorb all of our working lives because it’s the thing everybody’s gonna click on and want to talk about.

Um, sweetie, nobody’s forcing you to play this game if you don’t want to.  I hope you don’t.  If this game looks like such a piece of shit or so not what you personally want, then don’t play it.  Play something else.  Do something else.  Read a book.  Watch a movie.  I’d say go for a walk, but quarantine because of this global pandemic.  Go for a walk that’s socially distancing.  Engage in a vast plethora of other things you can be doing.  You are under no obligation to play this game or take part in any of the media associated with it.  No one is forcing a gun to your head to do so. 

Nathan: I think it’s important to dig into how we got here, how Cyberpunk arrived at this point. Because on paper, it doesn’t seem like the kind of game, necessarily, that has previously garnered this kind of hype. While it shares some qualities with those sorts of games, just look at, like, the Deus Ex reboots. Even they didn’t command this level of unbridled, feral fervor. I’ve been trying to pin down exactly what turned this game into a full-blown sensation, and it’s hard.

Well, Nathan, you’re pretty stupid, so I’m not surprised that you couldn’t figure out what was exciting people about this game.  It’s like this – CD Projekt Red has gotten a reputation for creating rich worlds, engaging gameplay, good characters, fantastic writing, and not releasing games until they meet their level of acceptability.  Their pro-consumed attitude has garnered them a great deal of respect from the gaming public at large.  This isn’t rocket science, you dunce.

One big thing that we were actually talking about among Kotaku staff in general the other day was that the game was announced almost a decade ago. It’s weird to think about, but the first time we saw it in any form was a cinematic trailer in 2013, but even before that, CD Projekt announced it in 2012. The trailer was pretty controversial at the time, because it featured a scantily clad woman cyborg fighting cops—perhaps even more charged imagery in this day and age than it was back then. But even at the time, the discussion around sexism in games was at a fever pitch, and the trailer wound up getting a lot of attention, in part, because of that zeitgeist.

You have a real gift at looking right at the forest and the trees just not existing to your vision.  It’s quite something.  It really is.  The ultimate nonsequitor.  Nobody cared about the scantily clad woman being scantily clad.  It was the fact that it was a crazy sequence, with a woman with mantis blade arms.  See, the average person doesn’t have your social justice bullshit reaction to things.  Instead, we have normal reactions of “wow, that’s pretty crazy.  I wonder what the deal is with this.  What game is this a part of?”  I admit I was not hooked myself at that point, but that’s because there were other games in 2012 that I was much more interested in.  This game caught me later on with the 48-minute gameplay trailer that showed off the content.  Same with all the others.

But that wasn’t the moment Cyberpunk 2077 took off. Back then, The Witcher 3 wasn’t even out yet. There was a small contingent of people who really loved CD Projekt, but it wasn’t like it is now. So I think the main factors that kind of coalesced into this perfect storm were The Witcher 3 coming out and CD Projekt becoming this, like, “gamer’s developer” that doesn’t do microtransactions and releases 30-hour-long DLC episodes and is attached to a DRM-free store in GOG—all of which resulted in this “can do no wrong” reputation.

Oh wow, you do pay attention!  Well, you impressed me once.  I get the feeling it won’t happen again.

hen, on top of that, we got the Keanu Reeves moment, which was just perfect timing. I don’t think CD Projekt knew it was going to happen. I think they just had Keanu Reeves attached, and right as his star was rising again, he had that super viral, zeitgeist-y “You’re breathtaking” moment at E3. And that was it. That was the spark that just blew up the whole powder keg.

Nope, wrong again.  It really was the 48-minute long demo that they released.  That’s what got EVERYONE talking.  Don’t get me wrong, the Keanu Reeves E3 moment was incredible.  Everyone was on their feet in amazement.  But that was coming out right as the hype train was looking to get more steam.  It was already going, and everyone was hoping for another gameplay demo.  Instead, CDPR decided to play it close to the vest.  It was brilliant.  Gameplay demos are what has fostered ALL of the hype for this game.  People want to see what the game will look like when it’s in their hands.  It was a big moment for CDPR, but the “You’re breathtaking” moment was just part of an already moving hype train.

Fahey: From there on out, everything has been yellow, with that Cyberpunk logo, and it’s making me vomit. I’m so tired of seeing the yellow Cyberpunk thing. I got swept up in the Keanu craze. I was excited about him. He is, as Ash said, nice to look at.

Oh boo fucking hoo.  Same as with the other whiner, if you are so tired of it, engage in some other activity.  I can think of dozens of them off the top of my head.  Learn to juggle.  Ride a horse.  Look at your Christmas tree, if you have one up.  Read a lovely book with tea.  Sing sea shanties.  Dance around in clogs and annoy your neighbors downstairs.  Lots of things you could be doing that don’t involve you seeing the yellow of Cyberpunk 2077

Nathan: That unto itself is really interesting too, right? He’s not who you’d commonly associate with a big action video game. So on one hand, you have this big action game that, I think, based on what’s been shown so far, feels a little typical.

A little typical?  How is this game feeling typical?  A unique and vibrant setting with lots of different groups in play?  Tons of unique characters who you get to know and interact with.  Narrative decisions that affect how a situation will play out?  I mean, have you watched the very recent stuff, showing how you have conversations with people?  Or maybe the lifepaths or gang trailers showing how your character and how you start will affect relationships and who the major players are in Night City?  Yeah, it looks so typical.  A game where you can foster relationships, make friends, make enemies, and forge a very poignant or violent relationship with the character of Johnny Silverhand.  That looks typical?  In comparison to what?  What are we comparing this to?  What about this game looks like any other game that you’ve played recently?  I’m all ears, Nathan.

But anyway, I do think there are a lot of little subtle things that CD Projekt has done to court hype in ways that have been both good for them and damaging for everybody’s sanity. I think they knew pretty quickly that they had a game that could be massive on their hands, so they started doing all these events and things. They have their ongoing Night City Wire series, which is basically a long infomercial on Twitch, and they have cosplay competitions and stuff like that for this game that is, again, not out yet, which is wild to me. They’ve reached this point where people are on one hand hyped, but on the other, there’s already built-in brand loyalty. They’ve turned being a fan of Cyberpunk into an identity. And that’s where you get, like, people just going insane if anybody says anything potentially negative about the game, or an army of people who want to defend crunch or transphobic tweets, which is, again, just bonkers.

Wow.  Just…wow.  This is so fucking patronizing.  What a way to shit on all the effort that CDPR has gone into to show off their game and all the parts of it that they can to get people excited and show them that they are making something unique and special.  What the fuck with you?  “Oh yeah, that.  Well, I mean, I guess it’s cool and all.”  That’s how that sounds.  What would you rather they do?  Just kick the game out the door and be like, “play it or don’t.  We don’t give a fuck.”  You sanctimonious asshole. 

The fact that we are castigating a company who gets excited about what they make and who works hard to gives fans as much as they can.  I genuinely want to know what this limp-wristed prick would rather they do, because from where I’m sitting, I love that this company has worked so hard to make a game with this level of detail and rich lore.  They made an entire companion book that was both fun to read and goes phenomenally with this game, just to get you up to speed on the world, so you don’t have a ton of questions.  What other company does that?!  They release gameplay trailer after gameplay trailer, all for the purpose of showing a new element of the world they are making, and that’s a bad thing?!  Unbelievable.  I fucking hate this guy.  The level of ego on display here is staggering.  He spits in the face of everyone who is busting their ass for this.  Fuck you, Grayson.

Fahey: I’m someone who played Cyberpunk back in the day—the pen-and-paper role-playing game. And now I’m completely sick of it. I’ve been put off by a thing I love because it’s so in my face at every given time. It used to be a nice little niche thing.

Well then don’t play it, you bourgeois pretentious fucking hipster.  “I used like it before it was the hip thing to like.  Now it’s too commercial.”  Lemme guess, The Last of Us: Part II is an insurmountable masterpiece while Ghost of Tsushima is just a bad Assassin’s Creed knockoff.  Oh, and I bet you think that Gone Home was perfect and all the haters just don’t like LGBT people, right?  I can just hear all the dripping superiority with everything this Fahey asshole has said, and I know for a fact that there is nothing even remotely likeable about them.

The thing that kills me about stuff like this is how much CDPR has busted their ass, only to get talked down to in the extreme by a bunch of finger-out tea drinking egotists who must smell their own farts as if it is the greatest scent ever perceived by man.  I hate people like this.  It’s exhausting.  I wanna punch them.  Hopefully none of them plays this “typical” and formerly “little niche thing.”  I wouldn’t want them to be inconvenienced by something that doesn’t measure up to what I am sure are their very high and very sophisticated standards.

Until next time, a quote,

“You’re a dick, you know that?”
“And you’re a cunt.  Maybe we’ll get along after all.” – Johnny Silverhand, Cyberpunk 2077

Peace out,


Lucien’s First Take: Cyberpunk 2077 (Night City Wire 5)

Well, on the day when they said the game was going to be out last time, CDPR decided to do yet-another Night City Wire to show off the game. I’m assuming this will be the last. At least until the game gets delayed again. CDPR has every opportunity to prove me wrong about the release date, but I am not buying December 10th for one minute. After three delays, and the rumor mill being what it is, my skepticism is warranted. So, bitter taste in mouth about the date they did this aside, there is some new stuff that is worth talking about. First up is a trailer that really gets into the head of a character who has, thus far, been very much in the shadows – Johnny Silverhand. He’s always been there, but exactly what his deal is has been on the DL. Now we get an in-depth look at his role in the game, and it’s pretty rad. Let’s take a look.

This trailer seems to be hinting that Johnny Silverhand is going to be a very dark character.  It’s definitely clear that he has his own motivations and will do whatever is within his power to do to see them through.  We also get a good look at his former girlfriend.  I am dead certain that she will be a part of this, given that her consciousness has also been digitized.  Except, like a lot of self-aware viruses, she exists behind the Blackwall on the Old Net.  Makes me wonder where her story is going to go.

It seems our old ripper doc pal from the first big gameplay trailer is involved in the story with Johnny, which is cool.  We see some pretty epic stuff of his life as a rockerboy.  Among the montage is some neat stuff.  For starters, the line that he burned down half the city just to prove he was right.  This tells me that the belief that he was the one behind the nuclear detonation at Arasaka headquarters was not unfounded.  That’s kinda cool not gonna lie.  Dude literally blew up the majority of the city, just to get revenge on Arasaka.  There’s some dedication.  What’s more, this means that Rogue was also involved, as everyone suspects, along with Morgan Blackhand.  Oh, I wonder if we can see if Militech did give them the nuke!  It was another big thing that everyone was wondering about in the World of Cyberpunk 2077 book.

And it seems that his beef with them is far from over.  Given that they were the ones who put his mind in the biochip that you find him on, I can see why.  Not it seems that he wants to pit V against them, in what I can only imagine is going to be a very bloody campaign.  Hopefully this doesn’t end like the last one.  Last time, almost the entire city was destroyed.  Who knows what would happen now.  It is also hinted that he has attempted to take control of V’s body, which tells me that if you push Johnny too far, or get too cozy with his enemy, he may try and take charge of your body himself.  Now there’s a scary thought.

This trailer shows me that the relationship with Johnny Silverhand is going to be a very touchy affair.  He has an axe to grind, and he isn’t much for being told no.  This could become a very ugly relationship, very quickly.  Some of the montage hints that it was that way with Johnny and his girlfriend, as she doesn’t look happy to see him several times.  So much of this game is centered on the idea that everyone has a score and you can’t really trust anyone.  Nice to see that that is continuing.  Makes me even more eager to see what happens next.  Hopefully I can build something of a decent relationship with this guy.

Next up is another gameplay trailer.  This one is pretty straight-up showing off gameplay.  Let’s take a look.

This trailer starts off on a very interesting foot.  A person sounding a lot like Placide talks about the airship that people are in being hit by artillery and going down.  We see someone I am assuming to be Rogue being flung around.  So many questions.  How would Placide and Rogue be hooked up, and what am I doing with them?  Oh yeah, lots of stuff to ponder.  Given that the scene ends with Rogue and me being flung out of the craft, I figure things really go to shit.

Most of this trailer for me is the stuff that stuck out.  For starters, we got that chick from the Lifepaths trailer.  She be a cutie.  Wonder if she is a romance option.  We also see scuba diving!  Now that’s awesome!  Where am I diving, and for what?  Oh yeah, this is very cool.  We also have the girl who really makes me think of Pris from Blade Runner talking about getting V home.  I’m glad that this character has character.  Part of me was wondering if she was just some rando who you meet in this game but doesn’t do much.  Also makes me think that she’s a romance option.  She’s cute, but not so much my jam. 

A lot of the montage shows the territory outside of Night City.  Since I mean to have my first build be a Nomad, this intrigues me.  I wanna know what the nomad society is like.  The narrator is not great.  She says that most of the continent has descended into lawlessness, but from what I read and previous trailers, Night City has the highest crime rate in all of America.  Some measure of law and order has been able to be imposed in the New United States of America.  The Free States have become something of a wasteland, though.  Oh well.  Little nit-pick.

The trailer makes very clear that there are a TON of power players in this game.  Makes me wonder how many of them I am going to get to know.  It would be cool if actions I take have an impact on power bases in various areas.  I guess the lady from Militech is off the table as a relationship, as it seems she has a beau who grills you for info.  Oh well.  Bet she would have been a freak in bed.  Corpos probably all are.  So much stress to burn, I see them liking it rough. 

One of the things that caught my eye is how we are FINALLY getting a look at more kinds of cyberware.  I love how it is tied in to the body systems.  This tells me that there is a ton of different options available.  I can only imagine all the ways I can amp myself up.  Curious about cosmetic cyberware as well, but that’s one of those things that I’ll have to learn as I get more into the game.  We also get to see that the skill tree has grown significantly too.  This makes my mouth water.  I want to make my first character a mechanic ninja with a pension for gunslinging who can tinker with all kinds of stuff and sneak about.  The technical skill tree was always the big mystery to me, because I was unsure how you could apply it.  Now I see that the list of options you have available has grown.  Nice!

It’s pretty clear that Arasaka is going to be the larger villain of the story.  You steal the chip with Johnny Silverhand, and they want it back, willing to do whatever it takes to get it back.  This means that they are going to be on your ass for the majority of the game.  Should make for an interesting relationship.  I figure that going along with Johnny’s itch for revenge would be a necessity, given that they want me dead.  There is a neat little cutscene through Johnny’s eyes where you see him and Arasaka’s best warrior, Adam Smasher, about to duke it out.  That’s awesome!  Talk about a final boss type character.  Dude is augmented in a way you wouldn’t believe.

At the montage of ways to spend your off hours, we see a scene being in bed with Judy.  Daddy likes!  She is a cutie.  Total waifu.  Though, if the last trailer had anything to say, she has her own agenda as well.  There is also a thing showing you going skinny dipping with a dude into the Night City bay.  Don’t know if that water is something I wanna swim in, just putting that out there.  Groj only knows how polluted it is. 

The trailer ends with the release date.  Again, don’t buy that for a minute.  CDPR has every opportunity to prove me wrong, but yeah.  I’ll believe this when we get there.  My hype was disintegrated from the last delay, but I will say, this definitely helped get some of it back.  The RPG element of this game is still something we haven’t seen a lot of, as the action is taking center stage, but we shall see. 

Initial Verdict
8 out of 10

Peace out,


CDPR is Salty about Cyberpunk 2077 Criticism

A few weeks back, when CD Projekt Red announced yet-another delay (and I don’t believe them for a second when they assure us that the game is gonna release on time now), one of the things is that they said that there was an issue getting the game to play on current gen consoles. Oh sure, they tried to say that it was just them needing a bit of polish, but the Internet isn’t stupid, and we saw right through that. I contended that they couldn’t get the game to play on current gen consoles. It seems I was not alone in this criticism and enough people made noise about it. It seems that CDPR has gotten a little salty about this criticism, so they released a special Night City Wire episode just to make sure we all know that the criticism is unfounded. Let’s take a look.

You know, I gotta give CDPR this much – at least they’re listening. My hype for this game utterly disintegrated the moment yet-another delay was announced back in October, and I still don’t believe for a minute that the game is gonna release on time again, but credit where it’s due – they are listening to the feedback they are getting. However, I detected more than a touch of salt when the announcer chick chimed in about the game playing on current gen consoles. Perhaps the Internet’s ire touched a nerve? In that electrified needle kind of way.

Part of me gets why they would be a little salty. This company was riding a hype wave like few others. It promised a game that would be unlike anything we had played. But then it came crashing down in a very ugly way. It got so bad that people on the dev team were getting death threats. A totally despicable response, make no mistake. Anyone who does that is a piece of shit. However, I can sympathize with how frustrating it must be to ride so high and then have a vast plethora of people (myself included) shit-talking your game. So they released this as a neat little “see, we know what we’re doing, assholes!”

I will say this – it looks good. No one has ever said that this game looks bad. The criticism is that the company isn’t able to get into play on the current gen and that’s why we have yet-another delay. I still think we’re seeing another one in the future. If I had money to burn, I’d put some on it. Just got this feeling that CDPR is gonna get cold feet and be worried. I also am dead positive that there is going to be a MASSIVE day-one patch to get the game to play on current gen consoles. My money is on 30-40 gigs. So it will be the first couple hours of me owning the game where I get to make sure my PS4 Pro doesn’t shut down while waiting for the download to complete. Yay…

Suppose I should talk about the trailer. Something people have been bringing up is how empty Night City feels, and you know what – I’m kinda feeling that. This seemed to be in a busy metropolitan area, and I couldn’t help but notice how empty the streets were. It may just be one of those things I’ll have to make peace with, less people. Otherwise, the game would probably crash. It’s nice to see more interactions with Johnny Silverhand. I like that there is a repore you can build with him. Makes you feel like you are building a relationship with this character. There was this one instance of a conversation in the background that was so weird that I wanted to stop and listen to that.

It’s also nice to see some of the RPG stuff in this game. So much of everything shown has been about the action, but CDPR has promised that this game is going to be an RPG first, with all that comes with it. I’ve been hoping to see more of that. There is more action stuff in here, but at least we get to see where we will be talking to people. Hopefully in instances like confronting the dudes outside, I can find a way to talk my way past them. I like the idea of being able to outwit people instead of out-gunning them. Was cool to see someone’s head get taken off by a katana. I like that you can alternate between weapons on the fly. That’s a neat feature.

The feel that anyone in Night City could be playing you is kinda nice. It’s also cool that we can do missions like searching down a missing person. Seems like this mission takes you all over the place, which is also fun. I like being a detective in games. With the Braindance stuff, it looked like this would be a part of things. Seems like we were able to get into the head of the person we are looking for as well. Whoever this gang of people whose faces are all messed up are people who I am eager to remove from the gene pool as violently as possible.

So yeah, as always, the stuff they show looks pretty rad. The salt factor in it all did make me giggle a bit. I mean, I get why they must be salty. After all the effort they went through to show a cool game that they are making, to have people’s expectations blow up in their faces, along with a fair few people cancelling preorders, they have to be feeling a little raw about the fact that people are not feeling the hype anymore.  My hype is all but gone, but I won’t deny that they could get it back.  The fact that the next Night City Wire is the day the game was supposed to be released REALLY gives me a bitter taste in mouth, but whatever.  We’ll see with happens.

Until next time, a quote,

“Way I see it, only thing waiting for you here is to get off or get offed.” – Johnny Silverhand, Cyberpunk 2077

Peace out,


SIONR: CDPR Getting Death Threats and Making Justifications #Cyberdelay2077

As you all saw in my last post, I am among what is apparently a very large number of people who are more than a little frustrated about the situation with Cyberpunk 2077 being delayed for a third time. Word is that the Discord server for the game has become a giant trash fire, and now the devs themselves are getting death threats. Which has unfortunately turned a lot of this conversation about the situation into a very confrontational thing where there is little empathy on either side, and this bothers me more than a little, because I think people are not looking at the reasoning here and are just getting upset that people are being giant jackasses on the interwebs.

Before we get too far into this, I whole-heartedly condemn any death threats made to developers at CD Projekt Red. Such behavior is disgusting. I do believe a lot of things have been done wrong, and the company does deserve some scorn for it, but that is a bridge WAY too far and people who engage in such behavior are assholes. No respect at all. I acknowledged I was being a little bit petulant in my post, but there is still a clear line of behavior that is acceptable, and death threats is firmly on the unacceptable side.

That being said, some of the absolute apologists I have seen for CDPR is also a little bit frustrating. Probably the most reasoned voice behind this was YongYea, who said that he understood why people are frustrated. He at least understood where people are coming from. So, neat fact – I had scheduled a day off for the 19th back at my last job. Thankfully, I have a new job and hadn’t gotten there, but if I was still at the old place, and had gotten that day off but then couldn’t make the most of it, yeah, I would have been pissed! Not taking time off my new job now just because I stand by my position that I do NOT trust CDPR not to delay the game again.

A lot of voices online are really playing defense for CDPR, and I think in large part it is because of the death threats. It’s a huge awful thing, and they are angry at people for doing it. I get that. But can they not see where we’re coming from? Like, how many times can it be delayed before you would start getting frustrated. Not disappointed, frustrated. Once is great. Twice, okay, bummer, but it is what it is. Now we’re on number three. This is where people are starting to wonder if this is all a bait and switch.

It doesn’t help when we get articles like this, where the person in charge of the company discusses the reason. And that is – that they can’t get the game to play on current gen hardware. I called that, and I’m still proud that I did. All of the trailers for this game have been from a high end PC. We still haven’t seen what this will look like on console. Now we know why – because they can’t get it to work. So they can’t show that off to set people’s expectations. Part of me thinks the console version will end up looking a lot like the 2018 version. Especially since, if CDPR can’t make this game work, they will have to either do some serious dumbing down of visuals to make it work, or do a TON of patches, all of which will be sizeable. I am dead certain now that this game won’t play on my PS4 Pro without a massive day one patch. It is Modern Warfare all over again.

Part of me feels for CDPR. They have to be feeling the heat. The team behind the game did a big conference call with the shareholders of the company and said that they would be seeing massive end of the year profits with this game. If Cyberpunk 2077 fails, it will absolutely break this company. With as much as they have sunk into it, they are running out of time to make this right. And if they can’t even get the game to play on the consoles that, once upon a time, they said the game was optimized for, then clearly they have worked themselves into a jam. Another thing they said is that the game would be releasing for all platforms at the same time. There is this part of me that thinks they won’t be able to make the December 10th window for current gen hardware and decide to release the game for PC and the new consoles, as they confirmed those versions are great, and delay for current gen into next year.

Though, if they do that, the backlash will be so ugly that the faith from the gaming community that they have worked so hard to build up will be gone. Utterly and completely. And that’s not something you can get back. Just ask Bioware and now Naughty Dog. Losing consumer confidence is a one-way street. Maybe they could win that back, but it would require years upon years of great work. This game has become more than just an endeavor of love and passion, but a noose around the company’s neck at the same time. Like an angel and grim reaper on the shoulders of those in charge. I can’t even imagine what the pressure must be like.

Here’s the thing – consumer confidence is shaking. Three delays down, and more and more people are starting to feel like they’re being jerked around. And the online commentators don’t appear to be sympathetic to that point of view. This is a real thing, and it has sunk a lot of companies for less than this. If CDPR doesn’t find a way to make things work, then it may not matter if the game is a peerless masterpiece. Because the money just won’t be there.

Until next time, a quote,

“The Mass Effect 3 ending turned people from this (shut up and take my money meme) to message boards full of broken dreams.” – MisterBTongue

Peace out,


The Manufactured Crisis Over Cyberpunk Character Creator Being ‘Genderless’

Over my time on the Internet, I’ve watched all kinds of ideological epochs come and go.  There was the atheism movement that sprouted up, bolstered by YouTube, where Christian apologists’ ideas went to be destroyed by some of the best entertainers, very few of which are still around today.  Then we got to see the battle of liberal v conservative ideologies.  This was during the time when the Tea Party was still a thing, and the right made an absolute ass of themselves.  On YouTube, there was the infusion of social justice brand feminism into atheism, and how that split the community in two, all starting (ironically enough) with a video by a feminist about a guy hitting on her in an elevator and how that made her uncomfortable.  We had the rise of Anita Sarkeesian, and the insane culture war between feminism and video games.

Through all of these culture wars, I’ve watched the pendulums swinging.  They always find a side, but over time, some other stupid thing comes along and then the pendulum shifts.  We’re seeing that now.  Up ’til this point, it’s been this big battle with the regressive left making itself look like a giant ass (it’s the Tea Party all over again), and being infinitely mockable by those who stood against them.  However, a problem emerged.  It seemed that the side who was making fun of them was becoming just as petulant and pathetic as they were being.  In fact, they were really stepping up to the plate of trying to beat the people they mocked at their own game, all while mocking them still.

Which brings us to Cyberpunk 2077.  In their latest Deep Dive video, they decided to get into the nitty-gritty of the changes made to the game since the last demo.  According to various sources within CDPR, the game is so much unlike what it was back in the demo from 2018.  Naturally, people were excited to see what the game had become.  At least, most people were.  But in the new land of endless outrage by everybody, there had to be the naysayers.  Except this time, it was from the most unexpected sort one would imagine – the right.  The most right-wing of the anti-SJW crowd.

So what is their beef?  Why, the character creator, of course!  See, instead of picking a male or female option, now you pick a male or female build.  And from there, you can customize your character however you see fit.  Eventually you do settle on a gender identity you want to have, as CDPR has shown that there is plenty of gendered language characters use when talking to the main character, V.  You can just make your character whatever crazy amalgamation of gender and look you want.  Go nuts!  Have fun, go mad!  It sounds like this would be the kind of thing that would fit right in with a cyberpunk dystopia, but apparently not.

Twitter did what Twitter does – became a cesspool of people bitching.  Except this time, it was about something that makes no fucking sense.  For real, this is a cyberpunk world.  Why exactly would gender be something that is a limit to what kind of person you can be in this world?  A world of cybernetic augmentation, where you can give yourself Mantis Blades hidden in your arms.  Where you can hollow out your skull and replace the parts you took with tech.  In any decent cyberpunk world, where augmentation is out of control, you should be able to create whatever kind of fucked up person you want.

It’s why the reaction to the poster with the female looking person with a big dick made no sense to me.  This is Cyberpunk!  You can be whatever you want!  Do you want two King Kong dicks to plow a bitch in both holes?  You can have that!  You wanna have smooth alabaster skin and teeth like a shark so you can become a DC comics villain?  You can do that too!  Hell, do you wanna have your head on the body of an angel-baby with a giant cock and a unicorn horn on your head?  Assuming you have the cash for that, you can even go that far.  We saw in a trailer a chick who can remove her mouth to do her makeup.  This world is all about making your body whatever twisted thing you want it to be, to become whatever person you want.  So how is it transphobic to have a chick with a big dick?

Which brings us back to the conservative butthurt about the genderless character creator.  Where they are complaining about not being able to have a strictly male character.  A fact that isn’t even true.  If you want a character who looks male and is, you still can.  Same with female.  However you want them to identify, you can do that.  The difference is that you aren’t stuck with that in the outset.  Now you can make a character all your own, and choose how they are identified.

But the outrage was everywhere.  People saying they cancelled their pre-orders.  Saying that CDPR betrayed them.  Like they were Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith.  So much outrage, and it literally made no sense to everyone in the gaming world who was paying attention.  Which begs the question – where did this outrage come from?  What was the source?  In my eyes, all of this outrage was 100% manufactured.

Sure, there are those who actually believe that this is all some kind of betrayal, and those idiots know who they are.  But then you have the people who are just using this for the clicks.  On the left and the right, people were getting on the bandwagon of talking about this, propping up what should have been a non-controversy.  It made for some really great videos that would all get a ton of clicks.  Thankfully, everyone with actual perspective on this was telling people to calm their tits.  That this makes perfect sense for the world they were creating and that people’s freaking out about it was just making them look like butthurt children.

The pendulum is swinging again, to the whining of two sides of butthurt children, and I’m content to not embrace either side.  I still think nothing of social justice, but the other side has become just as bad.  And they have the audacity to call their opponents “snowflakes.”  The irony of either side using that term to describe the other just blows my fucking mind.  But hey, if America didn’t have hypocrisy, what would we have?

Until next time, a quote,

“I had to remind myself to breathe.” – Lewis Black

Peace out,
