Lucien’s Mish-Mash of Random Thoughts, #4

Sorry it’s been a while since I wrote anything. There’s just not been anything that has captured my interest in the way that it should for a hot minute. I have a bunch of random things that I am thinking about, and it is hard to keep it all together in my head long enough to write an entire post about it. However, because I have a huge amount of things rolling around in my head, so I thought that I would write about all of them in a big menagerie of my brain’s bullshit.

My birthday was last Sunday. Nice, right? It would have been, except for one small detail – my identity just got stolen, and so my debit card was defunct. I have a credit card, but I REALLY don’t want to have to depend on that. So a lot of my fun birthday purchases and getting to enjoy myself went right out the shitter. You cannot begin to imagine how frustrated this made me. Seems like shit always goes wrong at once, but such is my life. I also had to miss a day at work to get my headlight bulbs replaced. I bought this car just a couple months ago, and the bulbs are dead. Thankfully it wasn’t a wiring issue, so that’s good.

YouTube has decided to get rid of the Dislike button. Or rather, showing the ratio of Likes to Dislikes. You can still dislike a video. They made this piss-poor argument that it is to stop people from dislike-bombing smaller channels. This was immediately debunked. The real reason is clear – because corporations are tired of having their stuff ratio-ed into oblivion. Most recently it was Nintendo who was obliterated because of their pathetic update to the Switch. Even the endlessly-forgiving fanboys/girls who do nothing but kiss Nintendo’s ass couldn’t apologize for it. Major corporations are tired of looking bad, so they got YouTube to essentially make it so that nobody can say anything wrong about them anymore.

Can the apologists for the Democrats just admit that Biden is a corpo rat? Their new infrastructure bill has been so gutted that it essentially does nothing, and it even gives yet-another tax cut to the rich! Oh, and did you all see Nancy Pelosi did the marriage ceremony for an oil tycoon’s daughter and her husband? If there isn’t a bigger indictment of the Democratic Party and what whores they are to the rich and powerful, I can’t think of one. The social issues are the only thing that they are able to keep the moral high ground, but as the people get more and more screwed by the rich and powerful, it becomes painfully obvious that that is just a smokescreen for their real agenda – screwing the people in service to the real owners of this country.

Reviews of Marvel’s Eternals are coming in, and it has confirmed something that I have been thinking would happen since Endgame – that the MCU doesn’t have a clue what to do next, and there is a creative bankruptcy happening with them. The film has been panned as boring and over-stuffed, with WAY too many characters that you couldn’t give any less of a shit about because the film does nothing to try and sell them.  I knew that film was going to be a complete waste of cinematic money, and that going to see it was not something I would be planning to do.

Speaking of wastes of money, did you all see the video showing that CBS’s fourth-rate Rick and Morty clone, Lower Decks, ripped off a joke from Red Letter Media?  Here’s a link to it.  This is just fucking shameless!  I knew that show was nothing but a giant trash fire, but this is the lowest of the low.  The irony is that Red Letter Media was making fun of how bad the current Star Trek series are, and CBS decides it’s a great idea to take their idea into their terrible show that is literally ripping off the animation style, tone, and adult themed animated series straight from Rick and Morty.

Oh, that reminds me – why is everyone saying that Rick and Morty is getting so bad?  I just watched through season 5, and I still think it’s a show that is funny and engaging.  Is every episode a flawless hit?  No.  But the thing is that the show takes risks.  They take chances.  And the season finale was just spectacular.  The dimensions it has opened to Rick’s character made me grin from ear to ear.  Like, the next season absolutely has to open with Rick and Morty getting home and then talking about what happened. 

The realization about Rick’s backstory changes so many things about how you see the series.  For starters, Beth thought that he abandoned her at a young age, not understanding that he never knew her past a certain point.  She was killed as a toddler.  What would that do to the two of them’s relationship, when she realizes that her version of Rick never abandoned her, and instead did all he could to come back to her, trying to reclaim his life and what relationships he could after his desperate mission to get revenge for his family ended in failure.  That would be an amazing episode.

What’s neat about the series is that its dramatic moments are just as impactful as its comedic ones can be.  Rick is such an engaging character, and none of how he is written ever feels at odds with his character.  He is cold and nihilistic, because he’s seen how fucked up it all is, and how there is no way to change it.  He cares deeply for his family, but also understands that they are but one of many.  Through everything he has done, there is a clear growth of this character, and now that we have filled in the gaps of his “crybaby backstory,” it gives new dimension with the character.  I am DESPERATELY hoping that the writers decide to run with it, and that we get some serious conversations between characters when more of them learn the truth about Rick and what happened to him as a young man. 

Oh, did you guys hear?  The government plans to seriously commit to zero emissions!  By 2050.  You know, a timelines out so long that they can continue to do fuck all about it for the next 30 years and by the time they have to pay the piper, the people who are in power now are dead, so they don’t have to deal with it.  You’d think these corpo rats would understand that they are basically fucking over the world.  Don’t any of these pieces of shit care about their children or grand-children?  Do they just figure that they will be rich enough to exploit whatever way out the corpos give them?  They know how this all ends, right? 

Actually, in 30 years, we will be at the beginning of what is being called the “population bomb.”  It seems there is not a population boom that has happened since the days of lockdown, but the reverse.  My generation isn’t making babies.  Now that Gen Z is getting old enough to procreate, with even less buying power than my generation, it seems that they aren’t looking to make babies either.  We have fallen below the line of population replenishment, and all signs point to a population collapse in the decades leading up to 2100.  It could actually be the extinction of the human race.  The idea that I might get to watch the end of this species, not just the American empire, is kind of awesome.  Not gonna lie.

2022 is shaping up to be one HELL of a year for gaming.  I put out my Most Anticipated Games of 2022 list at the tail end of last month, and I think that next year is going to have some amazing stuff.  So glad I have a partner who not only doesn’t have a problem with my gaming, but also has it as a hobby.  It’s great stuff.  A feeling of togetherness that warms the heart.

Anyway, I think that’s where I will end my rambling thoughts for tonight.  If you all have rambling responses, feel free to post them below.

Until next time, a quote,

“Now this is the power of math!” – Mike Stoklasa

Peace out,


Lucien’s First Take: Marvel Studio’s Eternals

When I saw Avengers: Endgame, I knew that Marvel had hit the high water mark for how good their films could be and the franchise could only go downhill from there. Marvel was REALLY hoping that they would be able to market Brie Larson as Ms. Marvel to be the new face of the franchise, but the fans hated her, and she was barely in Endgame as a result. After 2020, with the pandemic that really did a number on the world in which we live, the MCU was genuinely starting to fade from memory for me. After all, I don’t have Disney+ (and never will), so I never saw Wandavision or Falcon and the Winter Soldier. With Marvel releasing the WAY too late Black Widow movie this summer, the franchise feels like it is just coasting on name recognition. I mean, what are their big projects? We have Femme Thor, which takes characters that nobody really thought much of and make them the face of the franchise. We have Black Panther 2 that takes the least favorite character in the last film and makes her the face of the franchise since Chadwick Boseman passed away (RIP, good sir. You went so far before your time). We have Dr. Strange – Lovecraft Ideas, which will just take Lovecraftian imagery in name only and do nothing else because that might upset the Marvel formula otherwise. Lastly, we have Guardians of the Galaxy 3. A movie that is probably going to be the only bright spot on Phase 4 of the MCU.

Oh yeah, and we have a movie that I am going to talk about today – Eternals. A film that has been so not talked about that I genuinely forgot it was still a thing until I saw The Critical Drinker’s video about Phase 4 of the MCU. This movie is supposed to be a big deal for Marvel, and yet they have treated it like the bastard stepchild that they don’t want to talk about. Not a good sign, right? The first trailer dropped, and you know what – it wasn’t a good sign. Let’s take a look at it.

Wow.  The blandness really leaps off the screen at you, doesn’t it?  It’s been so long since I saw a Marvel film that I guess I kinda forgot just how generic the formula is for these movies.  I have NEVER seen something that makes me want to fall asleep watching the trailer like this.  Why does this video have so many likes?  Is everyone else just not watching what I saw?  Let’s dive into this exercise in boredom a little deeper to see if we can uncover ANYTHING worth talking about.

The trailer begins on a beach where we see what appears to be a very tribal community of people.  And what is this song that they have paired up with this imagery?  It’s so fucking weird.  It doesn’t fit.  It’s out of place.  This is so strange to watch.  You know what would have worked better here?  No song.  No score at all.  This imagery would be more impactful with no musical accompaniment.  Just the ambiance of the waves and wind and whatever while these villagers look at what appears to be an alien vessel on their planet.  But it wouldn’t be a Marvel movie if they decided to actually engage in a little subtle story-telling.  Instead, we have to have a song that just does NOT fit this scene at all.

So…these aliens decide to set down roots and become dieties to these people?  Uh…that should make people uncomfortable.  Isn’t the idea of taking over a culture and reigning over the native people a little out of touch with modern sensibilities?  I’m not trying to be all “cancel it!”  I just can’t help but think that this is a little weird to see, given that people nowadays seem to be pretty touchy about this subject matter.  I’m a little baffled that this is the direction that they went.  I found one interesting thing in this trailer.  Probably the only thing I will find.  I’m assuming this tribe don’t exist on planet Earth.  Otherwise, we would have found a walled city that has people in a Medieval setting before now.  This is so odd.

Oh, I got it.  It is Earth, they just came way back in time and decided to jump-start civilization.  At least, I think that’s what we’re seeing.  They periodically check in with humanity, but these beings are essentially ageless and do not ever interfere with what is happening in the world.  So what’s changed?  And if all they do is watch, then why are people worshipping them?  I’m getting two VERY different messages here.  Plus, why have they come back?  Angelina Jolie says they have come back now and are interfering.  Why?  We see images indicating that there is a reason.  So what is it?  This would be a REALLY great spot for a villain to show up.  You know, so we can set the stakes.

Can there even be stakes?  Are these Eternals able to be killed?  The implication is that they do not age, so do they die?  Also, why have they never interfered before now?  When Thanos literally wiped out half of all life in the universe, that seemed like a great time to interfere.  What is driving them to do so now?  This film has given me ZERO reasons to care about what happens.  And you never do get any.  Just lots of shots of CG nonsense and…action, maybe?  Potentially.  The trailer makes it look like things are happening, but why?  With who?  Who are these characters?  Why do I care?  Give me a reason to care about any of the bullshit on the screen. 

The Critical Drinker described this film as “a collection has has-beens and never-will-bes”, and you know what, I can’t think of a better way to put it.  This film looks like nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  I couldn’t possibly think of a way to make this any less interesting.  Seriously, what is my reason to care about anything in this movie?  Because it’s Marvel?  Whoopty-fucking-doo.  The fact that it’s Marvel doesn’t mean anything to me.  Just like something being DC.  Neither of those things denotes quality.  This trailer looks like the most bland thing ever, with the obligatory CG effects that are totally not uninspired at all.

Initial Verdict:
5 out of 10 – the blandest verdict I can give

Peace out,
