What “High Value” Men Don’t Understand

I see so many videos where men talk about the attributes of a “high value man” and why women are lesser in value.  How they will depreciate in value over time.  It is an escalator when me go up, women go down.  Casual misogyny just bandied about by so many guys with microphones.  As I listen to this, there are some thoughts that occur to me.

See, the guys who think this way are ALWAYS trying to rationalize being a much older man and dating a much younger woman.  The truth is that they want a much younger woman to feel more impressive.  To give off the impression of greater virility.  Because they don’t see women as anything other than something to stick their dick into.  For real, women exist for sex, and nothing else.  NONE of the videos where they are rationalizing being with younger women do they even acknowledge that women are people.  That they have their own values and might not be interested in them to the same extent.  Women are just a series of holes, in their eyes.

Another thing that so many of these videos have is that men are talking about how women need to push out kids when they are younger, and that a high value man should be looking to get a young woman and knock her up.  This always baffles me.  Why?  Because I always think to myself – do the men in this exchange realize what they are entering into by knocking a woman up?

Not even talking about her not wanting to carry the fetus to term.  They don’t care what the woman wants anyway.  The men in these discourses see women as holes, so what they want doesn’t matter.  Just for the angle of being a man, they don’t seem to get what they are putting themselves into.

See, being a father is a HUGE commitment.  That’s what it is, fellas, a commitment.  One that carried a LOT of consequences if you aren’t ready for this responsibility.  For starters, the cost.  A new estimate has come out that shows that it costs over $18,000 per child to raise for one year.  That’s per child.  So these guys who post the wojack of a woman having five kids, that’s $90,000.  They can afford this?  With what job?

Let’s lay out some depressing facts for you.  Of millennials, over 70% of us are living paycheck to paycheck.  The cost of living keeps going up.  It is nigh-impossible for a millennial to buy a home.  As for Gen Z, the guys who are listening most to this stupid advice, your situation is even worse.  What’s more, it’s only going to get worse as things keep going.  So what job are you going to work where you are going to be able to afford $18,000 per child.  You want the woman to be a stay at home mom, right?  Well, that’s an additional cost.

To say nothing about the cost if you aren’t up to the challenge and can’t handle the responsibility.  If you decide to go out and get milk one day or go for a pack of cigarettes and never come back, then your problems have only gotten worse.  Because now you have to pay child support.  I worked for child support in the state of Alaska.  There, as with many other states, we had NO statute of limitations for child support.  Meaning that we will come after you for it for the rest of your life.  Your tax return?  Our tax return now.  If you come into winnings from the lotto?  Up to what you owe, our winnings now.  If you aren’t making any effort to pay on your own, we will come after your wages.  We will even come after your social security when you get old.

I cannot tell you how many guys in my alpha split when I was a caseworker would cry me a river about how they can’t handle the cost, and the whole time, I’m thinking – then you should have worn a condom, dude.  Having a kid is a commitment.  And if you aren’t ready to make good on that commitment, then you should be wrapping your meat.  Condoms are cheap.  Kids are not.

Speaking of financial commitment, it’s also an emotional commitment.  See, having a child means that you have to be a father.  The days of you chilling and gaming with your friends?  Best make peace with that being a less and less thing for the foreseeable future.  You have diapers to change, parenting to do, and other obligations that come with being a parent.  Don’t want to do that?  Want to have that be the sort of thing the woman who birthed the offspring deals with?  Well then, hope you have a woman who doesn’t decide to ditch your ass and find a man who will step up and be a parent.

To say nothing of the fact that there will be a child in your life who will look to you for guidance and leadership.  What does it tell a kid when dad essentially treats them like an inconvenience?  Having a kid means you have to be available and work to be a part of that child’s life.  This IS your life now.  And it will be for at least the next 18 years.  The alternative is you leaving and hopefully you have a good job, because now you have child support to deal with.  And a woman who probably hates your guts forever.

These guys with microphones talk about women like sex objects, to be knocked up by “high value” men, but don’t tell you of the insane obligation that comes with that.  But hey, if you wanna live that Andrew Taint life of thinking yourself super “alpha” and banging all the women you want, wait until you realize it has consequences.  Taint has kids, you know.  I can’t imagine what a deadbeat dad he is.

With so many of these voices in microphones and guys who take them seriously, do we really not understand why most women would rather take their chances with the bear instead?

Until next time, a quote,

“Like all men with microphones, they’re always continuously patronizing and condescending to women.” – Will Hitchens

Peace out,


The Gaza Situation Will Sink Biden

Part of me almost wants to be impressed with how badly President Biden, or Genocide Joe as I like to call him, is dropping the ball with the situation in Gaza.  It’s so bad that part of me wonders if it is deliberate.  To be this weak, this gutless, this pathetic in the face of a genocide that America is bankrolling (right alongside the genocide in Yemen) that only make Netanyahu, or Hitleryahu as I call him, look like a monster right on par with the Nazis.  The utter inability of Genocide Joe to do ANYTHING meaningful, even fighting against meaningful action, is making this entire situation an albatross that is hanging around his neck.  One that will sink his campaign in November if something isn’t done soon.

Did you know that the Biden campaign isn’t stopping at ANY places where the youth are?  None.  They are avoiding youth locations like the plague.  Why?  Obviously – because the youth are overwhelming pro-Palestine in this tragic ethnic cleansing that Israel is orchestrating.  It is plain as day how evil the actions of Hitleryahu and the IDF are.  Over 15,000 children are now dead, victims of a wanton slaughter that America is doing fuck all about.  We can talk all day about how it started, but how it started is NOT how it is going.  Israel is clearly the aggressor in this, and it’s getting harder and harder for the apologists for it to look good.  Video after video after video is being posted to Tik-Tok of the killing the IDF is perpetrating, at the behest of Hitleryahu and his regime.

This is why the US government wants to get rid of Tik-Tok, by the way.  All the bullshit about national security is a lie.  Here’s a FANTASTIC video that breaks down clearly what is going on.

The youth vote is being lost as more and more young people are seeing what Israel is doing, and are disgusted with it.  And since Genocide Joe is Hitleryahu’s bitch (on his knees and everything), he barks, and America listens. Our government is mad that young people are getting their news on a source that the American propaganda machine doesn’t control.

Gen Z has been coming out to vote in a way that the entire political establishment was shocked by.  What was supposed to be a red wave in the midterms was a red trickle, with them losing a lot of key races they thought were locked in.  The youth are making their presence known, in a way that me and my fellow millennials never did.  We squandered our ability to make a difference, and now it shows.  Gen Z isn’t repeating our mistakes.  And that is the reason that Genocide Joe isn’t stopping anywhere that the youth might frequent.

On some level, his campaign is aware of the iron ball they have around their ankle with Gaza and the eighths-measures that Biden has done.  He has fought against the UN security council making a resolution every step of the way.  We are doing food drops, but these are so pathetic.  Not only have the drops themselves killed people, but it isn’t enough food for those in need.  Then there are the ones that land in the ocean that multiple people have drowned desperately trying to reach.  Oh, then there was the US military landing to build a pier to bring in food drops, and them deciding to play the Imperial March from Star Wars as a joke.  Not a funny joke, and ENTIRELY FITTING for what our military is in all of this.  Because the American military industrial complex has been feeding Israel so fucking hard.

When Biden deliberately pretends to be super mad at Hitleryahu, their press person goes on their local news station and then says America isn’t a friend to Israel anymore.  The next day, what a miracle!  More guns, bombs, and money!  Wow!  It’s almost like that was all performance art, to be able to give Israel exactly what they want without anyone calling foul.

Now, most recently, Israel deliberately attacked a group of people who were taking food to refugees, in a targeted killing with a drone strike.  And boy howdy, the news is saying how Genocide Joe is so mad about that!  So mad!  He is gonna sit Hitleryahu down and give him a stern talking to!  You know, right after we give them more money, bombs, and guns.  Such a stern talking to!

I’ve been trying to rationalize this in my head, to figure out what it is that the Biden campaign is trying to do with all this.  Israel is about to being an assault and occupation of Rafah.  This would be a siege that would last at least six months.  Genocide Joe is hanging his ENTIRE campaign strategy on “orange man bad” and that people will forget about what’s happening in Gaza by November.  That’s it.  The ENTIRE reason that he wants to get rid of Tik-Tok, to have the flow of information out of Gaza slow down, so people can get their news from the American propaganda sources that make Israel out to be the victim in all of this.

It blows my mind how obtuse the Biden campaign is.  The polling among young people is ABYSMAL!  Even worse, their usual tactic of shaming them into “lesser of two evils” voting isn’t working now.  The amount of young people who voted “uncommitted” in the primaries is at an all-time high.  I myself was among those who did, but I’m not young anymore.  We’re seeing the Biden campaign trying to appeal to the voters of Nikki Hailey now that she has dropped out of the Republican primary race.  It’s a sign of how desperate they are.  The tools they have counted on for decades aren’t working anymore.

So Biden isn’t campaigning anywhere where young people are.  And even then, there are Free Palestine protestors who show up and thrown a wrench in his public appearances anyway.  A fact that I am SO proud of!  I want Genocide Joe to realize that the wanton slaughter he is bankrolling will follow him wherever he goes.  The poll numbers with Gen Z aren’t great.  Even worse with Arab-Americans.  The Arabic population in this country is disgusted with him, and they are making themselves heard.  This albatross that Biden has done nothing to get off his neck is absurd, and it is going to sink his campaign.  But you just know the DNC will blame leftists like me for it anyway.

Until next time, a quote,

“All the polling I’ve seen: ADL’s polling, ICC’s polling, independent polling, suggests this is not a left-right gap, folks.  The issue in the United State’s support for Israel is not left and right.  It’s young and old. And so we really have a Tik-Tok problem, a Gen Z problem.” – leaked audio from ADL Chief Executive Johnathan Greenblatt

Peace out,


Nikki Haley and Why Millennials Will Work Until We Die

I saw this news thing from Republican Presidential “nominee” (she has no chance) saying that millennials and Gen Z need to cozy up to the reality of retirement age being raised to 70.  Why?  Because apparently, we are all living longer and the working age needs to reflect that.  Her words, not mine.  However, I know the reality of why Republicans are so gung-ho about this.  It’s simple – because the SECOND that millennials start retiring, the working world is going to go off a cliff.  Republicans are so desperate to keep the wheels of capitalism spinning that they will work us until we have one foot in the grave.  Never mind that the median age of death is now 73.  So, they want us to work until we can afford to live for roughly three more years, then die.  All so their PRECIOUS capitalism doesn’t take a hit.  And if you think the Democrats are on the opposite side of this, then you’re out of your fucking mind. They are all slaves to capitalism.

Somewhere along the way, I made peace with the fact that I’m gonna be working until I’m dead.  I’m 35 years old, at a job making $23 an hour.  Like most millennials, I live paycheck to paycheck.  If it weren’t for my fiancee working and helping with bills, I couldn’t survive where I am.  They want me to work the next HALF of my life with no hope for retirement?  Wow.  I don’t get how the suicide rate among my generation isn’t higher.  I really don’t.  What’s the incentive to keep going?  They want us to work until we die, pretty much.

Time was, you worked a job until you reached 65, then you had a nice cushy pension and social security to supplement it.  Medicare got your medical bills covered, so life made sense.  You got that twilight years to make the most of.  Is it the best?  No.  But given that inflation and the cost of living has skyrocketed so hard in the last twenty years, it was livable.  You got some vacation money.  You got some casual spending money for whatever strikes your fancy.  It wasn’t a great life, but it was alright.  The middle class was thriving and things were good.

What is there to look forward to for us?  We will NEVER be able to afford a home.  Ever.  Boomers are retiring, or downsizing their homes, but the homes they’re selling are for ASTRONOMICAL amounts of money.  We can’t afford them.  Unless we want to live in a roach-infested flophouse in the worst parts of any town, we can’t afford a single family home.  So that part of the “American Dream” (the biggest canard fed to us) is locked out for us.  Good retirement benefits?  Where?  Virtually no companies have pensions anymore.  Union jobs have good retirement benefits, but unions are being gutted left and right in America.  You’re lucky now if you get a 401k.

Vacation?  With what money?  Over 70% of my generation are living paycheck to paycheck.  We don’t have vacation money.  Not to mention that most jobs have shit vacation leave accrual.  We have to pay for shitty commutes to shitty jobs that pay shit and have shit benefits.  Including the biggest lie benefit of all time – private health insurance.  The single biggest scam perpetrated on the American people.  We are ALL one major medical disaster away from financial destitution and likely death.

Gen Z?  They have it EVEN WORSE.  They’re coming into the job market knowing how fucked they are.  I’m amazed the suicide rate among them isn’t higher too.  Millennials have next to no buying power, and Gen Z has none.  Gen Alpha will have less than none.  Gen whatever follows will basically be a slave race to the rich and powerful.  And we have Nikki Haley saying that we need to work until three years before we are statistically likely to die.

It’s weird being a part of a generation who has no hope of things ever getting better.  Why be involved in politics?  So we can be lied to by D and R corpo rats?  Every time that there’s a politician who we think will stand with us, they either turn out to be completely pathetic and fight for nothing, or they are a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  There’s nobody fighting for us.  Hell, politicians bend over backwards to cater to old people, while basically telling us to get fucked.  Yeah, let me go out there and engage with that system.  Sure.

I don’t know what has to happen before the people decide they have had enough and storm the proverbial Bastille, but it needs to happen.  Soon.  Because if something doesn’t happen soon, then we’re all going to dying while the rich count their money.  Hell, that’s already happening now, and we still do nothing.  I guess it’s just easier to go along, one foot in front of the other, down that endless road into the meat grinder and enjoy the tiny moments we can, until we finally end up dying and that’s it.

The things that it would take to be able to make the world a better place aren’t that big.  A four-day work week that pays a five day one.  Eight weeks of leave time per year.  Remote work for jobs that are in an office and not in front of clients.  We don’t need to commute.  Offices are an artifice that needs to go the way of the dodo.  Fuck corporate real estate costs.  They can eat that cost.  Easily.  Corporations in America are worth trillions of dollars  This is a cost well within their margins.  But then that would mean they aren’t making as much obscene wealth as they could be making.  Groj forbid that, am I right?

My bigoted conservative uncle thinks that as I age, I would get more conservative.  I haven’t.  I’m a bigger leftist now than I have ever been, all because of the reality that I’m 35 years old, and retirement is an illusion to me.  I’ll never be able to afford it.  I’ll be doing medical billing until I’m dead, or so close to it that the difference is indistinguishable.

And then they wonder why my generation hasn’t been making babies.  Man, real fucking mystery, isn’t it?  I wonder why the generation who can barely afford to survive isn’t having kids.  Big fucking mystery.  Hell, at this point, I think that having kids is a crime.  Bringing a child into this awful world, forcing them to have to grow up in a world without a future, why would you do that?

Until next time, a quote,

“Here’s a thing – life’s an endless series of trainwrecks with only brief, commercial-like breaks of happiness.” – Wade Wilson, Deadpool

Peace out,


Your Blatant Misrepresentation of Millennials Financial Problems is Disgusting (A response to The Atlantic)

If there is any publication that one can look to as the publication of the bourgeois, nouveau riche of America, who has absolutely NO connection to the common person, there are two places that one can go.  The first is Fortune magazine, and the second one is The Atlantic.  This publication is the pinnacle of rich people finding things to bitch about.  And what do rich boomers like to bitch about?  Why Millennials, of course!  Because we are making their lives SO much more difficult, aren’t we?  I am so goddamn tired of these entitled older generations talking about how much harder we are making things for them.  But it seems that now the older generations have decided to openly give us the finger and accuse us of being a generation of liars.  Here’s the link to The Atlantic’s article, entitled “The Myth of the Broke Millennial”.  Let’s get into this hit-piece.

Even amid this slaughter of tradition, Millennials are best known for another characteristic: how broke they are. Millennials, it’s often said, are the first American generation that will do worse than its parents financially.

All true.  When my parents were growing up, you could get a college education while working a part-time job and be in no financial debt.  Between 1980 to 2020, the cost of college tuition has gone up 200%, depending on where one is going to school.  Private colleges like Harvard and Yale are even worse.  Add in the cost of housing skyrocketing like never before, with corps like BlackRock Investments driving the price up by buying homes, making it so that the average earner cannot compete, along with the fact that wages have not kept up with inflation since the 1970s, and you have one of worst generations to be.  Millennials have no buying power.  Gen Z, who is coming into the workforce, has it even worse.  But I’m sure this author is going to shut down my totally uneducated (BA in Journalism) ass down.

The surprise was this: Millennials, as a group, are not broke—they are, in fact, thriving economically. That wasn’t true a decade ago, and prosperity within the generation today is not evenly shared. But since the mid-2010s, Millennials on the whole have made a breathtaking financial comeback.

I am absolutely DYING to know how much of her data was adjusted for inflation.  I really am.  Especially in contrast with the cost of things like housing and cost of living, not to mention the fact that the average millennial is saddled with tens of thousands of dollars in college debt, which our parents, schools, and entertainment conned us into.

In this, Millennials trace a pattern similar to the Gen Xers before them. Early Gen Xers, too, entered the job market during a recession, and the generation was subject to dire predictions about its economic future (one 1995 book, Welcome to the Jungle, by Geoffrey T. Holtz, described Gen X as the “Impoverished Generation”). But those predictions didn’t hold up after the economy rebounded later in the ’90s. The Great Recession was no doubt a more harrowing experience for young adults than the recession Gen X faced, but the income stagnation that followed it nonetheless lasted only a few years. Over the past half century, the longest period of falling or stagnant wages was from the ’70s to the mid-’90s, when Boomers were young workers. My point is not that Millennials should consider themselves fortunate—I don’t believe that—but rather that economic prospects can change greatly as a generation ages, and especially as it reaches its peak earning years.

Peak earning years?  73.2% of millennials are living paycheck to paycheck.  This statement is weapons-grade bullshit, from an author who I used to respect.  Two-thirds of my entire generation have less than $5,000 in savings.  I love how the title of this article has avocado toast on a golden platter.  The egotism of this cunt-rag in making it out like because we can eat a fruit on toast, that means we are magically doing so well.  We’re not.  This is hard data.  Over 2/3 of my generation has little to no savings, and would not be able to survive, financially, if we lose our jobs.

Which, by the way, is something that more and more of us are looking at, now that we are headed into yet-another recession that was born out of our corpo rat government doing fuck all to reign in their corporate owners and them playing with the economy.  Like how BlackRock Investments controls $10 trillion in assets.  That’s 1/4 of all the money that is currently in circulation on the face of the Earth.  The amount of economic transfer from the wealthy has been insane.  The richest people in the world are getting astronomically richer.  And yeah, some of those have been millennials.  Which explains why this moron has such skewed data.

If Elon Musk, and five-hundred of the lowest-earning millennials were done an average of what they all make, then the data would make it look like we are doing fantastic.  But that’s why you look at median income instead of averages.

The least fortunate members of the Millennial generation seem better protected economically than those of prior generations: Fewer Millennials were in poverty in 2019 than were Boomers and Gen Xers at the same age (in 1987 and 2004, years in which the economy was likewise strong). For all the talk of America’s tattered social safety net, that net has in some ways been reinforced since Millennials became adults. The Affordable Care Act extended health-care coverage, and federal-government support during the pandemic actually caused poverty to fall in 2020 and 2021, once you account for that support. Whether because of federal social policy, minimum-wage increases in some states, or other factors, poverty is not any more common among Millennials today than it was among previous generations.

This is so stupid.  The Affordable Care Act, which was a BIRTHDAY PRESENT to private insurance companies.  There is no public option.  Your only option is to get private insurance.  Companies which will screw over the people they insure with impunity.  There are horror stories EVERYWHERE about people who can’t get coverage.  The #1 cause of debt in this country is medical debt.  My best friend’s girlfriend is dealing with medical debt because the VA refuses to cover her girlfriend’s cancer treatments because they don’t want to admit that it happened while she was on deployment, and her private insurance says that the VA should be covering it.  This is the medical institution in this country.

And this rich bitch wants to say that this is a sign of how good Millennials have it?  Fuck you!  Fuck you, you entitled bitch!  And oh yeah, the Feds did SO much to help us during the pandemic.  You know, when employers were shutting down and people were losing their jobs and the government gave a couple payments.  At least, here in the US.  This is another instance where I bet that this woman was looking at averages instead of medians.  Many developed nations had their governments come in and do as much as they could to help the citizens during the pandemic.  Our government, on the other hand, told us that they would help and then did as little as they possibly could for the American people, while giving as much as they possibly could to the corpos.  You know, who own this country and both political parties.

Both house prices and mortgage rates are higher now than in 2020. That’s bad news for Millennials who haven’t yet bought a house but want to do so soon. Nonetheless, many older Millennial homeowners got great deals on their most important purchase, having passed into their 30s during the early 2010s, one of the most fortuitous times to buy a house in recent memory. It was Gen Xers, by and large, who were in their prime home-buying years as the great housing bubble of the aughts inflated, and who went underwater when that bubble popped. People who bought a house in 2005, for instance, saw their home’s value plummet 21 percent over six years, on average, and not regain its purchase price until 2014. Older Millennials, in contrast, were buying into a depressed market that subsequently rebounded; houses bought in 2011, for instance, appreciated 40 percent over the next six years. Almost everyone who bought a house in the U.S. before 2019 saw its value shoot up during the pandemic years. And until the past year, just about all Millennial home buyers were able to lock in mortgage interest rates that were at historic lows.

So let me see if I’m reading this right – a bunch of millennials who were old enough to have money at a time when the housing market was the lowest it has ever been following the 2008 recession, and now those houses are worth a lot.  You do realize, moron, that 2011 was 13 years ago.  That’s a third of my life ago.  That’s a LONG ASS time!  And what have we seen in that time?  We’ve seen companies like BlackRock Investments buying homes, at prices that no millennial can compete with, to drive the cost of housing up.  You doom-scrolled through Zillow lately, rich bitch?  I like how this one comedian put it – it looks like the realtors cat fell asleep on the zero key.

Yes, some people got lucky at the exact right time.  Know where I was in 2011?  In college, being shackled with college debt.  Which you conveniently don’t want to talk about.  Of course not.  That would fuck with this narrative you are dishonestly building, with the soul goal of shitting on the people who you once defended in another book.  One that is going in my Goodwill pile, trust and believe.  Two-faced snake.

Does debt alter this picture? Millennials are without a doubt more heavily burdened by college loans than previous generations. Black Millennials are particularly likely to carry heavy student-loan balances. But again, the Fed’s analysis already takes that into account: Its wealth figures net out college loans and other debts.

Bullshit!  Absolute, weapons-grade bullshit.  For starters, I don’t trust our corpo rat government to give an honest appraisal of ANYTHING.  They are so in the corpo pocket that they will do anything and everything to not disrupt the corpo power structure in America.  We are seeing that now.  They are refusing to admit that we’re headed into another recession.  Categorically, denials across the board.  Our government lies to the people, in order to make themselves look good.  So I don’t believe a word they say about how my generation is doing.  Especially when there is a financial reason to shit on millennials – because we don’t vote.  Gen X and Boomers vote, but we don’t.  By and large, we are the least reliable voting block.  That is even in respect to Gen Z, who is coming into this world now in a situation where they have virtually no buying power and are desperate to make things better because they see the writing on the wall.

Of course this woman refuses to bring up climate change in all of this.  The cost of living, in a world that is radically changing due to climate change.  The #1 cause of debt being medical bills, and how many people are forced to start GoFundMe campaigns for them.  My best friend had to do that for her girlfriend with her cancer treatments.  But hey, according to this twat, they were doing so well and this belief that they aren’t is some canard that is spread by the Internet.  That’s where this article is going.  This is so horrifically biased and made to shit on us, who this person once defended.  I may hate her more than anyone else, right now.

Even the wealth gap that exists today may mean less than it first appears to. Because more Millennials went to college and graduate school, they started their careers later, on average, than Boomers and Gen Xers did. On those grounds alone, one would expect a lag in wealth building. But more education typically means higher lifetime earnings—and thus stronger savings potential as the years go by. Many Millennials are just entering their peak earning years and have more earning power than the generations before them.

73.2% of millennials are living paycheck to paycheck!  You disingenuous bitch!  Fucking ugh!  I’m arguing with someone who did the bare minimum of research to find things to support what she thinks, and that’s it.  We’re doing better than the generations before us?  You seen what rents are now, you stupid bitch?  You seen what groceries are?  Gas?  College debt?  Medical debt?  Car bills?  You did this stupid ass article with your graphs that look at the BARE MINIMUM of factors, and then wave off the idea that other issues could exist, like college debt, assuring your readers that the Feds accounted for that in their data.

This is such yellow journalism, for someone who was a respectable author once.  You and Matt Taibbi should become friends.

“I see ‘Millennials Aren’t Having Babies’ is making the rounds again,” tweeted “pokey pup,” a self-identified Millennial, in November 2021. “No one is getting paid enough, there’s not adequate maternity leave, no one can afford hospital bills, most of us can’t afford a house—like what did you think would happen?” The tweet got more than 120,000 likes and more than 25,000 retweets.

Although Millennials’ economic outlook isn’t so dire as many social-media posts would suggest, something is clearly holding Millennials back from having children—and finances are, indirectly, at least a plausible culprit.

Given how blind you are to reality, I’m sure you’re about to give a stupid and half-reasoned explanation as to why we aren’t having kids that has next to nothing to do with money.  Because you’re a biased journalist who is weaving a narrative, rather than trying to tell the truth about what is happening.  You and every single other publication, that is making us out to be the enemy of the free world that is killing us.

The balancing act between salaries and child care might be one reason Millennials are having fewer children, and also why some Millennials feel they are not doing as well as their parents. In a 2018 poll by The New York Times, 64 percent of young adults who said they expected to have fewer children than their ideal named “child care is too expensive” as the reason.

Still, this argument shouldn’t be taken too far. If Millennials need to spend more income on child care than previous generations did, they also need to spend less on many other things. After accounting for inflation, the prices of cars, clothing, furniture, toys, and electronics have all fallen in recent decades. These are not, for the most part, minor line items in a family budget—or at least they weren’t in, say, the 1980s.

This person is living in a fantasy world.  That’s all I can think about it now.  They live in a magical fantasy world that is no less fantastical than the ones the Christians live in.  It’s a world of butterflies and rainbows that doesn’t exist in the real world.  73.2% of millennials are living paycheck to paycheck.  That’s hard data from Pew Research.  If you are living paycheck to paycheck…YOU AREN’T BUYING NICE THINGS BECAUSE YOU DON’T HAVE ANY FUCKING MONEY!  You stupid cunt-rag!  You stupid bourgeois corpo rat bitch!  You entitled Gen X fuck!  People give Gen X a break, and I have no idea why.  Fuck them too.  They haven’t done jack shit to help us anymore than their forebearers did.  They haven’t done anything to stop corpos fucking over the planet.  They haven’t fought for raising wages, which are now so low that in almost every major metropolitan area, you have to make an obscene amount of money just to be able to get by.  My fiancee is scared of the idea of something happening to me because with her medical issues that prevent her from working full time, if I died, then she can’t afford to stay here.

This person lives in this delusional world, and I will be damned if I just let it be.  There’s this rule with dementia patients – that you don’t correct them when they tell you something that they know isn’t true.  You just roll with it because the alternative is that the patient will get upset and potentially violent.  But I’m not going to do that with this idiot.  I’m going to smash through her delusions and give her some cold hard reality.  For people who live paycheck to paycheck, it does not matter if the cost of luxury items has gone down.  Because we aren’t buying luxury things anyway because we aren’t able to afford it.  What is so goddamn complicated about this that a TINY, sliver amount of research that didn’t have a bias wouldn’t uncover?

The link between family finances and having kids is also weaker than you might think. On average, families with more income actually have fewer kids; those with less income have more kids. A recent paper by the economists Melissa S. Kearney, Phillip B. Levine, and Luke Pardue showed that states with bigger increases in child-care costs have not seen steeper declines in birth rates—and found, more broadly, that economic factors were not the major driver of falling birth rates. Instead, they concluded, albeit speculatively, that “shifting priorities across cohorts of young adults”—that is, generational differences in attitudes—are the primary explanation. Hypothetically, the logic goes, Millennials might want more children, but when they trade off kids versus income, professional success, and other goals, kids get slotted lower than in previous generations.

We want to survive and not be financially destitute.  Fun fact – one of the biggest sources of medical debt for women in America is child-birth.  Unless you have AMAZING insurance that doesn’t treat you like the boy Oliver asking “please sir, may I have some more?”, you can walk away from that with tens of thousands in medical debt.  But yeah, let’s pretend that this isn’t a problem, either.  You’ve so conveniently dodged actually looking at all this critically, because you are wearing your bias on your sleeve.  This article is pissing me off.  Don’t know how much more of this I can take.

Every generation faces financial challenges, including some that its parents’ generation did not. Within every generation, there is hardship, and Millennials are no different. But all in all, this is a generation on the cusp of middle age that looks successful, not lost. So why does the idea persist that Millennials have gotten screwed economically? Why is the narrative around Millennials still so negative and sometimes angry?

I know where this is going, and I’m going to end it here.  I can’t take anymore of this stupidity.  We think this way because are are desperate.  73.2% of us can barely make ends meet, but I guess you didn’t even pretend to look at that research, you disingenuous yellow journalist.  You chose to look at earnings as a whole and that was it.  You failed to account for college debt, just brushed that off by saying the Feds assured you that they did, so that’s fine.  You didn’t look into the cost of living now, because you didn’t care.  You didn’t look into medical debt, because you didn’t care.  You didn’t look into the housing situation as of RIGHT NOW, instead choosing to point out how great things were over ten years ago.  That’s the research you’ve done.

Her argument is that social media is the reason that we all feel so desperate, because it is all DOOM and GLOOM.  Nah, bitch, it’s because we live in a reality where things are getting worse and worse, while the planet is getting hotter and hotter and there is no hope because we have governments on corpo payroll.  But hey, you keep your fantasy world.  Go fuck yourself.

Until next time, a quote,

“Look, fuck you.  Fuck the plane you flew in on.  Fuck them shoes.  Fuck the socks with the bell on it.  Fuck your gay-ass fairy accents.  Fuck them cheap-ass cigars.  Fuck your yuck-mouth teeth.  Fuck your hairpiece.  Fuck your chocolate.  Fuck Prince William.  Fuck the Queen.” – Riley Freeman, The Boondocks

Peace out,


I’m Tired of Hearing About How Weak Millennials and Gen Z Are

Perhaps you have had an experience like this. You are on social media and you see some kind of post online where there is someone who has something happen to them and has a very emotional reaction. The comments are nothing but people lamenting the weakness of millennials and gen Z, saying that they are so much more pathetic than previous generations, usually followed up with something about how people in previous generations had to deal with World War II and Vietnam. Gotta tell you, I am more than a little over these posts. It’s getting pretty old.

The post that I saw which incited my current feelings of being over this line of reasoning is a young man who is getting an award and is quite jubilant, which causes him to dislocate his shoulder, which causes him to react in a very pained way. Hey, Internet tough guys, I don’t know if you’ve ever dislocated a shoulder before, but here’s the thing – it hurts! A lot! Putting it back in the socket hurts even more. Somebody reacting in a pained way is normal! Now is it a little amusing that some dude got so jubilant that he jumped and swung his arms around enough to dislocate his shoulder? I won’t deny, it does bring a smile to my face and a thought that the dude is an idiot, but then I remember that this could be a person who has never won anything in his life and this is a big moment for him. So, in his intense excitement, he got a little overly worked up. It happens.

Another thing that people point to is that video that really made the rounds after Trump was elected in 2016. The video of the dude falling to the ground screaming at the top of his lungs. Boy howdy, if that isn’t a sign of how pathetic the youth of today are, right? Screaming because their candidate lost. What losers would have this kind of reaction to something like that? I mean, it’s not like it was something REALLY important, like people losing their shit and kicking the shit out of each other in a stadium because of a sporting event.

The people who hold the viewpoint that the youth of today are weak are conservatives.  It’s always people with a conservative mindset.  To which I must ask – where exactly do they get off talking about the weakness of the people they disagree with, when this is what they did when their God Emperor lost the last election –

I mean, really?  You have a money-grubbing piece of shit named Kenneth Copeland having a freak out in front of his audience losing his goddamn mind.  You have people doing prayer chants in front of election centers.  You have a dude screaming about the Biden crime family.  And these are the people who are making sport of the youth today?  The irony just drips.

Not to mention, for those who make the point about those who fought in World War II and Vietnam, is the belief that these people just came back from that and were just fine?  I mean, seriously?  Oh yeah, because nobody had PTSD or shell-shock after the war.  That war didn’t leave entire generations scarred.  Nope, they were all just fine.  They pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and were just fine.  Yup, I sure do wish that we were all like that.  I especially wish that more people were thrown into horrible wars where countless people died.  That sure does sound great to me.  The term shell-shocked came from World War I, and the term PTSD came into the lexicon of the public after Vietnam.  It’s almost like (and stay with me here), war is really fucking bad and it does things to the human mind!  Holy fucking shit!  Who knew that war is bad?!

It is easy to go onto the Interwebs and find a video of some left-wing person doing something cringe and stupid and looking very pathetic.  I don’t deny that.  However, it is not even remotely more difficult to find the same for the right.  For me, I am just fine laughing at both.  The insane dogmatism that has taken over this country is cringe-y and terrible and stupid and everyone who engages in it should feel ashamed of themselves.  However, I am just done with this idea that X generations are so much tougher and Y generations are so much weaker.  It’s a flawed argument and it leads to people being even more inculcated into a mindset that is equal parts stupid and toxic. 

Not really much more to say on the subject, it’s just something that I see all the time and it drives me up the wall.

Until next time, a quote,

“The world is inane enough without people trying to commune with arcane forces.  So how about, instead of doing that, we relax with a little bit of Twitter?  I’m sure everyone on there is more calm and reserved and feeling okay…” – Chris Ray Gun

Peace out,
