The Patriarchy is a Lie, and so is the Matriarchy

Something that I hear a lot about from women who are in Women’s Studies classes is how there is some kind of huge patriarchy, and that men have this huge control factor over women.  On the other side, there are guys who are saying that they are so unbelievably oppressed by a system that women control.  It’s a lie.  It’s complete and utter bullshit.  What kills me is how people will get so hardcore about it.

In a recent video that I made on my YouTube channel, I basically summed up the posts I have written on here about modern feminism, and how I see it as a joke.  There was a response from this guy talking about how it is men who are oppressed.  I fervently disagree, because there is no real evidence to show that there is oppression on either side.

I have heard so many women argue that women are objectified by the media.  Really, all that biology never factors into your thinking?  The fact that men like to have sex with women just didn’t register?  Whenever I hear people like Feminist Frequency bitch about how ads are objectifying women, I just can’t help but want to bang my head into a table.  Case and point, the ad to your right.  This guy is being shown in his underwear, and it is for the express purpose of marketing to biology.  They know that women find this guy attractive.  They also know that men are basically stupid and ashamed, and will buy anything in order to believe that they are also going to this attractive.  And here’s the kicker, it is the same thing in reverse!

The people who make the ads where woman are in their underwear know that this is an easy market to tap into.  The people who market realize that there is a biological imperative.  Women want to feel sexy, and they want to have sex.  The ad marketers realize that men are stupid and will run like Pavlovian dogs to any woman who looks hot.  Women and men want to fuck, and they want something that will get them people they can fuck with.  These ads aren’t exploiting genders, they are exploiting biology.  If you want to blame anything, blame human reproductive organs.

But really, ladies, you just have no ground to stand on when it comes to making the argument that they are oppressed.  The legal system has you in its favor.  In divorce proceedings, the court automatically assumes that you all are the ones who need protecting.  Granted, that is changing now that women are becoming more bread-winners of a home, but still, it still is the common assumption that you ladies need protecting, and I really don’t hear any of you saying that you all don’t need to protection.  The system also assumes that you are the better parent, even though I have known a TON of dead-beat moms who don’t deserve to reproduce, nonetheless keep them.  And here’s a kicker, when you don’t get to keep the kid, you get to pay less in child support.  Again, there is a disparity of the genders that I see, and once-again, I don’t see you all talking about it.

The fact is that women in this country, here in America, are not oppressed.  Men get to hear this all the time, and we all are getting some genuine resentment because there are some clear disparities that we are not hearing from you, even though you feminists claim to be for gender equality.

So, I have ragged on women, now it’s time for me to say that you guys need to shut the fuck up.  Take a look at the comments in the link that I posted above.  This guy basically said that there needs to be a movement for men to address how women are oppressing us.  First off, this poor dumbass (and this goes for you feminists too) doesn’t seem to realize what oppression is.  Really, anybody who isn’t a woman in Iran, or a child-worker in Thailand has no idea what oppression really is.  There are a lot of people who have it really tough in America, like our most poor, but the fact is that true oppression is a lost concept on people.

Guys who want to embrace masculinism are just bigots, in my opinion.  I am for equality, for both genders.  What I have seen from either side isn’t a search for equality.  It is just having a cheap excuse for being able to hate.  For real, there is some real confirmation bias on both sides.  It is the reason that I hate Women’s Studies courses.  A lot of girls and guys go into these courses thinking that they are going to get a real appreciation for women and their dilemmas, but instead, they hear about how the men are keeping them in bondage, which is so insulting to women who are in genuine bondage, like those in Iran.

I will admit that women really seem to have a leg up on men, but the idea that either gender is being so oppressed is just ridiculous.  Since the modern feminism movement can’t find any really legitimate issues of gender disparity in their favor, the pattern seems to be to just find petty bullshit like attacking movies or clothing ads, talking about how women are treated like objects.  And men who stand against this are usually talking about how women seem to always get really dramatic about it, like women have some kind of diabolical scheme against them.

Here is the truth – there are gender disparities.  And instead of being rational, both sides have a confirmation bias.  If any social progress is going to be made, both feminism and masculinism need to go!  Instead, lets have a new group arise – equal rights advocates.  If we could have that, then all of these gender equality battles are something that I would take seriously.  But until that day, I consider both sides a joke, and the patriarchy and matriarchy are bullshit.  Can we agree on that?  Well, if you don’t, you’re an idiot.

Until next time, a quote,

“Is there anything that people won’t get offended by now?  Just curious.  I mean, is there anything you can do or say or create that isn’t going to piss someone off?”  -TJ Kincaid, Everyone’s A Cry Baby 

Peace out,
