Happy National Cleavage Day!

In another upset of common decency by Puritan Feminists, Lionhead Studios has decided to pull a Tweet with a  marketing poster for their new game.  What poster, you ask?  Let me show you…

The Foaming JugsWell, this is pretty funny.  It is a promotion for their newest incarnation of the Fable series.  A series of games that hasn’t been very good since the first one.  I know, it’s been said by everyone.  It seems that the SJWs think that is just too awful, and demanded that Lionhead pull it.  Because ads like this NEVER existed back in ye olde times, right?  No, that’s just an invention of horny men wanting to demean women!  Even though there are plenty of women who might find this attractive too, but who cares what they think.  They’re just a demographic that SJWs use as a shield whenever they are caught being full of shit.

As a response, the Internet has decided to make the most of a holiday – National Cleavage Day.  A day where men and women alike can celebrate female sexuality and femininity.  Something that second-wave feminists fought hard for with the sexual liberation movement.  But again, don’t tell the SJWs that.  History and context and women’s history gets in the way of their narrative.  And since I am all for celebrating fun national holidays, I thought that I would promote all the women who I think are awesome, who are not afraid to show some cleavage.  They own their sexuality, and any man who thinks otherwise better watch out.  Enjoy.

Tina 2There’s some nice cleavage!  And this lady will kick your ass!  A tough woman who is hot and owns that?  Don’t tell the SJWs.  They’ll get jealous.

IvyCareful with this cleavage.  That sword would take your guts out.

LuluDon’t let that cleavage fool you – messing with her is bad for your health.  Unless being set on fire is something you aspire to.

Harley Quinn 7Man, lookin’ good, Harley!  You couldn’t be cooler if you tried.

NerdlesqueWow, that’s cool.  Women who are proud of their femininity and are part of a burlesque show for nerds.  That’s pretty neat.  Time was, women would have seen that as empowering.

Harley Quinn 6What a trippy cosplay!  My hat’s off to both the designer of the outfit, and the lady wearing it.  That’s pretty fucking cool.

Well, I think that will do, for now.  If you have any awesome cleavage that you wish to honor on this historic day, let me see down in the comments section. Let’s show the women who are absolutely terrified of sex that being a woman who is sexual is not a bad thing.  To say that it is is more offensive, in my opinion.  And for anyone who is about to call foul because I’m a guy, I’m bi.  #NotYourShield

Until next time, a quote,

“I thought you believed in gun control?” -Max Caufield
“I do.  I believe that I should control the gun.”  -Chloe Price, Life is Strange

Peace out,
