Count Dankula, the UK, Free Speech, and the Regressive Left’s Embrace of Fascistic Ideals

That title is a mouthful, but there’s a lot I want to talk about in this post.  Recently, a YouTuber named Count Dankula made a video where he taught his pug to raise his paw like a Nazi salute when he says “Seig Heil.”  It’s the most basic low-brow comedy.  He taught a cute doggy how to do something offensive.  It’s basic bitch comedy.  But the UK disagreed.  They found it offensive, and now this man is being convicted of a crime for being offensive.  An actual crime that faces actual jail time.  That’s what this man is facing right now.  A baffling state of affairs that truly does shock me to my core.

Let me put this into perspective for you – a First World country has actually made hurting people’s feelings offensive.  And it’s not the first.  Belgium is the first.  This is the second.  Now Spain is also getting in on the fun.  More and more First World countries are making it illegal to say things that hurt people’s feelings.  The fact that this doesn’t terrify people is utterly gut-wrenching.  Why?  Because people don’t seem to really understand what is going to happen with this.  Where all of this is going.  It will sound like I am making a slippery slope fallacy with where this is going, but there is real historical evidence for my contentions.

I don’t agree with virtually any of Milo Yiannopoulos’ politics, save one.  It baffles me that free speech is a right-wing issue now instead of a left-wing one.  That wasn’t always the case.  Hell, back in the age of McCarthy, it was a left-wing issue as the right crushed people’s freedom of expression.  But then the tables turned and it became the right who championed it, because all the “progressive” fuckers had to come out of the woodwork and decide that if what you say makes people sad, then you lose the right to say it.

Another thing that Milo has said that I genuinely agree with is this –

Freedom of speech is something that has to be fought for in every generation, so people can appreciate what it means.

It really does, because people truly don’t appreciate it now.  Because now you have people saying things like –

Just because you have freedom of speech doesn’t mean you have the freedom to offend people!

People who think this way need to fall into a volcano and rid the world of their stupidity.  Why?  Because the people who believe that my right to speech ends at your feelings are not understanding how this sort of thinking is most-certainly going to be used by the very worst sorts of people.

It’s funny that you have people on the far-left saying that Nazis are so bad, when they seem very comfortable with embracing the ideals of fascism.  Do these people just not realize that once we make speech a right that can be taken away, and start legislating which speech can be illegal and which is not, that someone in power is eventually going to use that to crush dissent?  We’ve seen it before.  There are countless historical stories of figures using legislation against speech to destroy all opposition.

A lot of people can make the argument that the SJWs already do this.  I think there is something to this argument.  We’ve seen how those in power within the movement exploit their authority for their own gains, and anyone who speaks out against them, they sic their little mobs of sycophants on them.  These people have no sense of decency.  They will exploit whatever power they can get their grubby mits on in order to gain more power and take power away from people they don’t like.  They do it on YouTube, they do it in the media, and now they are doing it from positions of authority.

The far-left likes to fancy themselves the proletariat fighting against the bourgeois, but they’re not.  They’re the useful idiots of the bourgeois, fighting in favor of the very fascism that they claim to be so against.  And make no mistake, the powerful are going to utilize them to their own benefit.  Now that it is acceptable to criminalize speech, where does it end?  It ends where a dictator in power says it does.  With more and more First World countries adopting the SJW logic as a cultural mindset, it’s a fact that dictators will rise.  And once they have enough power, they will come for everyone who they are against.  Who will speak up?  Nobody.  Because the public is already brainwashed by these idiots.

In closing, the UK has done a decidedly horrible thing, and by the time they realize just how bad this is, it will be too late, and the ACTUAL fascists will be in power, and all dissent will be met with fervent applause.  Chris Ray Gun did a fantastic music number about this, so that’s what I’m going to close this out with.

Until next time, a quote,

“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” – George Santayana

Peace out,


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