I Hate Cops II

I caught a lot of crap because of of my last post about why I have a very big problem with the police.  There will always be those who defend all the evil things that the cops do.  There are people who, with the examples that I am giving now, who will say that this is just “a few bad apples.”  There was a person in the comments section of my last posting who said I am probably a drug dealer and a rapist because I bash the police.  The fact that that person is an idiot who didn’t read what I wrote is one thing, but this is just tragic.

Here’s a fact about the police – we are giving people with absolutely no power a position of employment where they can exercise their newfound power over other people who have no power.  This is a position that requires VERY little qualifications.  You don’t have to have a huge series of qualifications to be a cop.  Just be a trained gorilla, go through police boot, get a series of lectures about how you are supposed to enforce the law, then you’re given a gun and told to exercise your authority over other people.  How do people not see this as something that is going to go wrong?!

And the worst part about these police having so much power is that they have almost NO fucking accountability to the people they serve!  When a cop does something really horrible, like beating a 14 year old girl, or doing what one cop in California did, and just macing the girl while she is hand-cuffed, laying on top of your car, the rest of the police come out and talk about why they are the victims.  I’ve heard it all!  There is the “we protect you” speeches that they give.  There is the “we put our lives on the line” speeches.  There are all the speeches that they give to try and convince people that they are the victims, and that they are the ones who need sympathy.

However, all of these speeches are for naught in the face of what has happened at Occupy Wall Street, and at several other of the Occupations that are going on around the country.  The police have proven exactly why I have a problem with them.  I have a problem with these people because, as many decent and good cops as there are, they are the protectors of the corrupt system.  They will drop their mandate to protect and serve the moment they are intructed by the system to fight against the people.

Oakland was a perfect example.  They just ran right in and started tear gassing and shooting people with rubber bullets and bean bags.  They opened fire on teenagers, people there with their kids, you name it.  These bastards believe themselves to be above the law, and you know what, they are!  These people don’t feel bad for what they did.  They don’t feel bad for trampling on the people’s right to peaceably assemble.  There was a brilliant parallel that was done on The Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC where Glenn Greenwald talked about how the police have been used against the common man before.  They were used against a peaceful protest that veterans were doing after World War I, when they didn’t get the benefits they had been promised.

And anytime you talk about how the police are against us, the apologists come out of the woodwork and say that they are protecting us.  Here’s a question – from what?!  Who are we in danger from?!  Criminals?  Yeah, I fear an organized effort to subvert my rights (the police) much more than a crack-head in an alleyway.  I fear the cops more because they are an organized effort and will openly do whatever they want with little to no fear of the hammer of their law.  Look at Anthony Bologna.  He maced a bunch of women and all he got was some vacation days lost.  Well, glad to know justice is on our side!

What makes this all so much more tragic is that these cops seem to have this belief that they are the victims.  We common citizens are the people who are brutalizing them.  In New York City, a group called the New York Sergeants Benevolent Association has threatened to sue the protestors if they ever get violent with the police.  The police can get violent with them and fear no repurcussions, but if the common man ever decides they don’t want to be a doormat anymore, the cops are allowed to bring the hammer down on you.  Don’t believe me, check out this quote –

In light of the growiving violence attendent to the ‘Occupy’ movement across the country, as particularly evidenced by the recent events in Oakland, I am compelled to place these so-called ‘occupiers’ on notice that physical assaults on police officers will not be tolerated.”

That was a quote by Ed Mullen, of the Sergeant’s Benevolent Association.  Riddle me something, you “upstanding” asshole, when have the protestors ever been violent?!  Take a nice long look at Oakland, you pretentious son of a bitch and you’ll see that it was the cops who got violent.  They went in with riot gear and started to attack the people.  They even cracked the skull of a vet who was there protesting.  As much as I hate the wars we are involved in right now, a soldier who was fighting comes home to see that what he was fighting for was for the people to be attacked by a private army of thugs that are part of our bought and owned government.

This is pathetic, and the people who endorse this kind of behavior even moreso.  The cops are brutalizing people all over the country, but do the corporations care?  No.  Does the government care?  No.  Does the President of the United States care?  Yeah, but only enough to tell people not to do what they are doing.  This is why I hate the cops.  More than any other group, these are the people that I have a problem with, because they are ignoring their mandate to protect and serve, instead allowing those with money to tell them what to do.  And it pisses me off when I have to sit here and listen to some asshole tell me how the cops are not guilty, or how it is “a few bad apples.”  It’s the system, dumbass!

Take a nice long look, you might just learn something.

Until next time, a quote,

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”  -John F. Kennedy

Peace out,


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