Teenagers Don’t Know What Vowels Are?! Are You F*cking Kidding ME?!?!

I came upon a neat little graphic.  There is a hashtag that is going around Twitter.  It goes like this – #TweetYourNameWithNoVowels.  I kind of dig that, because here is my given name with no vowels – L.  Oh yeah, I love that.  But when that hashtag went out in the online sphere, there were many people who took issue with it.  But not for reasons that even approach good.  I will let this graphic speak for itself.

Did you get that?  There are at least six people here, and I know that they aren’t all youth, but I guarantee you that for every one of them, there are thousands more just like them, who have no idea what a vowel is.  1st grade knowledge, and they don’t get it.  Good god this country is fucking stupid!

This physically paining me, it is that dumb.  This literally doesn’t get any stupider.  Watching some idiot redneck try to jump his car over a dirt pile and having the undercarriage bust out isn’t as dumb.  Watching some dumbass redneck try to light the British flag on fire in protest of the Olympics (this was a real video), and then having the fire chase him and his gas-can around isn’t that dumb.  Watching a person who tries to be like Altair from Assassin’s Creed and ends up busting their nuts on a pole isn’t that dumb.

These are youth, in this country, who are too fucking stupid to know what a vowel is.  How we are all not horribly ashamed at this to the point of wanting to commit seppuku is simply beyond me.  And these are the people who we want picking leaders for this nation’s future?  These are the people who we want to be in control of our society?  These are the people that Eliot Spitzer wants to bribe to get to the polls?!  Hey, I have a thought – how about NO!  How about we keep these dumb shits as far from our government and our society as humanly possible.

Ron White had a point – you can fix any part of a person’s anatomy, but you can’t fix stupid.  And that is what America is becoming, more and more – stupid.  We have stupid people who aren’t smart enough to realize how the system is fucking them, and don’t even care as they are being robbed blind by the sharks who run this country.  Stupid is our entire culture.  In the war between smart and stupid, you can bet your ass that stupid is winning.  Stupid is winning by leaps and bounds!

Ain’t life in America grand?

Until next time, a quote,

“Yeah, boys and girls, this culture is very fond of telling you that the sickness is the cure.”  -TJ Kincaid, grunglebunt 

Peace out,


5 thoughts on “Teenagers Don’t Know What Vowels Are?! Are You F*cking Kidding ME?!?!

  1. i just thought you’d be interested to know i got these tweets from a United Kingdom trend, indicating that these people are most likely British. just thought that would make you perhaps halt your tirade on the ‘dumb’ nature of your country’s youth and maybe not assume that everyone on the internet is American..

    • And just because they’re British, they aren’t stupid? I don’t assume that everyone on the Internet is American. That said, I do think that ALL people are stupid. So the tirade stands. It just gets a bit broader, is all, in scope.

      • I find it kind of ironic that you get butthurt about this being the British that posted this and not the Americans. For something this insultingly dumb, I would have thought that passing this off as American would have been better. But if you want your countryboys and girls to be seen as idiots, by all means.

  2. Do you personally know these people, or tracked down their locations? If not, then how can you know they are British? You say this is a British trend, but if you compare the statistics between the English and the Americans, Americans have a higher obesity rate, have lower critical thinking skills, and I have people in my English class whom can not even speak a coherent sentence, and we are seniors in a very good school for our area. Even if this was from Brittan, America is probably far more lost.

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