The Presidential Debate: It’s Joever

I don’t think I’ve witnessed a slaughter this bad on-stage as I did the other night.  The tragic irony is that ANY other candidate and this wouldn’t have happened.  Donald Trump did all the lies and stupid shit that he always does at all of his rallies.  The man is categorically full of shit.  Any other candidate, and this would be gold for being able to destroy him with.  If it was Cornell West on that stage (who I am voting for in the general), it would be over.  If it was Jill Stein on that stage, he would have been demolished.  If it was Gavin Newsom, Trump would have been annihilated.  But it wasn’t any of those people.

Now, instead it was Joe Biden.  Trump might as well have been arguing with a bowl of tapioca pudding.  Hell, the pudding would have been more engaging to see on stage that Biden was.  Last night was a thoroughly religious slaughter.  It was geezer vs geezer, and the geezer with a vagina on his neck and fake orange skin managed to be victorious because Biden was so listless and couldn’t keep his thoughts together and said stupid crap that made no sense and then would misspeak over and over and over again.  The Biden campaign has already released a statement saying he isn’t dropping out, and that just baffles me.  It’s like they want to lose on purpose, for reasons unknown.

The debate last night was painful to listen to.  Trump was basically given carte blanche to say whatever brain-dead crap that he always says, and whereas any of the other candidates running would have called him out on his stupidity, there was Joe Biden.  I like how Jon Stewart put it – resting 25th Amendment face.  That’s what he had!  He didn’t look like he knew where he was!  Like he wasn’t there.  Didn’t help that the mods didn’t once call out Trump’s stupid crap.  They might as well have been just as impotent.  Painful.

After last night, I have no idea how Biden is going to keep going after this.  What the man will possibly do.  ANY other politician and this would be it.  But no.  The DNC has saddled us with this brain-dead moron, and they refuse to go with anyone else, because Biden is the perfect candidate for them.  He has no working brain cells on most days, so they can use him as a puppet for their corporate interests.  He won’t rock the boat.  He won’t do anything that would upset the corporate order that rules this country.  Instead, he will do EXACTLY what they tell him to do, and not raise a fuss.  His mind only works every other Tuesday, or when he had a teleprompter.

It has been amazing to see that so many of the Biden ball-washing networks like MSNBC straight-up admit that there is no possible way that they can spin this defeat.  There is no way that they can pretend that this was anything other than what it is.  Seeing pretentious douchebag Vaush talking about how people need to flee America is just pathetic.  Disloyal schmuck.  Hell, even Biden simps like David Pakman couldn’t make this look any better than what it is.  It was slaughter.

The Biden campaign has come out and said they are not dropping out.  This tells me that Trump essentially has a clear path to the endzone of the White House.  Whatever lead that Biden had over him is going to disintegrate.  He was humiliated on live television.  The phrase making the rounds on Twitter is that it is Joever, and I couldn’t agree more.  After this level of defeat, I cannot see how they could POSSIBLY turn it around.  Hell, the Biden campaign was already tenuous.  His ENTIRE platform for this election has been – Trump Bad!  That’s it.  Go to his campaign site and there are no promises, no electoral issues, no nothing.  It all hangs on people hating Trump more than thinking Biden is incompetent.  Well, that is out the door!  Because now we all are fully aware of how brain-dead Biden is.

What really gets to me is that after this is all done and Biden loses, they are going to blame progressives like me.  That’s how it always goes.  WE didn’t get out and vote for them.  WE didn’t do our part to elect the genocide-approving geriatric.  You wanna know what’s really funny – there is this picture making the rounds of Biden at some rally after the debate where he looks all fiery and passionate.  So what, you gave him the cocaine for the rally, but not for the fucking debate that is on national television in front of everyone?!  Well done, Biden’s handlers!  You sure do know how to make this work!

This was failure.  Abject failure.  Biden’s chances of being elected are sunk.  There is another debate coming in the future, apparently, and if the guy who was in this debate, with his resting 25th Amendment face, is in the next one…they might as well just have him resign from the presidency and give it up to Kopmala.  At least she would have some SLIVER of a chance to win against Trump.  A bowl of pudding could have beaten that orange more on debate the other night, but not Biden.  A puppy could have made a more coherent argument for their positions last night, but not Biden.  A honey badger could have argued with Trump and won handily, but not Biden.

And this is what the DNC are banking what they pretend to believe is the future of democracy on!  This man who can’t even argue anything proficiently.  Supposedly, Biden spent a week at Camp David to prepare for this debate.  What was that week doing?  Letting him have a nap?!  That’s what they should be doing.  It’s clear that Biden is too old and his brain is falling out onstage.  He needs to be taken back to his home, put in an easy chair, have a blanket draped on his lap, and let him watch The Andi Griffith Show.  Because that’s what I saw on stage the other night.  Richard Nixon, in the last televised interview where he sounds ancient, was more articulate.  Biden is too old and too brain-dead for another term.

“But Lucien, so is Trump!”  Never argued that he isn’t.  I’m not voting for that asshole, either.  I don’t support a leader who has no problem with genocide.  Not voting for brain-dead Genocide Joe, not voting for Orange Man.  I’m voting for Cornell West.  At least HE has morals and doesn’t bend the knee to AIPAC.  The debate the other night as a joke, and the punch line is that America is fucked.

Until next time, a quote,

“Some things never change.  Gonks tick the ballot and think they’re actually making a choice.  Only ever been one choice in this city – corruption.  Same shit, different assholes.  And every time, we think “this time’ll be different.”  Well, we get what we fucking deserve.” – Johnny Silverhand, Cyberpunk 2077

Peace out,


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