The Immaturity of Gamers, Part III

This is getting old.  It really, really is.  It’s getting to the point that I’m starting to feel ashamed for this hobby, because the people who are involved with it, these terminally-online men, are making it look TERRIBLE.  It has come such a long way from the days when people thought that gaming was just a distraction and would never compete with heavy-hitters like film.  Now, gaming is kicking Hollywood’s ass!  It should be seen as an art form, on the same level as film, but it isn’t.  And part of the reason why it isn’t is shit like the images that I’m going to show you, grabbed from Twitter’s sad corpse that is basically a mecca of morons who can’t keep their perv side in check.

Exhibit A –

The “woke chin”?  REALLY?!  Has this man or any of his dim-witted followers EVER seen an actual woman before?  For real, have they seen a single woman in real life outside of porn, anime, or vidya?  There is no greater indictment of the inability of men to connect with women in a non-sexual way than to say that Joanna Dark’s chin is too “woke”.  This is insane.  I’m sorry that none of these men have ever seen a real woman before.  It must be very difficult.

Never before have I understood the utility of the phrase “touch grass,” but holy fuck!  Get outside and talk to people!  Meet actual human beings and realize that the world is not porn!  Volunteer with a non-profit or help with some community event.  There are ways to get to know actual women that don’t involve being on your computer.  Not that any of the guys who feel this way would do that.  I guarantee that real women wouldn’t live up to the fantasy of a woman that they have in their head.  They would prefer their fantasy woman because that woman won’t have any expectations of them and they don’t have to change in any way to make the relationship work.

People who think this way have a VERY specific idea for what a woman should be like.  Anything that deviates from it is incorrect.  Especially in their video games.  I can already hear the refrain from these sad incels – “video games are about fantasy!  Why shouldn’t we want women that look like supermodels!?”  You can want whatever you want, I guess.  But gaming companies are under ZERO obligation to cater to you.  In case you might have noticed, you all aren’t young people anymore.  There is a new generation that is coming in, and they have different sensibilities then you.  I’m sorry that you all aren’t aware enough to understand that.  It must be very difficult for you.

Which brings us to Exhibit B –

Wooooow.  Can men just control their horniness for five goddamn seconds?!  Is that REALLY asking too much?  First off, flat?!  You see those C cup boobies, sad horny man?!  I do.  I see them clear as day.  And of course, the “man jaw.”  I expect this shit from Grummz.  He is one of the saddest gaming incels I’ve ever seen.  This guy has been parading around his outdated horny attitude for years.  I remember a time when I used to agree with some of his takes, but then I realized that he is just another sad conservative who bitches about video games not being exactly what he wants.

I swear, I’m just so DONE with these people.  You want Lara Croft to have G cup boobs?  You want her to have the Stellar Blade chick’s ass with the associated jiggle physics?  Well, there are DOZENS of places online where you can get porn of exactly that.  If you can’t handle a woman who isn’t spank bank material in a game, then maybe this isn’t the game for you.  Hell, maybe gaming isn’t for you!  Maybe you and your two-pump chump dick (looking at you, Grummz) should find another hobby.  Watching porn seems right up your alley.  God knows, you complain when every woman in every game isn’t enough of a porn star for you.

To say nothing of the fact that they could just as easily make the kind of game they want to play.  That’s right, they could make a game where all the female characters are sex objects whose personality directly correlates with their cup size.  With all the tools available to them, they could make whatever kind of game they want to make.  Make their sex toy version of Lara Croft who is just a pair of breasts that talk.  That’s so OBVIOUSLY what they want.  Make her look like the chick from Stellar Blade and even have a secret nude mod, or just give out the modding tools right from the jump so all the guys on PC can make her nude.  That’s all that you people care about, so go for it.

I remember giving out this advice when it was the social justice types who were bitching about women in games, and now I’m giving it to their antithesis now – if you want games with a certain kind of character, then put your money where your mouth is and make it.  There is NOTHING stopping you from learning and putting that to use.  The Indie market is hotter than it has ever been now.  So go for it.

In the meantime, would you PLEASE shut the fuck up about how “woke” or “man jaw” a female character is?!  Is that asking too goddamn much?

Until next time, a quote,

“I says to him ‘next time you have a thought, just let it go.'” – Ron White

Peace out,


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