Driving on a Freeway: The Learning Curve

I have just completed a move from a very northern and isolated state to a VERY metropolitan one. Part of this move was acquiring a new vehicle as the one I left behind had absolutely had it. Because I am now living in a very metropolitan area, part of that meant adapting to driving on freeways. This state has a network of freeways that one can navigate with Google Maps (seriously, you have no conceptual idea how happy I am that Google Maps exists because of all these freeways) that can have you getting through areas that would otherwise have exhaustive traffic exponentially quicker. It’s made my life so much better.

That being said, there was something of a learning curve to it that I cannot say I am 100% adept at, and it has been interesting. I had a girly-mate back at the dorms of my alma mater who I used to grab fries at McDonald’s with at 2 in the morning, and she used to give me shit that I don’t understand what real traffic is because I lived in such a northern state that was so disconnected from the amount of people that live in the continental United States. Well, seven years later, I can now say that she is wrong. I have lived in a place where I do have to deal with traffic, and it is…a new experience, to be sure. However, I have found myself adapting to it faster than I believed I would have. Part of me thought I would be completely out of my element for months until it eventually clicked. Nope. I’ve gotten the hang of it.

This move has been a unique experience, and while it does have its stress points, like still being on the job hunt. I’m trying to get into the medical field. The first thing that was holding me back was not being in the area where I was applying. Now the big thing that appears to be holding me back is not having any direct experience in medical offices. Who cares that I have experience managing over 2,000 cases for child support and doing benefit application review and household budgeting for public assistance benefits for hundreds of people. I guess, because I don’t have experience doing this for over 5 years in a medical office, that just invalidates it. No joke, that is frustrating as hell.

I’m still sleeping on the floor with my partner because our stuff from the moving company hasn’t arrived yet. Groj only knows when that will get here. The delay getting over 1,500 miles is a long one indeed, much to my disdain. Already making plans for what I’m going to make with my kitchen stuff when it arrives. My first fried rice made in my new kitchen. It is actually a hell of a lot nicer than I originally believed. My apologies to Uncle Roger, but I LOVE induction stoves. These things are so rad. They make things 1,000x easier. But yeah, me and mine’s first fried rice down here, our first calzones with my awesome mixer to make fresh dough. Oh yeah, it’s gonna be awesome.

My partner has faith that everything is going to work out. I wish that I could say that I did to, but I keep at it. I’ve been applying at over 5 different facilities/hospitals, and am looking at smaller medical offices. I’ll get it sorted out. My resume is gorgeous, and so I know that I will find somebody who will give me a shot and they will not be disappointed. Hopefully it is somewhere closer, or a job I can work from home! That would be fantastic. Get a little table and a proper office chair and then I’d be set to go.

We are hoping to get a kitty, once our working and financial situation levels out, which does sound really nice. It will be a shelter kitty. Give a shelter kitty a forever home. Only get your pets from shelters, people. They need love and to know that they won’t be abandoned by everyone. You can make that difference. So many black cats in shelters. Why are people so damn superstitious?! Like, seriously, why? Black cats signify nothing other than a cat who is darker than other cats. That’s it. Stop being so damn superstitious, people. Although, I do find myself drawn to cats with odd fur patterns. Dappled colors and patterns that make them look distinct. Still, it all comes down to whichever one calls out to us at the shelter and we can tell that this is one for us.

Anyway, I think that’s the end of my little ramble. Hopefully you all enjoyed.

Until next time, a quote,

“When you’re not on edge, you’re taking up too much space.” – Cheshire Cat, Alice: Madness Returns

Peace out,


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