Learning Life’s Lessons the Hard Way

I’ve had a VERY trying week.  It started with me waking up on Thursday with a REALLY bad fever.  I felt terrible too.  There was also this inflammation on part of my body.  Won’t go into details on that.  I knew that there had to be a connection.  They both appeared at the exact same time.  However, I thought that this was just another fever, and it would work itself out.  My rational mind knew something was very wrong, but I didn’t listen to it.  That was a mistake!  The following day, I felt just as bad.  The fever would break, but then come back.  That wasn’t normal.  And the inflammation issues kept getting worse.  There was also a discharge coming from it.

Once-again, my rational mind told me that I needed to do something about this.  That I needed to take actions to stop whatever was going on.  But what did I do?  Not a thing.  I bundled up, got liquids, and hoped for the best.  An insanely idiotic thing to do.  Then Saturday came around.  By this point, my brain was screaming at me that something had to be done.  The discharge smelled, and I looked terrible.  So I went to the ER.  It was a decision that absolutely saved my life.  If I hadn’t have gone when I did, I probably would have died.

Turns out, the problem was cellulitis, and it was in my body.  There was an infection it had caused, and it was brutalizing me.  When I got in there, they were giving me course after course of antibiotics.  It saved my life.  It absolutely saved my life.  I was so close to the end.  So close to being past the point where I could be saved.  From there, after the fever was brought under control, then it was about healing the cellulitis.  The discharge kept coming and coming.  And it seems my ER doctor didn’t take pictures initially, so when I ended up being sent upstairs to regular care, they had no point of reference.  I was as annoyed by that as my new doctor.  Seems the ER drops the ball like this a lot.  But they got pictures themselves, and started looking after me.

My new doctor knew her stuff.  She knew how to look after this.  Some new treatments, and she was confident the infection had been brought under control.  Now, there was one last remaining issue – healing the wound of the cellulitis.  I was damaged, and now there was healing that needed to be done.  More antibiotics, to make absolutely sure that it was purged, and didn’t get re-infected, but letting the discharge drain so that the wound could dry and then scab, which would allow it to begin healing.

It was annoying, with the thing keeping me in the hospital being the endless discharging.  Doc had an idea – using heat packs to speed up the process.  It worked!  Come today, she came to see me and said that the progress is astounding.  The discharge has slowed to a crawl, and now it was looking like things were starting to heal.  She cleared me to go home, with some treatment plans for when I get here.  The battle isn’t over, but I get to finish it at home.

I’m so grateful to be home, but this whole thing was such an eye-opening experience to me, and I thought that I would pass along the lesson that I got from all of this with you.  If your brain is telling you that there is something wrong, really wrong, do NOT think to yourself – it’s not so bad.  I’ll just wait it out.  Do something about it!  Get medical attention, immediately.  Had I gone to the ER sooner, or an urgent care clinic, we might have been able to get ahead of this.  This was stupid hubris telling me that I had time to deal with this.  I didn’t.  And it very easily could have cost me my life.  As it stands, the battle for recovery isn’t over.  I still have a ways to go.  But I’m ready for that.  I am going to follow the directions to the letter and take it easy.  Rest and recover.

Don’t think that you can just overcome something, or that it will clear up on its own.  If your gut is telling you that this is serious, believe it!  That part of you exists to protect you.  Your body is sending you messages.  Listen to your body!  When your body is trying to talk to you, do what your body says.  The body will go to incredible lengths to protect itself.  You would be shocked how far the human body will go in order to save itself.  It’s an incredible machine.  The only one you will ever have.  there is no evidence of an afterlife or reincarnation.  This is the one life you’re ever going to get.  Sometimes we have to learn life’s lessons the hard way, but it’s better not to have to, if you can have a little foresight.  Something to keep in mind.

The whole thing isn’t done yet, and there’s always the fear or regression, especially with something like cellulitis, but I’m on the path.  Now, I’m passing on the lessons I learned to all of you, with the hope that you will learn from my mistakes.  We get one life, people.  Don’t waste yours.  For the sake of the people you love.  Getting home to my fiancee and our kitty, all worth it.  Though the kitty didn’t recognize me.  I guess my scent is all kinds of different now.  She will remember, in time.

Be smart, be careful, and have a good week.

Until next time, a quote,

“I’m not responsible for other people’s dumb decisions.” – Steph Gingrich, Life is Strange: Before the Storm

Peace out,


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